
ATOM's N2600 processor solution: Intel improves entry-level netbook products

который будет в дальнейшем детально рассмотрен, и который принадлежал к линейке чипов ATOM. The N2600 processor is aimed at the segment of mobile computer solutions with low performance, high energy efficiency and affordable cost , which will be further considered in detail, and which belonged to the ATOM line of chips. Intel refers the entire line to the most budgetary solutions. N2600 ), но стремительное развитие ниши смартфонов и планшетов привело к тому, что данное семейство процессоров частично перепрофилировалось. Until recently, it was possible to meet such CPUs only in netbooks (including the N2600 ), but the rapid development of the niche of smartphones and tablets led to the fact that this family of processors was partially redesigned. Now they can be found in the previously mentioned mobile gadgets.


The final cost of the computing system in mobile personal computers based on ATOM chips is coming to the fore. как результат, рекомендует такие ЦПУ не устанавливать в привычный процессорный разъем, который называется «СОКЕТ», а распаивать их непосредственно на системной плате. Intel , as a result, recommends that these CPUs not be installed in the usual processor socket, which is called "SOKET", and unzip them directly on the motherboard. This, on the one hand, reduces the cost of the latter and simplifies the production process of the netbook. и в случае его поломки будет весьма и весьма проблематично его отремонтировать . And on the other hand, the maintainability of such a PC is deteriorating, and in the event of a breakdown, it will be very, very problematic to repair it . FCBGA559. Well, the processor socket in this case is designated as FCBGA559. FCBGA и означает то, что процессор припаян контактами к системной плате. That is, the number of contacts in this case is equal to 559 pieces, and the abbreviation FCBGA means that the processor is soldered by the contacts to the motherboard.

Technological process. Frequency of CPU. Temperature regime. Power Consumption

According to the technology of production of silicon crystals with a tolerance level of 32 nm, Intel ATOM N2600 was manufactured. Of course, now there are more advanced tolerance standards that correspond to 28 nm, 22 nm, 16 nm and even 14 nm, but at the time of this chip this was the most advanced technology. N2600 не указана поддержка технологии TurboBoost и, как результат, этот чип динамически не может регулировать свою тактовую частоту, значение которой зафиксировано на 1,6 ГГц. The technical specifications of the N2600 do not specify the support for TurboBoost technology and as a result, this chip can not dynamically adjust its clock speed, which is fixed at 1.6 GHz. 0 С установлено максимальное значение температуры для данной модели процессорного устройства семейства ATOM. At 100 ° C, the maximum temperature is set for this model of the ATOM family . , что в сочетании с активной системой охлаждения этот чип будет функционировать с температурами от 50 до 65 0 С. Значение теплового пакета для этого процессора установлено в 3,5 Вт. Intel guarantees that in combination with the active cooling system this chip will function with temperatures from 50 to 65 0 C. The value of the thermal package for this processor is set to 3.5 W. Theoretically, it can work in conjunction with passive system cooling, but taking into account everything previously described, it will be optimal to use an active heatsink based on the cooler with this semiconductor crystal.

Cash. RAM

The Intel ATOM N2600 has only 2 levels of cache, and this is one of those features that significantly reduces its performance. The first level of this fast-memory semiconductor solution has a total capacity of 112 KB, which in turn is divided in half between the CPU cores. The size of each of these parts is 56 KB. These 56 KB are divided into 2 parts of 24 KB and 32 KB respectively for instructions and for data. A simpler cache organization at level 2. Its total size is 1 MB, which is divided into 2 parts of 512 KB. Physically, each of these parts can only interact with a specific computing unit. оснащен одноканальным контроллером оперативной памяти. The N2600 is equipped with a single-channel memory controller. The maximum size of the latter is set at 2.44 GB, and its type is DDR3.

Architectural features

принадлежал данный процессор семейства Intel ATOM. To the generation, codenamed Cedarview, belonged to this processor of the Intel ATOM family. The characteristics of this CPU pointed to the fact that it consisted of only 2 computational units. позволяет на программном уровне увеличить количество реальных потоков обработки кода до 4. Среди прочих особенностей процессора можно отметить, что его вычислительные модули поддерживают выполнение 64-битных вычислений. But here the support for HT technology allows at the program level to increase the number of real code processing flows to 4. Among other features of the processor, it can be noted that its computing modules support the execution of 64-bit computations. Also, this chip was equipped with a built-in graphics subsystem. The accelerator model is Intel GMA. This accelerator, like the processor, operated at a fixed frequency, but its value in this case was only 400 MHz. As a result, it was not necessary to expect impressive performance from it, but this was quite enough to solve the simplest tasks.

The cost. Feasibility of purchase. Reviews

At $ 42 the manufacturer estimated the chip itself N2600. But netbooks on its base could be purchased for 200-250 dollars. For this money, the user received a full-fledged "workhorse" with initial speed, which was quite enough to solve all the problems of the entry level. РС X101CH от ASUS. As an example, we can cite a very successful netbook model Eee PC X101CH from ASUS. N2600 также мог лежать в основе ноутбуков-трансформеров. Intel ATOM model N2600 could also be the basis of notebook-transformers. ноутбука. Its technical specifications and the level of energy efficiency made it possible without special problems to create such mobile devices that combine the advantages of both a tablet and a laptop. таким ноутбуком-трансформером, ограничивается наиболее простыми: веб-серфинг, офисные приложения, просмотр видео, наиболее простые игры и прослушивание аудиозаписей. Again, the list of tasks solved by such a laptop-transformer is limited to the simplest ones: web-surfing, office applications, video viewing, the most simple games and listening to audio recordings. But such resource-intensive applications as "Photoshop", and the most recent three-dimensional games on such hardware will certainly not be launched. Intel Core. For such software it is necessary to buy a mobile computer system based on the Intel Core processor. Atom is a line of processors originally designed to solve the most simple typical tasks with low cost and minimum performance.


Mobile notebooks and entry-level netbooks - this is the main scope of this model of the processor family ATOM. N2600 во встраиваемых системах и ультракомпактных стационарных ПК. Intel also uses the N2600 in embedded systems and ultra-compact desktop PCs. в качестве его вычислительной основы с успехом может выступить герой данного обзора. All this indicates that in the absence of special requirements for the performance of the computer, the hero of this review can successfully perform as its computational basis.

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