
Audit of finished products

Before you talk about what audit accounting for finished products, it is necessary to understand the concept of audit.

On the territory of our country, audit is the control over the economic activity of an enterprise. As market relations developed, accountants had to get acquainted with the set of normative acts and bills that regulated all legal aspects of economic activity. They reflected such criteria for the work of enterprises, such as accounting, reporting, taxation criteria, the formation of the cost of a product, and so on.

Normative documents are supplemented with new provisions, undergo changes, and this happens quite often. Unfortunately, they are not always brought to the attention of taxpayers. That is why there are some violations, mainly, of course, unintentional, in the work with some normative documents.

Therefore, it is quite logical to create a form of control over the economic activities of an enterprise, and it must be carried out not by the state. It should be noted that this form of control should include consultations on all matters related to the organization and accounting of accounting, financial statements, as well as methods to improve the efficiency of commercial activities.

This is the form and the audit of finished products. It helps to significantly reduce the risks of individual entrepreneurs and enterprises.

If we talk about finished products, then it is a property that belongs to the sphere of material and production, that is, to the reserves of the enterprise. They, of course, meet all the standards required by law. Products are produced for one purpose - sale and profit.

Audit of finished products implies the presence of a certain nomenklatura number, name, party, variety or homogeneous group.

The enterprise independently chooses a unit of accounting for finished products. Naturally, it is fixed in the relevant accounting policy documents.

All produced products are surrendered for later sale to the warehouse. There it is recorded, and it is done by persons who are financially responsible for this process. You can make an exception and do not audit the sale of products, if it is large, that is, it can not be delivered to the warehouse for technical reasons.

Then, the audit of finished products is carried out directly at the place of production of this product, and this makes the manufacturer.

What is the purpose of such a thorough inspection of the product? The answer is obvious: it is necessary to evaluate objectively whether the product was produced in full, whether it was delivered to the warehouse in a timely manner, whether reliable documentation is included in the entire documentation, whether the accounting and reporting documents were properly drawn up.

The audit of finished products also checks the volumes of revenue received from the sale of products, the cost value of the goods sold, the value of commercial costs, as well as possible losses from sales.

All the results of such an audit are formalized as documents for analytical and synthetic accounting of the issue and sale of a particular product.

It should also be said that the auditor's conclusion is a document that has a legal status, that is, it is valid for legal entities, individuals, authorities, management and judicial bodies.

The conclusion made by the auditor has the status of an expert opinion, which, as a rule, is appointed by the state.

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