
'Ceftriaxone'. Instructions

The drug "Ceftriaxone" is a semisynthetic cephalosporin of the third generation, which has a wide spectrum of action. This drug is the development of a Swiss pharmacological company, which is called "Hoffmann-La Roche". On the territory of the Russian Federation this tool is known under such names as "Azaran", "Steritsef", "Lendacin", "Rocefin". The most common form of release - a powder weighing 1 gram, sold in vials. The color of the powder can vary from white to yellow-orange.

The drug "Ceftriaxone", composition

The active substance of the drug is ceftriaxone. It is in the form of disodium salt.

"Ceftriaxone" medication , instruction

The drug is active against a large number of not only gram-positive, but also gram-negative microorganisms. The spectrum of its action extends to microorganisms such as Klebsiella pneumonia, Morganella morganii, as well as Proteus mirabilis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and the following aerobic bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus and others.

On the basis of the pharmacological features of the drug, an extensive list of diseases has been compiled, in the case of which it is recommended to use the drug "Ceftriaxone". The instruction for the preparation includes a list of the following indications for use:

- infectious diseases related to the respiratory tract (this includes pneumonia and lung abscess) ;

- infectious lesions of those organs that are located in the abdominal cavity;

- infectious diseases of the urinary system;

- many diseases that are sexually transmitted;

- bacterial meningitis;

- Infectious lesions of the skin, bones and other tissues;

- sepsis;

- Lyme disease ;

- prevention of inflammatory complications that may occur after surgery.

In all these cases, the drug "Ceftriaxone" is very effective. Instructions for use, however, draws special attention to contraindications, which have a fairly large amount. This mainly includes hypersensitivity to the active substance of the pharmacological agent, renal failure, ulcerative colitis, or liver problems. The drug is not recommended for use by pregnant women (especially if this is the first trimester), as well as for the treatment of newborns. Yes, and preschool children prescribe it very carefully.

The drug "Ceftriaxone". Mode of application

How is the effective drug "Ceftriaxone" introduced? The instruction says that lidocaine is the best solvent for preparing the agent for intravenous or intramuscular administration, since it has a good analgesic effect and does not cause side effects. In case of an allergy to lidocaine, water for injection can replace it.

The daily dose of the drug administered depends on the type of infection and the stage of the disease. Most often the dosage for an adult does not exceed 4 grams. Usually the drug "Ceftriaxone" is divided into two doses on average 1-2 grams per day. Only the doctor can determine the exact dosage. It depends on the disease against which the remedy is applied.

The drug "Ceftriaxone". Side effects

When taking the drug, the following manifestations are possible: allergies, headache, dizziness, dyspeptic disorders, anemia, vaginitis, phlebitis, increased sweating. In addition, changes in blood counts, such as alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, are possible. Often there are problems with the digestive system: there is vomiting or severe diarrhea, glossitis or even stomatitis.

Thus, from the above, simple conclusions can be drawn: "Ceftriaxone" is one of the best drugs in the fight against infection. Before using, be sure to go to a doctor's consultation and carefully read the "Ceftriaxone" remedy. Instructions for use ".

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