
Arterial bleeding: first aid, rules for its delivery

Blood is a fluid that performs several important functions in the human body. It delivers oxygen, nutrients, hormones and enzymes to the organs, helps maintain a constant body temperature, protects against infections, as antibodies are produced in it. If the integrity of any vessel is damaged, the blood does not normally perform its functions. This provokes serious changes in the body and threatens life. One of the situations that can lead to such consequences is arterial bleeding. First aid is necessary.

A little bit about bleeding and their types

Before considering arterial bleeding, it is first necessary to find an answer to the question of what types of vascular integrity disorders occur. First aid depends on this. Bleeding happens:

  • Arterial;
  • Venous;
  • Capillary.

With bleeding erythrocytes are lost. The main danger of damage to the blood vessels is the reduction in the volume of blood circulating throughout the body and hemodynamic disorders.

What is the arterial bleeding, what are its characteristics?

Experts call arterial bleeding the output of the most important biological fluid from the human body through damaged arteries. They contain oxygenated blood that flows from the lungs to the rest of the body. Arterial bleeding mostly occurs during serious injuries, because the arteries are deep in the tissues, located close to the bones.

Has arterial bleeding symptoms, and first aid should be provided after they are identified:

  • Blood is a bright scarlet shade;
  • It splashes out of the wound with a fountain;
  • A stream follows, pulsating in accordance with the blows of the heart;
  • Rapid expansion of the pool of blood near the affected person (this is determined by arterial bleeding in those cases when the injured person does not see any injuries).

How to distinguish arterial bleeding from capillary and venous?

First aid for capillary, venous, arterial bleeding is different. In the types of vascular lesions listed, the symptoms are different:

  • With venous bleeding, the biological fluid of the cherry blossom flows evenly from the wound;
  • When capillary, the blood flows evenly from the entire surface of the wound, as if it impregnates those tissues that are damaged.

Since blood arterial bleeding quickly flows out of the body, the likelihood of developing shock and death is high. To prevent this, it is necessary, at the first signs, to give the injured person first aid.

General principles of first aid for damage to the arteries

First aid for arterial hemorrhage is based on several principles:

  1. Stop bleeding and call the ambulance.
  2. Disinfection of the wound. To prevent the entry of pathogens, it should be possible to work with clean hands whenever possible. It is necessary to treat the edges of the wound with alcohol, vodka, cologne, lotion or other available remedy; Apply sterile material before bandaging on the damaged surface; To bandage the wound.
  3. Fixation of the injured limb with a scarf or a splint.
  4. Anesthesia. If a person has a serious injury, then to prevent pain, it is recommended to use painkillers (analgin tablets, tramadol capsules, ice).
  5. Safe transportation to a medical facility or waiting for the arrival of emergency physicians.

Stop arterial bleeding with a harness

When it is necessary to provide first aid for arterial bleeding with the application of a tourniquet, certain actions are performed:

  • Pinch the damaged artery with a finger above the wound;
  • Give the area from which blood flows, an elevated position;
  • Put a tourniquet and record the time when it was done.

There are certain rules for working with a bundle (instead of it you can use a thick rope, a belt, a piece of strong fabric). He is placed on clothing near the area of the lesion (3-5 cm above the wound) and firmly tied. On the medical harness there are special holes for fixation. When properly applied, the limb becomes pale, and the pulse on it is not palpable.

Arterial bleeding, first aid: nuances of harnessing

The tourniquet can not be held for a long time on the damaged area. The maximum time of application in a warm season is 2 hours, in cold periods of the year - 1 hour. If the time of secure attachment of the tourniquet has expired , then every half hour it is weakened for 5 minutes in order that the area of injury is supplied with blood. When the bleeding stops, the device is untied, but they continue to observe the victim. If the biological fluid starts to flow again, the burn is applied again higher than the place where it was previously located.

If, for some reason, the harness is not weakened and was not removed in time, it was on the body for more than 3 hours, then it can not be removed. The fact is that some of the cells died because of the lack of oxygen and nutrients, signs of tissue death appeared on the skin. With the removal of the tourniquet, the blood will begin to flow into this area. To the biological fluid will get toxins formed in dead tissues. They will spread all over the body. The spread of harmful substances will lead to the death of the whole organism.

Stop bleeding in hard-to-attach places

Very dangerous is bleeding from the femoral artery. If the integrity of this blood vessel is affected, the victim can die in 30-40 seconds, so first aid in arterial hemorrhage of the limb should be provided promptly. It should be noted that it is not so easy to apply a tourniquet to this site. On the thigh is a very large muscle and fat mass. It is difficult to squeeze the artery through it. To stop bleeding, it is recommended to press the fist into the area where the blood vessel passes, and during the application of the tourniquet, something hard (stone, mobile phone), a bandage cushion should be placed under it.

When there is a breach of the integrity of the skin of the neck and arterial bleeding, first aid is as follows:

  • A piece of tissue is applied to the wound, and then the carotid artery and the affected area are clamped;
  • After this injured person is laid, his hand, opposite to the wound, is put behind the head;
  • To the wound, put a roller of bandage or towels and apply a tourniquet, dragging it through the hand of the victim (the tourniquet should press the roller).

Errors that can not be tolerated in first aid

If there is an arterial bleeding, first aid should be provided correctly, because the life of the injured person depends on the measures taken:

  1. Do not apply a tourniquet to a bare area of the body. When tightening, it is possible to damage the skin. If there are no clothes on the overlapping area, a piece of cloth should be placed under the tourniquet.
  2. Do not cover the plait with a blanket or clothing. It should be visible to the person who provides first aid.
  3. Do not use wire as a bundle, thin cord, fishing line. All this can damage the skin.
  4. Do not remove objects sticking out of the wound. They will be removed by specialists when the victim is taken to the hospital.
  5. If the area of the body below the tourniquet is swollen and has a bluish tinge, this means that the tourniquet was not correctly applied. It is necessary to untie it and reapply it, following all the rules for first aid.

Arterial and venous bleeding is a common occurrence. First aid is a question that everyone should study, because no one is immune from injuries, accidents in road accidents. Summarizing, we can highlight several important points. If the injured person is very bleeding, do not waste time hand treatment. In such situations it is necessary to act competently and as quickly as possible to avoid shock. If the patient has lost a lot of blood, then you need to stop arterial bleeding, lay a man, lifting his lower limbs and water with water or sweet tea.

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