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Cognitive development of the GEF in the Dow. Development of cognitive activity

A small child is essentially a tireless researcher. He wants to know everything, everything is interesting to him and it is necessary to put his nose everywhere. And on how many different and interesting the kid saw, it depends on what knowledge he will have.

After all, you will agree that if a small child does not see anything and does not know anything except the apartment, his thinking is very narrow.

The cognitive development of the GEF in the DOS involves the involvement of the baby in independent activity, the development of his imagination and curiosity.

What Cognitive Activity Provides

In children's institutions, everything is designed so that a small researcher can satisfy his curiosity. To effectively develop the cognitive sphere of the baby, the best option is to organize and conduct activities aimed at cognition.

Activities, whatever it may be, are an important component for the child's harmonious development. After all, in the process the kid learns the space surrounding it, acquires experience of interaction with various objects. The child acquires certain knowledge and masters specific skills.

As a result, mental and volitional processes are activated, mental abilities develop and emotional personality traits are formed.

In the DOW, the entire program for the upbringing, development and education of children is based on the GEF. Therefore, caregivers must clearly adhere to the developed criteria.

What is GEF?

The Federal State Educational Standard (GEF) presents a set of tasks and requirements to the quality of education and upbringing of preschool children, namely:

  • To the volume of the educational program and its structure;
  • To the relevant conditions, where the main points of the program are realized;
  • To the results obtained, which the educators who trained preschool children could achieve.

Pre-school education is the primary step in universal secondary education. Therefore, there are so many requirements for it and uniform standards are being introduced, which all DOWs adhere to.

GEF is the mainstay for developing plans and writing abstracts of activities aimed at the cognitive development of preschool children.

The difference between the activity of children from schoolchildren is in the absence of attestation. Children are not tested and tested. But the standard allows you to assess the levels and abilities of each child and the effectiveness of the teacher.

Goals and objectives of cognitive activity

The cognitive development of the GEF in the DOW pursues the following tasks:

  • Encouraging curiosity, developing and revealing the interests of the child.
  • Formation of actions aimed at knowledge of the surrounding world, the development of conscious activity.
  • Development of creative instincts and imagination.
  • Formation of knowledge about himself, other children and people, the environment and the properties of various subjects.
  • Children get acquainted with such concepts as color, shape, size, quantity. Kids begin to realize time and space, causes and effect.
  • Children get knowledge about their homeland, they are imbued with common cultural values. Presentations about national holidays, customs, traditions are given.
  • Preschoolers get an idea of the planet as a universal home for people, about how diverse the inhabitants of the Earth are and what they have in common.
  • Children learn about all the diversity of flora and fauna and work with local specimens.

Forms of work on the development of cognitive activity

The main condition for working with preschoolers is to focus on their opportunities and develop activities aimed at studying the world and the surrounding space.

The teacher should build the classes in such a way that the kid was interested in the study, was independent in his knowledge and showed initiative.

The main forms aimed at cognitive development of the GEF in the Dow are:

  • Personal involvement of children in research and various activities;
  • The use of various didactic tasks and games;
  • The use of techniques in teaching that help in the development of children's features such as imagination, curiosity and development of speech, the replenishment of vocabulary, the formation of thinking and memory.

Cognitive development of preschool children is inconceivable without activity. To keep the kids from being passive, original games are used to support their activity.

Cognition through the game

Kids do not think their life without playing. A normally developing child constantly manipulates objects. This builds the work of educators in cognitive activities.

In the morning the children come to the group. The first step is charging. Used exercises such as: "collect mushrooms," "smell the flowers," "ray-rays."

After breakfast, the kids work with the nature calendar and in the living corner. During the ecological games, activity and curiosity develop.

During the walk, the educator can use many outdoor games, and the nature and its changes are observed. Games based on natural objects help to better assimilate knowledge.

Reading fiction extends, systematizes knowledge, enriches vocabulary.

In the kindergarten, whether it is a group or a site, everything is created so that the development of cognitive activity goes naturally and at ease.

Doubt is the main argument

How do parents want to see their child? At different times this question had different answers. If in Soviet times, moms and dads sought to educate an obedient in all respects the "performer" capable of working hard at the factory in the future, now many people want to cultivate a person with an active attitude, a creative personality.

The child, so that he in the future was self-sufficient, had his own opinion, should learn to doubt. And doubts eventually lead to one's own conclusion.

The task of the educator is not to question the competence of the teacher and his teaching. The main thing is to teach the child to doubt the knowledge proper, in their ways of obtaining.

After all, the kid can just say something and teach, or you can show how this happens. The child will be able to ask about something, express his opinion. So the knowledge will be much stronger.

After all, you can just say that the tree does not sink, and the stone immediately goes to the bottom - and the child, of course, will believe. But if the kid has an experience, he will be able to personally verify this and, most likely, try other materials for buoyancy and draw his own conclusions. So the first argument appears.

The development of cognitive activity is impossible without a doubt. In a modern GEF in the Dow, now they just stopped giving knowledge "on a silver platter". After all, if a child has something to say, it only remains for him to remember.

But to speculate, reflect and come to your own conclusion is much more important. Doubt is a road to creativity, self-realization and, accordingly, independence and self-sufficiency.

How often did the current parents hear in their childhood that they were not yet mature enough to argue. It's time to forget about this trend. Teach children to express their opinion, to doubt and to seek an answer.

Cognitive development in the DOW by age

As you age, your baby changes opportunities and needs. Accordingly, both the subjects and the whole environment in the group for children of different ages should be different, corresponding to research opportunities.

So, for 2-3-year books all items should be simple and understandable, without unnecessary details.

For children from 3 to 4 years of age, toys and objects become more versatile, and more imaginative toys are used to help develop imagination. You can often see a child playing with cubes and representing them with cars, then building a garage from them, which then becomes expensive.

At an older age, objects and the environment become more complex. A special role is assigned to iconic subjects. Figurative-symbolic material comes to the fore after 5 years.

But what about the kids?

Features of cognitive development in two-three-year-olds are related to the present moment and the surrounding situation.

All the objects surrounding the children must be bright, simple and understandable. It is necessary to have an emphasized feature, for example: shape, color, material, size.

Children especially willingly play with toys that resemble objects of adults. They learn to manipulate things, imitating their mother or father.

Middle group

Cognitive development in the middle group implies the continuation of the expansion of ideas about the world, the development of vocabulary.

It is necessary to have story toys and household items. The group is equipped taking into account the allocation of the necessary zones: a musical, a natural corner, a zone of books, a place for playing on the floor.

All the necessary material is placed on the principle of mosaic. This means that the objects used by children are located in several places far from each other. It is necessary that children do not interfere with each other.

Cognitive development in the middle group also involves independent research of children. For this purpose, several zones are equipped. For example, in winter the material about the cold season in children's places available is laid out. This can be a book, cards, themed games.

During the year, the material changes so that children each time receive a new portion of ideas for reflection. In the process of studying the material provided, the children explore the world around them.

Do not forget about the experiment

The cognitive development of the GEF in the DOS involves the use of experiments and experiments. They can be carried out at any regime moment: during washing, walking, playing games.

With washing, it is easy to explain to children what is rain and slush. Here they sprinkled on the sand - it turned out dirt. The children concluded that the autumn is so often dirty.

It is interesting to compare water. It's raining, but the water is flowing from the tap. But you can not drink water from a puddle, but you can use a tap. Rain can go when there are many clouds, but it is "mushroom" when the sun is shining.

Babies are very impressionable and pliable. Give them food for thought. Themes on cognitive development are chosen taking into account age and requirements of GEF. If the children study the properties of objects, the older preschool children are already able to understand the structure of the world.

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