
Chickens wheeze and sneeze: what should I do?

Chickens, perhaps, the most hardy birds from all bred in private households. Hassle to owners in terms of health, they do not bring almost never. But sometimes it falls on the farmstead, of course, and this popular poultry. Next, in all the details will understand with why cough and wheeze chickens. Such symptoms can be a sign of a serious enough disease.

What are the varieties of chickens

On farms and in household plots, a bird of different directions of productivity can be bred. Meat often contain specially bred broilers-hybrids. This bird very quickly gaining weight, but, unfortunately, does not differ in good health. It is the broilers that get sick on farms most often.

Many keep on the farmsteads and chicken meat direction. Representatives of such breeds also gain quite a lot of weight. Broilers in this regard, they are inferior, but at the same time they are also more healthy. Sneeze and wheeze chickens (than to treat a bird in this case, it depends on the specific disease) of this species less often.

In villages and in cottages very often contain layers. Egg chickens are the most popular variety and differ in fact very strong health. Sometimes farmers also contain chickens of mixed direction of productivity. Such a bird carries quite a lot of eggs and at the same time it quickly grows in weight. Representatives of the rocks of this group, as well as laying hens, are ill quite rarely.

What to do when a cough occurs

рассмотрим чуть ниже. Why wheeze chickens, we will consider below. To begin with, let's figure out what measures to take when the first detection of a similar symptom. как уже можно догадаться, наблюдается у бройлеров. Most often, such a problem, as you can already guess, is observed in broilers. However, cough can appear in representatives and any other group of productivity. But in any case wheezing and sneezing - the sounds for the bird are absolutely uncharacteristic. Therefore, their appearance, of course, indicates problems with the health of the chicken.

Unfortunately, very often a cough in a bird appears with infectious diseases. Therefore, the hens who started to wheeze should be immediately sent to a separate room. Infections among domestic poultry are spreading, unfortunately, almost instantly. But still, such a measure, perhaps, will help to prevent infection of the entire herd, and, consequently, also large losses.

Signs of which diseases can serve as a cough

курица хрипит и дышит тяжело? So in what cases does the chicken wheeze and breathe heavily? этой хозяйственной птицы являются симптомами каких-либо проблем с легкими. Most often coughing and sneezing in this poultry are symptoms of any problems with the lungs. кур обычно при: Appear rales in the chicken usually with:

  • Colds;

  • Bronchopneumonia;

  • Infectious bronchitis;

  • Respiratory mycoplasmosis;

  • Colibacillosis;

  • Laryngotracheitis.

Also rales in poultry can be a symptom of infection with worms. In this case, the cause of coughing is irritation of bronchial mucosa and trachea by parasites. This kind of helminthiasis, like syngamosis, for example, is very often the reason why wheelets are wheezing.

Cold from poultry

Most of the modern breeds of chickens and even hybrids in our country are derived taking into account the severe Russian climate. Therefore, the cold of this poultry at the farmstead does not cause any particular harm (with the exception of only some broilers). But to the drafts in the barn itself, the chickens, both meat and layers, are unfortunately very sensitive. The same goes for dampness. Draft and increased humidity in the house is one of the most common causes of wheezing and coughing.

Colds - the disease is relatively safe. Even without being treated, chickens in this case will not die. However, they will also significantly reduce the performance indicators. Therefore, it is necessary to treat colds of chickens.

Cold Therapy

Since this disease occurs in a bird due to hypothermia, the sick individual should first be placed in a warm room. In the poultry house at the same time it is necessary to exclude drafts. Treatment of the cold itself, if the hens wheeze and cough, at home can be done, for example, using a nettle decoction. This folk remedy will help to strengthen the immunity of the bird.

In addition to the broth, the chicken must be given and some antibiotic. For example, very often a cold in poultry is treated with the drug "Oflosan". This medication is simply added to the chickens in food or water, according to the instructions.

You can also use a spray to treat a cold of a bird. In this case, a very good fit, for example, the drug "Lugol". Apply this drug is very simple. You need to open the chicken beak and sprinkle a little spray into her mouth.

Chickens sneeze and wheeze: than to treat bronchopneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs also often causes wheezing in chickens. The disease is much more serious than a cold, and can even lead to the death of a bird. More often bronchopneumonia is diagnosed in chickens of 15-20-day-old age. The cause of pneumonia, as well as the common cold, in chickens most often becomes hypothermia. Adult birds fall ill less often than young animals, but they can still have similar problems.

At the initial stage of this disease, the chicken inflames bronchi. Then the disease passes to the lungs and pleura. Cough in the chicken in this case appears due to irritation of the upper respiratory tract. Chrypses in a bird with pneumonia are observed "wet". Also, the chicken begins to stand out "snot". The bird itself, who suffers from bronchopneumonia, usually loses all activity - sits in one place, does not move and breathes only with the mouth.

Treat a bird with pneumonia should start as soon as possible. Otherwise, in a few days the number of herds may be greatly reduced. Treat the chicken in this case also with the help of antibiotics. In this case, penicillin or preparations "Norfloxacin" and "Terramycin" are most often used. In addition, the chicken coop is sprayed with Ashpiseptol.

In combination with antibiotics, a mixture of honey and mummy (20 g and 1 g respectively) is also used. As with colds, to strengthen immunity apply a nettle.

Chicken wheezes: what to do with infectious bronchitis

The wheezing in the bird with this disease is also usually "wet". Danger to the life of a chicken Infectious bronchitis presents the same serious as pneumonia. This disease is also very contagious. Sick birds should be planted from the rest of the animals as soon as possible.

When infectious bronchitis chickens wheeze, lose appetite, become sluggish and group around a source of heat. Nesushki can lay eggs with defects. Sometimes this disease in a bird is also accompanied by diarrhea.

Treatment of chickens from an infectious bronchitis is a procedure, unfortunately, useless. The infected bird is slaughtered, and the farm is declared unfit. The shed is treated with disinfectant aerosols (Lugol solution, "Vircon C", aluminum iodide, etc.). To cure an infectious bronchitis thus it is impossible. However, it is not difficult to prevent the infection of chicken with this disease. To do this, you just need to periodically disinfect the house and exclude the connection with the unfavorable farms in terms of infectious bronchitis.

Respiratory mycoplasmosis in chickens

This infectious disease poultry gets infected very often. In this case, she has lethargy and loss of appetite, the chicken wheezes. What to do if a bird has a mycoplasmosis, many farmers also would like to know.

This disease spreads among the chickens quite quickly. Within 2-4 weeks the number of infected individuals may increase from 10 to 100%. In addition to wheezing and coughing, the main symptoms of mycoplasmosis respiratory in chickens are loss of appetite and lethargy. In some cases, the bird may have eyelid swelling and lacrimation.

Therapy of mycoplasmosis

Treat this disease using all the same antibiotics. Фармазин», «Пневмотин», «Энроксил» и т. д. Считается, что лучше всего при микоплазмозе птице помогают средства, изготовленные на основе тиамулина, толозина или энрофлоксацина. In this case, for example, medicines such as Pharmazine, Pneumotine, Enroxil, etc. can be used. It is believed that the best methods for mycoplasmosis are pills that are made on the basis of tiamulin, tolosin, or enrofloxacin.

The selected antibiotic is diluted in water and poured the latter into the drinkers. The course of treatment of mycoplasmosis in chickens is usually 5 days. As a preventive measure on farms, vaccination is most often used.

Colibacteriosis: a description of the disease and its treatment

This disease, like mycoplasmosis, belongs to the group of dangerous. Damage to the poultry farm it can really do very big. Chicken with colibacteriosis usually chicken young. In the acute form of the disease, up to 30% of the entire herd may die. Infection with colibacillosis occurs through dirty food and water containing feces with E. coli.

In addition to the fact that the chickens sneeze and wheeze, they also have such symptoms in this disease:

  • loss of appetite;

  • Cyanotic color of the beak;

  • diarrhea.

The back passage of chickens infected with colibacillosis is always dirty. You can also determine this disease by the fact that the chickens drink a lot of water.

So, if a colibacillosis is found in the house, and the hens wheeze, then how can they be treated? Most often, this disease uses one of the following three drugs:

  1. "Enronit . " This remedy is considered very effective and practically does not cause the hens to get used to.

  2. «Lexophlon OR». This antibiotic also treats colibacteriosis very well.

  3. "Enronite OR". When using this medicine, the bird recovers already on the 3-5th day.

All these three medicines usually very well help with colibacteriosis, when the hens wheeze. Than to treat this disease, thus, it is clear. And what about prophylaxis? Measures to prevent the spread of this infection in poultry houses, of course, must be taken necessarily. As a preventive preparation, for example, the same "Enronit OR" just perfectly suits. It is this medicine, fed to the bird in small doses, to avoid infection of the chicken with colibacteriosis.

How to treat laryngotracheitis

Of all the varieties of poultry, laryngotracheitis is most often affected by chickens. Unfortunately, the virus that causes this disease can affect a person. Laryngotracheitis "from the beak to the beak" is transmitted. Most often, chickens fall ill in autumn or spring. Within 10 days, the infection can cover up to 60% of the herd. The attack is usually about 20%.

With laryngotracheitis, chickens wheeze and cough very much. Symptoms of this disease include:

  • Wheezing, coughing, wheezing;

  • Outflow from the nose and eyes;

  • Redness of the larynx;

  • Congestion in the larynx of mucus and curds.

When pressure is applied to the trachea of the bird with fingers, it begins to cough.

ринго трахеита на фермах обычно считается нецелесообразным. Treatment of laryngo tracheitis on farms is usually considered impractical. курица кашляет и хрипит и менно по этой причине, ее обычно просто уничтожают. If the sick chicken coughs and wheezes and changes for this reason, it is usually simply destroyed. ларинготрахеита в хозяйствах все же проводится. However, sometimes the therapy of laryngotracheitis in farms is still conducted. In this case, only obviously sick and exhausted birds are killed. норфлоксацином и т. д.). More or less healthy hens are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics (tetracycline, norfloxacin, etc.). The bird is provided with good feeding and heating.

To disinfect the chicken coop with laryngotracheitis, lactic acid is sprayed into the air. To maintain immunity, the bird is given vitamins "Chiktonik", "Nitamin", "Aminivital". Also in the mash are added ASD-2 (1 ml per 100 heads).

Vaccination is used as prophylaxis for laryngotracheitis in farms. Injections are made when a bird enters the farm or at the age of 30-60 days.

Syngamosis Treatment

As already mentioned, often the reason that chickens wheeze and cough are worms. The causative agent of syngamosis parasitizes mainly in the trachea and bronchi of the bird. This worm feeds on the owner's blood. Adhering to the mucosa, parasites destroy it and damage the walls of the bronchi. Symptoms of syngamosis in chickens, in addition to cough, are:

  • Lethargy;

  • The presence of eggs in the litter.

Infected with worms, chickens usually grow thin, sit with their head lowered and their eyes closed. Also, sick chickens often stretch their necks and open their mouths, as if yawning. In the mouth of the bird, red mucus is visible. от удушья. In the absence of treatment, multiplying parasites ultimately cover their throat with chicken throat, resulting in death from suffocation.

Deworming with syngamosis is usually carried out using a mixture of crystalline iodine (1 gram), boiled water (1500 mL) and potassium iodide (1.5 g). The solution is first heated to a comfortable temperature for the bird (30 ° C). Then it is introduced to the chickens in the trachea with a syringe with a long blunt needle. In one case, it is recommended to use 1-1.5 ml of the drug.

Instead of concluding

Thus, we found out why the hens wheezed. Than to cure a cough? The answer to this question depends on this particular disease. If such symptoms are manifested due to a cold, it will be easy to help the bird and independently. In other diseases associated with coughing and sneezing, a farmer, of course, should seek help from veterinarians.

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