
AutoDef - what is it? History of occurrence of the word

The meaning of the word "auto-da-fefe", unfortunately, is often interpreted in different ways. Under this process, the solemn announcement of the verdict by the court of the Inquisition is first of all meant, and then its execution. The autodef is also called exclusively the execution of the prescribed. Moreover, this process is also confused with the so-called bonfire of vanity, which burned, for example, mirrors or sacred books (the same Talmud).

AutoDef - what is it? This is the so-called sacred execution of heretics - sorcerers, witches, apostates and all unwanted inquisition of persons. It was carried out through the burning of the guilty at the stake. Often, all the accusations did not correspond to reality, but only proved the ignorance of the people of that time. There is even the opinion that thanks to the holy Inquisition, which persistently struggled with witches, there are practically no beautiful women in Europe. Since the attraction itself could already serve as an excuse for accusations of witchcraft.

History of occurrence

Autodafe (emphasis on the last syllable) literally means "act of faith" (Latin actus fidei). This solemn ceremony appeared almost at the same time as the holy Inquisition, in the thirteenth century. However, the distribution was received somewhat later - at the end of the XV century.

In Spain, the start of the auto-da-fef was set by the Bull of Sixtus IV in 1480, in Portugal by a similar decree of Clement VII in 1531. The first mass burning refers to 1481, it took place in the Spanish Seville. For several centuries, the burning of heretics was successfully practiced in Spain and Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Peru), Italy, Portugal and its colonies (India, Goa). In particular, the greatest devastation was in Spain - almost 32,000 alive burned.

Another interesting fact about the auto-da-fe is that this phenomenon has not passed Russia either. So, in the Sofia chronicle from 1480 it is said about the burning of the advisers of Ivan III Vasilievich, who dared to anger the king with a failed "magic".

The cancellation of the solemn announcement of sentences

In Portugal, the Inquisition did not reach such a scale as in Spain, and was abolished as early as 1794. In Spain, the auto-da-fi was finally banned only in 1834, although the last process took place in 1826, but it was executed by hanging, and not by burning.

How everything happened

The first Sunday of the fast before Christmas, which is to read the Gospel of Luke about the Last Judgment, was often reserved for the solemn announcement of the verdict. Although it should be noted that not all the Church Fathers agreed with this date, since many verdicts were directly related to death.

When asked about the auto-da-fe - what is it, we already answered, now we will pass to the process itself. On the city square, a platform was installed, so that what was happening could see the maximum number of people willing. A peculiar picture of the Last Judgment in miniature, designed not only to inspire religious piety to believers. Moreover, the forthcoming auto-da-fe show was usually reported in advance, and there was a ceremony, usually on a day off. Directly on the night before the trial, a special commission also met, the purpose of which was to listen to the abdication of criminals, to accompany their reconciliation with the church. However, the confession of guilt did not soften the fate too much.

Types of auto-da-fe

There were several varieties of the "act of faith", in particular:

  • Auto singular - for one criminal.
  • Autillo, or a small auto-da-fe, was conducted within the palace of the Inquisition. There were separate guests and the judges themselves.
  • Auto particular - a private process, which allowed only the presence of criminal judges and inquisitors.
  • Auto public general - a common public auto-da-fe, which was solemnly arranged with a large crowd of people in the presence of the city's magistrates and often timed to some events. For example, there was information about the auto-da-fi in Madrid in 1680. The young wife of Charles II was executed, and the king personally lit the first torch.

The condemned were brought to the people in special "shameful" clothes with various shoulder-straps (depending on the crimes), barefooted feet and candles made of yellow wax in their hands. In addition, the defendants in witchcraft were additionally put on a cap of paper in the form of a sugar head.

Now the reader knows the answer to the question of what the auto-da-fe-it is. It is ceremonial burning of heretics and disliked people's church. A curious fact: anyone could be accused of witchcraft in those days. It was enough to say that I saw my neighbor's wife flying out on the broom at night from the chimney. Then the holy fathers were taken for her, who were forced to confess in cohabitation with the devil and other "sinful deeds" by torture.

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