HealthHealthy Eating

Caloric content of vegetables and fruits

In order to lose weight, it is necessary to fulfill a lot of conditions. First of all, you need to have the appropriate psychological attitude. Not the last value has physical activity. However, the basis of the process of losing weight is the right, balanced diet.

One of the most effective ways to reduce weight is to limit the daily intake of calories. Accordingly, in this case, it is necessary to strictly count the caloric content of the foods eaten. The most attractive in this regard are vegetables.

Caloric content of vegetables and fruits is low. This is especially true of vegetables, because in them, unlike fruits, almost no carbohydrates. Exceptions are legumes and potatoes, in which there is a lot of starch. In addition, vegetables contain a large amount of fiber. Its peculiarity is that it is digested for a long time, which ensures a long feeling of satiety.

The calorie content of vegetables is so low that they can be almost uncontrolled. With the fact that they contain a large number of different vitamins, micro- and macro elements, which also makes the vegetables incredibly useful. Considering that losing weight is a shake-up and stress for the body, due to which we lose a lot of necessary substances. To make up for this loss, vegetables will also be useful.

Thanks to the properties described above, vegetables can easily form the basis of the diet of a person who is dieting. However, do not forget about the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is impossible to completely refuse to eat meat, beans, fruits and fats, in spite of the high calorific value of some of these products.

On the one hand, the calorie content of vegetables is so low that sometimes it seems that there is no need to count again. However, you need to know it at least in order to calculate how much, for example, the caloric content of cutlets, if in the mince to add a certain amount of grated carrots or zucchini. This, by the way, is a good way to get a low-calorie meat dish.

There is another topic directly related to the calorie content of vegetables, this is the so-called negative calorie content. There is an opinion that vegetables such as carrots or celery contain so few calories that more energy is spent on chewing and digesting them, which in the end can be obtained. That is, eating these products, theoretically, people are obviously losing weight. But, no matter how harmoniously and logically this theory looked, in practice it rests against the laws of physics. If we start from it, energy, calories, are lost in nowhere, but from the school course of physics everyone knows that this simply can not be. So negative caloric content is a myth.

However, the calorie content of vegetables is really very low, and there are very large quantities of them, without sacrificing the figure. So, for example, in 100 g of cucumbers contains only 14 calories. The weight of the average cucumber is about 150 g, so in order to get 100 calories, you need to eat 700 g, this is 5-7 pieces. By the way, a separate mention is the green. For example, you can take dill, its calorie content is comparable to the calorie content of cucumbers, but you will agree, to eat 700 g of dill is not the same as eating 700 g of cucumbers. In fact, the greens in the dishes are usually added so little that its caloric content can be easily neglected.

Caloric content of vegetables is a real gift for those who lose weight. From vegetables you can cook a huge number of different dishes: salads, stews, soups ... Vegetables can be fresh, can be heat treated. However, it is better to avoid frying, you can cook, stew, bake, cook for a couple. As you can see, vegetables can provide a variety of food.

Calorie counting is really an effective method of losing weight, which allows not only to lose excess weight, but also to significantly improve the body. And, of course, for this you need to know the calorie content of fruits and vegetables.

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