Sports and FitnessAthletics

Benedict Magnusson. Biography, achievements, interesting facts

Since ancient times, people participate in various kinds of competitions. Men have always boasted of their strength before women. What was this for? Because the stronger the person, the healthier he is, and so he will have better offspring. In ancient times this rule worked. Now - not always, because of the rapid development of pharmacology. Today, any person can be artificially made strong by pumping special preparations. But the consequences of this will not be the best. But there are natural strong men. A distinctive feature of their character: they are kind and always cheerful. As they say, charismatic personalities. Long ago, even went about such a saying: the more a person, the kinder.

Now these guys compete no longer in raising stones or horses (although there are such contests), but in lifting the bar. Three main exercises that are included in the modern competitions in powerlifting (power triathlon):

  • Squatting with a barbell;
  • Bench press from the chest;
  • Deadlift (or, as it is officially called, Deadlift - deadlift).

Between the heavyweights say that it is one exercise that separates the boy from the man - this is the deadlift of the barbell over 400 kilograms.

Benedict Magnusson: height, weight, life story

The hero of our today's story has a unique charisma with its growth of 183 centimeters and a weight of about 175 kilograms. This unusually strong man set three times the world record in deadlift, bringing it to 465 kg. Meet Benedict Magnusson. At home in Iceland he is called Benedikt, and in the circles of powerlifters he has a simple cheerful nickname - Benny. What to do to a little boy in an island cold country, where only the sea around and a bunch of stones? Of course, pick them up and throw them. This is what Benedict and his friends did when they were young: who would abandon them and who would raise them more. While skiing, the boy was injured in the back. Surprisingly, it was from this moment on that the real life began, which Benedikt Magnusson likes to remember. The biography of the athlete is full of achievements.

First achievements

At the age of 16 he first came to the gym to heal his back, and the coach advised to pull the bar to strengthen the muscles of the back and intervertebral discs. At a weight of 140 kg Benedikt Magnusson immediately pulled 120 kg, a couple of days later - 180 kg. In his twenty years, the young man received the title of the strongest man in his homeland in Iceland. Brother Benny - Magnus Magnusson, also professionally engaged in powerlifting.

World record holder

Powerlifting has its own associations and weight classes. Benedikt Magnusson (deadlift 460 kg) performs only in the heavyweight for 120 kg. His personal weight fluctuated from 140 to 175 kg. In 2005, Benny was already winning the winning 440 kg. Benedikt Magnusson was twice the fifth in competitions Arnold-Classic , in 2006 and 2008. Persistently exercising, the heavyweight was very popular with the fans, subduing them not only with the raised loads, but also with their unique energy and childish enthusiasm in the speeches. In 2011, Benedict Magnusson became famous for the world record in deadlift 460 kilograms (without additional equipment, without straps and supporting overalls). Later, he broke his record, taking a 5 kg weight increase.

What does Benedict Magnusson do today?

Due to a quadriceps muscle injury, Benny stopped training and speaking. Large loads are always a huge risk of injury. Benny started selling sports nutrition and equipment. His record over time, beaten (Eddie Hall from the US reached the coveted threshold of 500 kg). But Benny will be remembered for a long time with all his kind and cheerful smile. Tires Hammer weighing 500 kg, he still pulled, although this is not included in the trade mark. The best achievement of Benedikt Magnusson in squatting with the bar - 380 kg, bench press - 220 kg without equipment. Benedikt has now cured the injury and continues to train further, intending to regain the title of world record holder again. This jolly big man has found himself the same spouse, who is similar to him even externally and is also engaged in powerlifting. In her homeland, Gemma was awarded the title "The strongest woman in Britain." This family in Iceland has its own gym "Super Gimm", where the couple conduct a powerlifting competition.

In the Slavs, from time immemorial, various heroic competitions were held on festive squares. This tradition has survived even now. Our athletes are once again approaching world achievements already in modern heroic games and powerlifting. After all, it is very spectacular when the giant uncles rush, picking up the children's fuse, throwing and transferring not at all to children's weight.

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