HealthAlternative Medicine

Burdock root: healing properties

To date, one of the most used in folk medicine plants is a large burdock. Moreover, all parts of this plant are used for treatment. However, the overwhelming majority of recipes include the root of burdock. For the treatment the roots of the plant are exclusively of the first year of life, in this period they are juicy, in the second year they become hollow inside and flabby. Dig up the root of burdock in early May, when the plant appeared leaves, but there are no stems, or at the end of September, then hands remove from them the remains of the earth and wax in the sun. It should be remembered that peel in no case can not be removed, it contains many of the necessary nutrients. Then, the roots are cut along and dried in an oven or dryer.

The root of the plant contains: stigmasterol, tannins, sitosterol, stearic and palmitic acids, essential and fatty oils, protein and inulin. Preparations from burdock normalize the functions of the intestine and stomach, purify the blood, have a bactericidal, choleretic and diuretic effect, reduce the level of sugar in diabetes, promote the regeneration of tissues. The therapeutic properties of burdock are widely used in the therapy of rheumatism, urolithiasis, gout, edema and colds. With atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, rickets, burdock is also used. Tincture of the roots of this plant is considered an effective remedy to restore metabolism.


Burdock root: medicinal properties and benefits

When gastritis and inflammation of the intestine is recommended daily for three weeks to eat five freshly burdened burdock roots. But we must remember that for the treatment of raw burdock root is only suitable for a few hours. With rheumatism four times a day, use a tablespoon of decoction just before eating. Apply and external treatment - the diseased joints are lubricated with ointment, prepared from the root of the plant. Decoction of half a glass with the addition of sugar or honey is drunk three times a day with swelling and kidney disease as a diuretic. In addition, the decoction is prescribed for gastric bleeding, ulcers, chronic constipation, colitis and as a cholagogue. With diabetes, an extract is usually prescribed - 20 grams of the drug is dissolved in a quarter of a glass of water and taken three times a day. The extract is also taken with gout.

With cutaneous tuberculosis and diathesis, it is recommended to take a decoction of the root of the plant on milk. With stomach cancer, 20% tincture is prescribed on equal parts of honey and alcohol, taking 15 ml per day three times a day. In addition, with stomach cancer, the burdock root, dug in May, is rubbed on a fine grater and there is no restriction. Fresh juice from the roots of the plant is used for pulmonary tuberculosis, skin cancer and diabetes. Decoction and oil is used for many skin diseases (acne, boils, allergic rashes) and burns. In skin diseases, in addition to local treatment, it is suggested to use a decoction inside. When hair loss, an effective remedy is burdock oil.

Recipes of medicines

The infusion is prepared from the dry roots of burdock pre-ground. 40 gr. Raw materials are quenched with 300 ml. Boiling water and kept for 2 hours in a thermos bottle.

To prepare the broth a spoon (table) of raw materials is brewed with steep boiling water (1 glass) and kept for half an hour in a water bath. The resulting solution is insisted for two hours, after filtering.

Burdock oil is made from fresh plant roots. 40 gr. The raw materials are insisted on in sunflower oil for a day, then boiled for 15 minutes. Raw materials can also be insisted in olive, peach or almond oil.

To prepare the ointment, the roots of the plant are boiled in water, then ground and rubbed together with butter.

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