Food and drinkRecipes

Cake in vegetable oil: homemade recipes

Cake in vegetable oil - an excellent option for home baking, which does not involve much time. We offer three recipes with different additional ingredients. It remains only to wish you success in culinary business!

Cake in vegetable oil: recipe for microwave oven

Grocery list:

  • one egg;
  • 4 tbsp. L flour (wheat), sugar and low-fat milk;
  • Vegetable oil (odorless) - enough 3 tbsp. L;
  • Cocoa powder in the form of 2-3 tsp.

Cooking process

In a bowl, break the egg. We pour in oil and milk. Beat with a conventional fork or corolla. We add cocoa. Beat again. We fall asleep in a bowl of white sugar. Once again, whisk. It remains to add flour and a pinch of salt. All these ingredients should be well mixed. The dough prepared by us is poured into special dishes for microwave ovens, filling 2/3 of its volume. We put in the microwave for 3 minutes. Finished chocolate cake is poured with condensed milk or fruit jam. We wish you the most pleasant tea!

The postal version of the cake (without eggs)

Necessary ingredients:

  • Orange or lemon peel;
  • 120 g of white sugar;
  • Hot water - 150 ml;
  • Refined oil - 4 tbsp. L .;
  • Vanilla sugar - just one sachet;
  • 0.2 kg of flour (the variety is not important);
  • A handful of raisins (can be replaced with chocolate drops or berries);
  • 10 g of baking powder.

detailed instructions

  1. Turn on the oven, setting a 200-degree temperature. In the meantime, she warms up, we will prepare lean muffins.
  2. In the kettle we heat (but do not boil) the above amount of water.
  3. In a bowl with sifted flour, gradually fall asleep sugar, baking powder and vanilla. There also add a peeled orange peel (lemon).
  4. In a separate bowl, combine the vegetable oil with hot water. Immediately pour this mixture into a bowl containing sugar, zest and other ingredients. Mix with a tablespoon. It remains to make a final touch in the preparation of the test - add raisins, chocolate drops or fresh berries to the mass. Once again, everything is mixed. If as a filling you want to see raisins, then necessarily roll it in flour, and then put it in the dough.
  5. We get the form for baking. You can cook one large cupcake in vegetable oil. This will require a round or rectangular shape. We decided to bake small cupcakes. Prepared molds for ¾ volume fill the test. We put the future cupcakes in a hot oven for 15 minutes. Then open the door. We check the readiness of baking with a wooden skewer. It should be stuck in the middle of the cake. We get the skewer and look - if it's dry, then you can turn off the fire and remove the molds. Keksiki served on the table not immediately, but after 10-15 minutes. Carefully remove them from the molds, lay out on a flat dish of large diameter. Bake top can be lubricated with cream or sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Lush cupcake on kefir and vegetable oil

Grocery set:

  • two eggs;
  • White sugar and kefir (any fat content) - one glass;
  • 1.5 tsp. Baking powder;
  • 2/3 cups of nuts (assorted peanuts) and vegetable oils (odorless);
  • Flour - a couple of glasses.

For chocolate shtreeysel:

  • Cocoa powder and white sugar - 2 tbsp. L .;
  • A 50-gram piece of butter (margarine);
  • Flour - enough for half a glass.

Practical part

  1. In a bowl, combine a melted slice of margarine with flour, cocoa powder and sugar. Stir until crumbs are formed using a conventional fork. So, the chocolate shtreezel is ready. While we put it aside.
  2. Now we need to make a kefir dough. We take deep glassware. We break eggs into it. We fall asleep with the right amount of sugar. Start whipping with whisk. Then pour in kefir, fall asleep with flour and baking powder. We add one more ingredient - vegetable oil. Stirring. Also you need to beat it all up a little. In the dough we introduce nuts (they do not need to be ground).
  3. Sweet kefir-egg mass carefully poured into a silicone or metallic form, the bottom of which was previously coated with oil. Top with chocolate streak.
  4. Shape with the contents sent to a hot oven. At 180-200 ° C, the cake in vegetable oil and kefir will be baked for at least 40-45 minutes. Over this period of time, it will increase in volume by 1.5-2 times. Such a magnificent and fragrant dessert will please your household or guests.


A cupcake can also be prepared for vegetable oil in a schoolgirl. It is only necessary to strictly follow the instructions posted in the article.

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