
Roots -rest, -push-, -ros-: rule of consumption

Orthogram in the root of the word - a topic considered even in the fifth grade of the school. However, it is often possible to find erroneous use of roots with alternating vowels. What is the reason for the difficulty of writing, for example, the roots -p - / - zor- or -rust - / - pauc - / - ros-? The rule that is suggested in the course of school spelling is directed to a greater extent on memorizing information than on its logical and etymological explanation. The matter becomes more complicated if the rule contains exceptions-words without explanations for memorization. Rostisher Rostislav from Rostov in a coat to grow - this is almost a complete list of words-exceptions from the rule below.

Formal rule. The roots are -rastin, -rasch-, -ros-

The rule succinctly makes it clear that the orthogram -o is used for the finite -c at the root, while the choice of the orthogram -a- is responsible for two variants: - st and - ni. The correct choice of the vowel in this case is the basis for the successful mastering of the Russian language, since the question touches on the morpheme of primary importance - the root. It is based on the word - the first building element of the language.

Why is there a difficulty in choosing the right orffogram? The reason is that the variable vowel is in an unstressed position, and therefore it becomes necessary to formulate for the roots (-strast, -push-, -ros-) the rule. However, simple memorization of the norms of the language will not always be successful, unlike a logical explanation that is remembered more easily.

Historical features

The matter is that the alternation of roots was a consequence of the confusion of two languages: the Old Russian, the pre-written language of Rus, and the Old Slavonic language of the church books. The first word includes words with a root from -o- (teenager, tall, inexperienced), to the second - with -a (plant, grow, grow).

In modern linguistics there is a tendency to unification of the root by creating a common semantic nest with the main spelling -a. In this case, the formal rule is the support for mastering the orthogram. However, there is a suggestion that words with different orthograms at the root are derived from different, albeit single-root words.

Words with the root -ros are closest to the form of the past tense of the verb "grow", for example, "he grew up." If you look carefully at the entire semantic nest of these words, then an abundance of gerunds of the past tense and nouns with the meaning of the action already taken place (an adult - who has already grown up, has grown already overgrown).

For the roots with the phoneme -a-word-producer will be the verb "grow": age, plant.


However, not everything is so simple with the roots -rest, -push-, -ros-: the rule does not affect all words with an unstressed orthogram at the root, since there are exceptions. They are not very difficult to remember, if you understand them in more detail. Rostov and Rostislav belong to the category of proper names, which do not obey the general laws for common nouns.

Other exceptions to the "growth", which can be explained logically and through the relationship with the word "growth": the usurer (the one who gives money under the interest, that is, "in growth"), the growth (that is, the future greater growth) and the sprout (A young plant that has just begun to grow).

It is worth remembering when memorizing not only the spelling-of-growth, -rasch-, -ros-: the rule comes from the formal side. Only a more detailed and detailed study of the problem will give a chance to find an adequate explanation of the rule of interest. Provided that the material to be stored is logically and historically justified, it will be easier to perceive and be stored in memory.

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