HealthDiseases and Conditions

Angina phlegmonous: symptoms and treatment. Tablets with angina in adults

Such a disease, like angina, is not considered rare - it can occur not only in young children, but also in adults, but only treatment for each is prescribed individually.

What is phlegmonous angina?

Angina phlegmonous is often caused by an infection that affects the throat. In this case, the patient may have lymph nodes. The causes of this disease are staphylococci, streptococci and other microorganisms.

Phlegmonous tonsillitis is much less common than other types of this disease. With such a disease, you should pay attention to the tonsils, which can increase several times and when you touch them will be very sick. You can feel the increase of the tonsils with the help of palpation.


The reasons for the appearance of this disease can in fact be many, but the main doctors include such as:

  1. Angina in adults can appear due to severe hypothermia of the body.
  2. If the human immunity is greatly reduced, this condition can be a consequence of severe fatigue, lack of rest, emotional stress.
  3. When there are abnormalities in the work of the nervous system.
  4. With injuries of the tonsils. Sometimes angina can develop even after the tonsils are removed.
  5. If there is a violation of breathing, mostly nasal, for example, when a nasal septum was shifted.

Symptoms that accompany a phlegmonous sore throat

Angina in adults is identical to that of children, so the symptoms are usually the same, but in an adult the disease is much more complicated than that of a child. Consider the main symptoms of phlegmonous sore throat:

  1. During eating or drinking, swallowing can cause severe pain in the throat, so in this case it is recommended to eat soft foods.
  2. A person may have a general intoxication of the body, the general condition of the patient worsens, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea may occur.
  3. There is a strong reddening of the throat, as well as an increase in the tonsils several times. And they can be seen with the naked eye, because they begin to bulge in the jaw area.
  4. The human body temperature can increase to 40 degrees.

Phlegmonous tonsillitis, the symptoms of which are very similar to the usual, requires immediate treatment, since such a disease can give serious complications in the body, in addition, it can quickly become heavy.


First of all, the diagnosis is carried out in order to exclude a number of other diseases. For this purpose, the following procedures are assigned:

  1. Inspection of the pharynx.
  2. Measurement of body temperature.
  3. All the symptoms of the disease are evaluated, so the doctor collects a complete history.
  4. Complaints of the patient are considered.
  5. A smear of mucus is made and tests are conducted to identify bacteria and their resistance to drugs. A general blood test is considered mandatory, according to which the presence of an inflammatory process in other organs can be determined.

After the doctor receives all the test results, he can proceed directly to treatment and select antibiotics that will be tailored to the individual patient.

Complications that can be caused by phlegmonous sore throat

If phlegmonous angina is not treated at an early stage, then there is a risk of getting serious complications that can cost the patient a life. A person gets complications in the form of otitis, laryngeal edema, acute laryngitis, neck phlegmon, okolohlotkochnogo abscess, may develop the development of meningitis, kidney failure and even rheumatic fever.

Treatment in an outpatient setting

As soon as the patient began to notice that acute paratonzillitis develops, it is urgently necessary to seek help from a doctor, as every minute of delay can cost great health problems. A person must necessarily adhere to bed rest, eat fortified food and drink plenty of water.

What antibiotic is better for angina, only a doctor can determine, because such conclusions are made based on the analysis. First of all, it is necessary to determine the microbes that caused the disease, and the treatment will be directed at their elimination. If a person has phlegmonous tonsillitis, the symptoms often initially resemble an ordinary cold, so patients begin improper treatment, thereby aggravating the general health condition. The doctor prescribes such drugs:

  1. First of all, for the elimination of microbes, preparations of synthetic origin are appointed, which kill microbes in the throat - these are sprays, aerosols and candies.
  2. If phlegmonous angina is caused by a fungus, then antifungal drugs are used.
  3. Of course, the doctor prescribes medicines that help to remove inflammation and swelling, that is, you can include anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment with antibiotics

If the process is too run, treatment can be carried out exclusively with the use of antibiotics. What antibiotic is better for angina, appoint only a doctor. The most common drugs are:

  1. Bioraporox. It can be used by many people, it is allowed even to nursing mothers.
  2. "Miramistin" perfectly copes with sore throat, if it began to appear only at the initial stage. Also, this drug can effectively defeat fungi and viruses.
  3. Choosing tablets with angina in adults, preference is given to "Sumamedu". This drug doctors recommend to use extremely carefully, since it has strong properties. As a rule, appoint a reception for five days, after which you need to take a break.
  4. If there is an increase in temperature, then it must necessarily be knocked down with drugs such as Ketonal, Paracetamol, Panadol, Aspirin.
  5. Angina phlegmonous is perfectly treated, if along with these antibiotics apply drugs such as "Tetracycline", "Bicillin", "Ampicillin."

Treatment of phlegmonous sore throat at home

Tablets with angina in adults are aimed at completely eliminating the cause of the disease, but they can not always effectively cope with certain symptoms, therefore, along with drug therapy, it is necessary to apply and treatment at home. For example, an excellent way to relieve redness of the throat, there will be a rinse with infusion of chamomile.

If the patient suspects that he develops phlegmonous tonsillitis, treatment at home should begin with the following methods:

  1. If you have a honeycomb or carnation on hand, you should chew them thoroughly. Do this unhurriedly so that the saliva that swallows has a soothing effect on the red throat.
  2. The throat can be rinsed not only with the infusion of chamomile, but also brew marigold, while the broth of marigold is recommended to dilute with warm water.
  3. It is recommended to drink one tablespoon of onion juice per day. To apply this medicine it is possible to full recovery after all in a bow contains many vitamins.
  4. Very effectively, the lemon struggles with sore throat. It is necessary to take lemon juice without washing down every ten hours. Redness of the throat in this case very quickly passes.

It is also important to remember that honey and propolis are effective means of fighting chronic tonsillitis and tonsillitis. Before going to bed, you should mix a tablespoon of propolis tincture with alcohol and the same amount of honey. All this mixture should be eaten, but it should be done in small portions, you can dissolve, so that the main effect was on the throat. Treatment should take courses, as a rule, a minimum period of ten days. In this case, there is a possibility that the removal of tonsils will not be necessary.

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