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Bulling: what is it? Bullying as a social phenomenon

The term "bullying" - what is it? In English it means hooliganism. Bulling is a multiple negative psychological pressure on a person. This happens not only in schools, but also at work. As a result, the person who is being negatively affected begins to experience constant stress. And as a result - is forced to change the place of study or work. School bulling is distinguished by its cruelty, intransigence. And it should be considered separately.

External manifestation of bullying

Externally, bullying is manifested in an unjustifiably scornful and arrogant attitude toward a person (an employee, a student). His whole initiative is being questioned and rigidly ridiculed. As well as statements and any actions. All this falls under sarcastic criticism.

Bullying as a social phenomenon: bullying colleague, the chief

The person who is engaged буллигом, tries to prove, that its victim is silly and useless for collective. He can reach open humiliations, offensive accusations and insults. The attacker is not always a colleague, he can be the head of the victim.

On the part of the leader, the manifestation of bullying only shows his incompetence and inability to engage in managerial activities. Behind the attack are concealed professional incompetence and inferiority, which are determined by the degree of harassment. In the event that an ordinary employee is billing, this is self-assertion at someone else's expense.

Such persecution is very difficult to resist. Colleagues often take a neutral position, and rarely begins to intercede for the victim, not wanting to interfere in other people's relationships. Sometimes employees support an attacker, join his bullying. Especially if the boss is the boss.

Why do people do bulling?

Bulling is a social phenomenon that helps to hide its inconsistency by directing aggression on another person. Fear of showing own inferiority. The attacker thus tries to hide his weaknesses. Most often this is an embittered person, incompetent in his work.

Sometimes other employees join him. This means that some of the above qualities exist and they have. But if the attacker is the boss, support for his actions can be a manifestation of fear of losing his job.

Countering bullying

Directed to a person open negative psychological press, hounding - this is bullying. The concept of the reason why a single individual or a group of people does this will help to choose the correct way of confrontation.

First of all, the victim should not succumb to this pressure, panic - we should try to keep calm. And understand the cause of the bullying. They can be a lot - personal dislike, long-standing conflict, the desire to get the post of victim, etc. Depending on this, try to develop a tactic of behavior towards the attacker.

If you can not manage on your own, you can try to refer to the manual. Ask for transfer to another department or branch. If there are no such options, and there is no force to withstand the onslaught of the attacker, it is easier to change jobs. Your nerves and health is much more important.

How does the victim resist bullying

Bulling - what is it? In other words - a constant psychological harassment aimed at one person or a group of people. You can resist bullying. Psychologists offer several options for solving this problem:

  • Work so that it is impossible to be reproached for professionalism;
  • Do not respond to the attacker the same and try not to react to caustic remarks and insults;
  • Do not allow failure in the form of screaming, open verbal conflict, scandals and rudeness (this only shows the impotence of the victim);
  • Find like-minded people (perhaps some have previously been subjected to such harassment);
  • Calculate colleagues who are antipathy towards the aggressor, and try to find a common language with them;
  • Calculate every step and action.

Why does bullying appear at work?

Bulling - what is it? In simple words - a negative psychological effect on a person, during which he is openly humiliated, insulted, criticized and all this is done in a sarcastic tone.

Most often, bullying occurs in the midst of ordinary employees. Although it can be sent to individual customers of the company. Managers sometimes abuse their position, and cases when they are supported even by managers.

According to the conducted studies it was found out that the victims of bullying are mostly submissive, weak and modest employees. These qualities can lead to the antipathy of colleagues or superiors. But also energetic and successful employees can also be subjected to psychological persecution, causing others to envy.

Managers who are capable of bullying are bad managers who are not competent for high positions, because they do not know how to deal with anger, do not have communicative and social skills. Such psychological harassment, they simply seek to preserve their power. To do this, do not disdain insults and humiliations towards employees.

Bulling at work can arise because of uncomfortable jobs, tight spaces, poor equipment and working conditions. Pressure on employees to increase productivity in these cases, most of it causes bickering in the team. And this may be the beginning of the manifestation of bullying.

Bulling is a consequence of a mental disorder

Psychologists conducted research, which resulted in the establishment of a link between bulling and personality disorder. In total there are 11 types of mental disorders. Of these, 3 are most often found not from criminals, but from the heads of organizations:

  • Theatrical disorder - characterized by insincerity, manipulation, egocentrism and increased need for attention;
  • Narcissistic - differs megalomania, lack of sympathy and understanding, superiority over other people;
  • Obsessive-compulsive - characterized by perfectionism, stubbornness, dictatorship, cruelty and excessive devotion to work.

Methods of human harassment used in bullying

There are several key forms of bullying. They manifest themselves aggressively, groundlessly, constantly and with excessive persistence. At work bullying can be in the form:

  • The exhaustion of employees (work in excess of the norm);
  • Blackmail, intimidation;
  • Appropriating others' own successes;
  • Hiding the information necessary for the work (or its unreliability);
  • Isolation of the employee from the rest of the team;
  • Non-recognition of good work;
  • Constant reminder of the employee's previous mistakes.

The impact of bullying on employee productivity and enterprise performance

Bulling is a long aggressive psychological (less often physical) pressure on another person. It adversely affects the work of the collective as a whole and the quality of work of the employee to whom such harassment is directed, in particular. One of the negative consequences for him will be stress. With the help of bullying the person is sometimes brought to suicide.

Witnesses of persecution receive their dose of negativity. The situation at work becomes heated, and they try to move to another place. As a result, the organization may lose highly qualified employees. There is a turnover of staff, lawsuits, absenteeism, errors in work, and so on.

Bullying in schools

School bullying - what is this phenomenon? In other words, aggressive psychological and physical persecution of one child by another (or a group of individuals). Basically, this phenomenon begins to manifest itself from 11 years. Often, not only psychological pressure occurs, but beatings also occur. Gossip, calls and caustic jokes are called mobbing.

Almost 50% of children in Russia become objects of bullying. In primary classes, it can manifest itself in the form of school racketeering (depriving the victim of mobile phones, money, etc.). At the age of 11 to 15 years, sarcastic ridicule, humiliation, boycotts begin. As a result, the child-victim experiences a feeling of despair, loneliness, pain.

Bulling always starts one child. Then others join him. If the victim does not resist and the teacher does not try to stop the persecution, no one intervenes for the suffering child. Sometimes sympathy for him changes to indifference and irritation.

In schools where emphasis is placed on the education of human dignity, bullying is rare. Unlike educational institutions, where everything is neglected.

Even strong schoolchildren can be subjected to bullying, if they are pressed by a group of classmates or other children. Often the victims unconsciously provoke attackers. For example, their slovenly appearance, heightened sensitivity and vulnerability, also it can be teachers' favorites. And also children, strikingly different from something from classmates.

Bulling - what is it and how is it manifested? The term can be described as a prolonged aggression directed at another person. Schoolboys become schoolboys, which do not have respect for parents or adults. Such aggressive children often lack attention and understanding. Their actions they are trying to achieve, so that they are noticed. Some throw out a longing for parental love, which is not, other children.

Most of the bulls are dominated by narcissistic traits. These children have no self-esteem and assert themselves at someone else's expense. The first alarming signals that a child can become a bull, is obvious selfishness, aggression and mental disorder.

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