HealthDiseases and Conditions

Causes of sweating, ways to prevent an unpleasant phenomenon

Increased sweating characterized by a disease of hyperhidrosis. Millions of people are familiar with this diagnosis, which for some people becomes a big problem and causes a lot of inconvenience. The causes of sweating primarily depend on the state of the human nervous system. In case of increased excitability of the body Chronic nature of avoiding hyperhidrosis is impossible. The most common disease occurs in the female half of humanity. A consequence of a number of ailments is also hyperhidrosis of the armpits. Treatment should begin with the diagnosis of the cause of excessive sweating.

Strengthening the excretion of salt solution from the body can provoke tuberculosis, obesity, heart and blood vessel disease, impaired functionality of the endocrine system and kidneys. Occasionally, the reasons for sweating depend on genetic inheritance.

Hyperhidrosis can be local, when fluids are abundantly excreted from the body in certain places of the body, and the general, in which the brine is covered with a saline solution from the endocrine glands completely. In the area of the palms, axillary hollows and soles, sweating can occur separately. The causes of this phenomenon can Consist in external factors, for example, in the use of certain medications.

Excessive sweating is a disease, for this reason, in a similar condition that occurs on an ongoing basis, you should contact the doctor. Hyperhidrosis has unpleasant consequences - odor, a tendency to colds, skin rubbing, fungi and pustules.

The causes of sweating may be hiding in the non-observance of hygiene rules. If you do not regularly take a shower or bath, do not use deodorizing drugs, the symptoms of hyperhidrosis will not keep you waiting. Also, you should follow your wardrobe, following seasonality - do not dress too hot or in unnatural fabrics in the summer. This will help prevent the increased release of fluid from the endocrine glands, which consists of water by 90%. Sweat contains salts and trace elements that favor the development of fungi, which give off a sharp "flavor."

Among other things, the cause of sweating can be in the wrong diet. Prevent hyperhidrosis will help avoiding spices, spicy foods, onions, as well as reducing the number of meat products, sweets and garlic in the menu. From the products listed, the smell of sweat in the armpits becomes particularly caustic. You should also forget about smoking and alcoholic beverages.

Therapy of excessive sweating should be aimed at eliminating the cause, which provoked increased release of fluid from the body. For this purpose, a survey is conducted with a therapist, phthisiatrist, neuropathologist and endocrinologist. It is prescribed treatment with multivitamins, restorative and sedatives. During the therapy, the use of liquid is limited and hygiene is recommended - frequent washing of sweating body parts, regular linen change.

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