HealthDiseases and Conditions

Children's cerebral cortex in children

A pedicle of the brain in children, or hydrocephalus, unfortunately, is a common pathology at birth. To some extent, it is diagnosed in many babies. Usually, dropsy occurs due to excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain or due to a violation of its normal outflow. In this case, the liquid itself exerts pressure on the brain, and prolonged such pressure can cause cerebral edema and death. Therefore, edema of the brain, whose treatment is initiated at the earliest stage, has more positive predictions than a neglected disease.

The cerebral cortex in children can be both congenital and acquired, but in most cases this disease is congenital, and pathology of development is formed in the womb of the mother.

Symptoms of dropsy are visually apparent immediately after childbirth, but some mothers are told about this diagnosis before the baby is born, according to the results of an ultrasound examination. If the diagnosis is accurate, and the pathology is not compatible with life, the doctors insist on carrying out artificial birth or abortion.

If the child is already born, and the dropsy of the brain has not been detected, then it can be established according to certain signs. These include:

- Extremely large head size;

- increase in the size of the head during the first weeks of the child's life;

- Convex fontanel;

- Irritability;

- seizures similar to epileptic;

- vomiting;

- lowering of the eyeballs down.

These are the first signs on which the dropsy of the brain is diagnosed in children. Later such children lag behind in development, are excessively irritable, aggressive, learn late to walk, are clumsy, suffer from memory loss, confused consciousness, they may have urinary incontinence.

Causes of dropsy of the brain are quite complex. In order to understand them, let's turn to physiology a little. The brain in its composition resembles a soft jelly-like mass, which seems to float in the cranium and is maintained "afloat" by cerebrospinal fluid. The very same fluid fills the ventricles, located in the depths of the brain. The cerebrospinal fluid has an outlet - through the vessels and tubules it enters the space between the skull and the brain and from there is absorbed with the bloodstream. In order for the liquid to be balanced, its production, circulation and absorption should be normal. On this depends and the index of intracranial pressure. If there are pathologies that interfere with the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid (eg, narrowing of the ventricles, impaired absorption), then there is a pathology such as hydrocephalus (hydrocephalus).

Children's cerebral cortex in children is most often due to prematurity, mother's problems in bearing a baby, infection in the uterus, pathologies of development (spinal cord neoplasm).

In older children, hydrocephalus may develop due to brain tumor, head trauma, infection of the central nervous system.

If any signs of a child's health are discovered, the parents should consult a doctor. On hydrocephalus may indicate symptoms such as a long and frequent crying in the child, problems with feeding, weak head and neck movements, attacks of suffocation, an increased pulsating fontanel.

At an early stage of the disease, conservative medical treatment is indicated. The progressing edema of the brain in children requires surgery. Most operations are performed by shunting, when special shunts drain fluid from the brain into the abdominal cavity. A huge minus of this method is the need to replace the shunts that are out of order. This operation is quite costly. At present, a technique of neuroendoscopy has been developed that can save the life of a child suffering from this disease.

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