EducationThe science

Akmeology is what kind of science? Professional acmeology

The boundaries of the knowledge collected by mankind are expanding to improbability. There are new, young sciences that help understand the meaning of everything that surrounds us, and improve the quality of life. We will talk about one of these in our article. Science of acmeology is a branch of knowledge about the achievement of peaks in various spheres of life. What else investigators-acmeologists are doing and what practical benefits their development can bring, we will try to present in an interesting light in our article.

Akmeology is what kind of science?

The word "acmeology" comes from the Greek language and has two terms in meaning: akme - vertex, logos (this part is well known to us) - teaching. Today the term "acmeology" is the science of man's vertex achievements.

A new science is considered a component of the developmental psychology. A special direction in the study of acmeology is that it examines not just the achievements that people achieve in adulthood, but also the factors that contribute to this. The "father" of acmeology, which Rybnikova NA is usually considered to be, proposed to associate the term in 1929 with the science of the development of mature people.

The great practical significance of the results of acmeological conclusions is that they literally represent information about what conditions led a person to the heights of intellectual, physical and spiritual activity. In many respects this brings us closer to understanding the meaning of life.

Aspects of the study of science

Acmeology is the study of the multidimensional development of man. She tries to cover as much as possible all aspects relating to the development of man during the adult period of his life. This science covers such moments as:

  1. The patterns revealed in the realization of the creative potential of an adult person in creative activity.
  2. Features of adult education and the process of becoming it as a professional.
  3. Self-organization, self-education of a mature personality, as well as self-control in these processes.
  4. Factors of different order (objective, subjective), accompanying the achievement of the vertices of activity, both concomitant and impeding success.
  5. Peculiarities of improving the adult person, reaction to the emergence of new circumstances (requirements of the profession, changes in scientific, technical, cultural progress), self-organization, self-correction. Here we also consider changes in the internal, personal interests of a person (a review of the merits and demerits of their activities, an awareness of their capabilities and abilities).

Thus, modern acmeology is a unique branch of scientific knowledge, designed to comprehensively explore the success of man and the components that lead to it.

Initial stage and development of the industry

The beginning of acmeology as a science was laid in 1928 by N. Rybnikov, who proposed the term itself as the name of the science of human development in the adult stage of life. But then the path of young science was just beginning.

A more or less prominent separate branch of knowledge acmeology became in the middle of the 20th century. Then the famous Russian scientist Ananyev BG determined the place of the new direction, which he occupies among all the sciences of man. The closest thing to acmeology was and is to psychology.

The highest degree of recognition of the science of development in adulthood was found only in the 90s of the last century. They contributed to such a science as acmeology, Derkach AA and Bodalev AA Under their leadership, the first department of acmeology (full name - the chair of acmeology and psychology of professional activity) was opened in the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. In 1992, the Academy of Acmeology was opened and officially registered in St. Petersburg. The event was initiated by Russian psychologists Kuzmina NV, Derkach AA, Zimichev AM

Today, acmeology is very close to the goals and subject of study to pedagogy and psychology.

At the initial stages, a new science was turned to studying the factors that allow adults to obtain high achievements in any kind of activity (management, medicine, jurisprudence, this includes sport acmeology). Gradually, the researchers came to the conclusion that the basis of the highest achievements of man in adulthood is laid in childhood. At the beginning of life new skills develop actively, experience accumulates, attitude to this or that kind of activity is formed and steady motivational readiness. All these qualities, if I may say so, in the mature age, build the success of the individual in all spheres.

Institute of Acmeology in St. Petersburg

Acmeology was not recognized as an independent science throughout the world. So, foreign scientists attributed it to psychology. The Russians, however, attached great importance to the new knowledge, recognizing it at the state level.

In 1995, the Institute of Psychology and Acmeology in St. Petersburg was opened (the initial name of the institution was the St. Petersburg Akmeologic Academy). This was the first institution focused on in-depth study of the young branch of knowledge.

During the time that acmeology accumulated the results of their studies, a number of trends emerged. We will discuss them later in this article.

Directions of acmeology

Separately within the boundaries of the doctrine under consideration is professional acmeology. In turn, it has its sub-directions:

- pedagogical acmeology;

- school;

- Acmeology of physical culture;

- social;

- Military;

- Medical.

Other directions of the science of development in adulthood are synergistic, creative, ethnological, corrective acmeology, as well as management and education acmeology.

Mature person from the acmeological point of view

The center around which acmeology focuses is the mature personality with its formed and only emerging characteristics.

Science gives signs of a mature personality. This is a developed sense of responsibility, the desire to constructively solve complex life problems, the need to take care of others, to be in psychological proximity with people, to actively participate in public life, applying their skills and abilities - everything that leads to maximum self-realization.

An indicator that the individual is a mature person is the recognition in the social group of his qualities and significance. Depending on the assessment of the individual in society, his attitude to his own success and his failures towards him is formed. That is, there is recognition at the personal level. If recognition is not achieved, a person experiences psychological discomfort.

If a person does not receive a confession either in the social environment or at the personal level, this threatens him with a psychological crisis of personality.

In addition to expressing his views on the maturity of man, acmeology assures us that it is extremely important for society that each individual has the acme period as long as possible. By the way, acme is the most productive period in a person's life.

Conditions for the formation of a mature personality

Achievement of peaks in different spheres of activity is possible under certain conditions. Acmeology also studies this. And here are the regularities, the necessary conditions, she singled out:

- the correct organization of time;

- formation of an active position in choosing a life path;

- professional and ethnic culture ;

- harmonization of personal properties of a person and the conditions of the ethnopsychological environment, the influence of the latter on the formation of the personality ;

- favorable conditions for overcoming the contradictions between the environment and the individual;

- productive solution of problems and tasks of an adult;

- Awareness of their capabilities, self-improvement and attitude to themselves as the creator of their lives.


Thus, during our conversation, we found out what is acmeology and what its real significance is in human development. We also learned that in Russia this young science was recognized as an independent branch of knowledge, and in the 90s the Institute of Psychology and Acmeology in St. Petersburg was opened. The science of development in adulthood can help a person realize what he really needs for success. Let your acme also begin or continue for many decades!

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