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Beware of food poisoning? Avoid these products

Many of us are familiar with the nausea and colic that accompany poisoning. According to statistics, one in six people regularly becomes a victim of disease-causing bacteria, parasites, viruses that occur in a variety of foods and beverages. Sometimes people even die as a result of poisoning, and it is very important to take measures to avoid eating foods containing germs and bacteria. Make sure that your refrigerator is working properly, thoroughly wash food and hands before preparing food.

Red meat

Bacteria, such as salmonella, E. coli or listeria, may well occur in raw or poorly cooked meat - beef, lamb, pork and other varieties. In the United States, in 1998, there was a real epidemic - contaminated meat led to severe poisoning of hundreds of people, twenty-one of them died. To avoid such a catastrophe, be sure to prepare the meat carefully, or even refuse to use it.


It does not matter if you prefer brown or white, ordinary or organic, the main thing is that the eggs do not have salmonella. Make sure this will help purchase only eggs from the refrigerator, checking their integrity and use according to the expiration date. Eggs can be safely consumed within four to five weeks after the date of packaging. After this time, the probability of infection increases, so stay away from such eggs.

Unpasteurized dairy products

If you like feta, goat cheese, brie, camembert, blue mold cheese, Mexican kveso, gloster or gruyere, you should know that you are at increased risk of infection with listeria or other bacteria found in raw unpasteurized milk. Pasteurization relieves dairy products from nauseating bacteria - a process where milk is heated to a minimum of seventy degrees, and then abruptly cooled. For the types of cheese listed above, milk is sometimes used that has not undergone such treatment, which makes them dangerous.


Chicken nuggets seem completely harmless, but they can contain salmonella. To make sure that you eat a safe chicken, try to warm it up until the internal temperature in the meat reaches seventy degrees. In this case, you can not be afraid for your health.

Leafy greens

According to research, sliced lettuce causes one-fifth of all food-poisoning poisoning. This product seems to be healthy, but it can also hide a danger.

Vegetables with seeds

According to statistics, twenty percent of cases caused by salmonella are associated with imported vegetables with seeds inside - for example, cucumbers or jalapeno pepper. To avoid infection, wash vegetables as carefully as possible.

Seeds and sprouts

Seedlings require a warm and moist environment for growth - the same conditions are ideal for dangerous bacteria. For example, in Japan there was the strongest epidemic of E. coli in 1996 - about ten thousand people suffered from contaminated radish seedlings.

Baby food

According to research data, twenty percent of baby food samples contain lead-metal, which can negatively affect attention, behavior, cognitive development, cardiovascular and immune systems. That your baby does not suffer, avoid fruit juices, especially apple and grape, root crops like carrots and sweet potatoes, as well as dental cookies are products in which metal is found most often.


Often the cause of the epidemic are fruits. For example, in 2011, melons caused an epidemic of listeria, resulting in the death of thirty-three people. Try to wash fruits as closely as possible.

Canned food

Improperly sterilized canned products can cause botulism, a rare but potentially fatal disease that attacks victims with symptoms such as respiratory problems, difficulty speaking, or swallowing problems. By the way, Botox in beauty injections is made of botulinum - a toxin that causes this frightening disease. Perhaps this fact will force you to change your view of cosmetic procedures.


Bacteria, the toxins of which cause diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, can be contained in the remains of rice and beans. Do not leave the cooked rice at room temperature, store it in the refrigerator, otherwise the bacteria causing the disease can swiftly spread.


Mercury can be found in fish, in addition, in tuna and other fish varieties, toxins may be present if canned food was prepared from spoiled fish or the one that was not properly stored.

Peanut butter

Like many other processed foods, this oil, rich in protein, can contain salmonella. For example, in 2004, six people were affected by Salmonella in the United States.


Lunch can become a serious problem if the sauce contains bacteria. They can cause colic and diarrhea. The correct preparation right before use and further storage in the refrigerator will help to avoid problems.


Unfortunately for seafood lovers, oysters can be quite dangerous. These mollusks are known as aphrodisiacs, but they also carry bacteria that can cause fever, ulcers, nausea and diarrhea - not the best option for a date.

Ice cream

In April 2015, there was an epidemic of listeria caused by frozen desserts. Three people died, and ten were hospitalized. Perhaps it's worth thinking about how to stay away from this product?


Although this is not a product, nevertheless water should be mentioned, since it is necessary for life. Various diseases accompanied by diarrhea are carried with water. Water is responsible for two million deaths per year, and in most cases, children under five die. Various pathogens from E. coli to enteroviruses can infect water. Try to acquire a quality filter that can protect you and your loved ones.

Sweets and pastries

If you are a sweet tooth, you probably know that the dough for biscuits is delicious and before baking. Unfortunately, the use of such a test can cause diseases associated with salmonella and E. coli. Flour is produced from grain, which comes directly from the field and is often not processed to kill bacteria. Just because your desserts are cooked in the oven, do not think that they are safe. They can contain infected eggs that cause various diseases, so eclairs and donuts with cream should be avoided.

Potato salads or salads with pasta

In addition to a large amount of fat and calories, salads are also dangerous because they can contain staphylococcus, resistant to heat. Infection can lead to serious stomach problems, especially in people with cancer, eczema, diabetes, cardiovascular disease or lung disease. Try to stay away from such dishes.

Ready-made sandwiches

Staphylococcus can also occur in ready-made sandwiches if they are made with dirty hands. To protect yourself from unpleasant symptoms, wash your hands before you make a dinner yourself - to ensure that all precautions have been taken in public catering, alas, not.

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