Self improvementPsychology

Aggression is ... Aggression: types of aggression. Aggressive behavior of adolescents

The daily news bulletin constantly frightens the ordinary inhabitant with the number of acts of violence in all corners of the world. And everyday life abounds with quarrels, cries and other manifestations of hostility.

Aggression in modern society is perceived as evil and is subject to public condemnation. However, there are many examples of hostile behavior of individuals as well as of whole groups of people.

Why do people cause suffering to each other, what are the causes of interpersonal and global conflicts? These questions do not have a clear answer, but studying the phenomenon of aggression in different aspects of human life will help to better understand the problem.

What is aggression?

In the world there are many approaches to determining the cause, the content and types of counteraction to such behavior. So, some psychologists believe that aggression is an innate quality of a person, connected with instinctual impulses. Others correlate this concept with the necessity of carrying out detente by an individual (frustration), while others perceive it as a manifestation of the social education of a person who has arisen on the basis of past experience.

Thus, such a type of personality manifestation is a deliberate behavior that is destructive and leads to physical or psychological damage and discomfort to other individuals.

Aggression in psychology, and in everyday life, is often associated with anger, anger, rage, that is, extremely negative emotions. In fact, hostility can arise in a calm, cold-blooded state. Such behavior may result from negative attitudes (the desire to harm or offend) or be unmotivated. According to many experts, an obligatory condition for aggressive behavior should be its focus on another individual. That is, punches on the wall and battering the dishes are manifestations of hostile and expressive behavior. But outbreaks of uncontrolled negative emotions can subsequently be redirected to living beings.

Historical approaches

The definition of aggression is realized through various approaches. The main ones are:

  1. Normative approach. Particular attention is paid to unlawful actions and violation of generally accepted norms. Aggressive is considered to be behavior, which includes 2 basic conditions: there are destructive consequences for the victim and at the same time violated the norms of behavior.
  2. Depth-psychological approach. The instinctive nature of aggression is affirmed. It is an inalienable inherent feature of any person's behavior.
  3. Targeted approach. Explores hostile behavior in terms of its intended purpose. According to this direction, aggression is a tool of self-assertion, evolution, adaptation and appropriation of vital resources and territories.
  4. Efficient approach. Emphasizes the consequences of such behavior.
  5. Intentional approach. Assesses the motivations of the subject of hostility, which led him to such actions.
  6. Emotional approach. It reveals the psychoemotional aspect of the aggressor's behavior and motivation.
  7. The multidimensional approach includes the analysis of all factors of aggression with a deep study of the most significant, from the point of view of the individual author.

A large number of approaches to the definition of this psychological phenomenon does not provide an exhaustive definition of it. The notion of "aggression" is too broad and multifaceted. Types of aggression are very diverse. But still it is necessary to understand and classify them in order to more clearly understand the reasons and develop ways to combat this serious problem of our time.

Aggression. Types of aggression

A single classification of the types of aggression and its causes is difficult to create. However, in the world practice its definition is often used according to the method of American psychologists A. Bass and A. Darki, which includes five components:

  1. Physical aggression - the physical impact is applied to another individual.
  2. Indirect aggression - occurs in a hidden way (unkind jokes, creation of gossip) or is not directed at a particular person (causeless cries, stomping with feet, other manifestations of explosions of rage).
  3. Irritation - increased excitability to external stimuli, which often leads to a surge of negative emotions.
  4. Verbal aggression is a manifestation of negative feelings through verbal reactions (squealing, screaming, swearing, threats, etc.).
  5. Negativism is an oppositional behavior that can manifest itself in a passive and active form of struggle against established laws and traditions.

Types of verbal reactions

The manifestation of aggression in the verbal form according to A. Bassu is divided into three main types:

  1. Rejection is a reaction that is built on the "go away" type and more coarse forms.
  2. Hostile remarks - are formed on the principle of "your presence annoys me."
  3. Criticism is aggression directed not at the person, but on his personal objects, work, clothes, etc.

Psychologists also distinguish other forms of hostility. Thus, according to H. Hekhausen, there is an instrumental and hostile aggression. Hostile is an end in itself and brings immediate harm to another person. Instrumental same - an intermediate phenomenon in achieving any goal (for example, extortion).

Forms of manifestation

Forms of aggression can be very diverse and divided into the following types of actions:

  • Negative (destructive) - positive (constructive);
  • Explicit (open aggression) - latent (hidden);
  • Direct (directed directly to the object) - indirect (affect through other channels);
  • Ego-synthonic (accepted by the person himself) - ego-dystonic (condemned by his "I");
  • Physical (violence over a physical object) - verbal (attack words);
  • Hostile (the goal of aggression is immediate harm) - instrumental (hostility is only a means of achieving another goal).

The most common manifestations of aggressiveness in everyday life are increased voice, scandal, insults, coercion, physical abuse, use of weapons. Hidden forms include malicious inaction, avoiding contact, causing harm to themselves up to suicide.

Who can be targeted by aggression?

Attacks of aggression can be directed to:

  • Exclusively close people - only members of the family (or one member) are attacked, with others the usual behavior;
  • People not from the family circle - teachers, classmates, doctors, etc.;
  • Himself, both on his own body and on his personality, takes place in the form of refusing food, mutilating, biting nails, etc.;
  • Animals, insects, birds, etc .;
  • Inanimate physical objects - in the form of damage to property, eating inedible objects;
  • Symbolic objects - fascination with aggressive computer games, collecting weapons, etc.

Causes of aggressive behavior

The causes of man's hostility are also diverse and cause controversy among professional psychologists.

Adherents of biological theory hold the view that aggression is:

  • The innate human reaction associated with the instinct of self-preservation (attack is the best defense);
  • Behavior that arises as a result of the struggle for territory and resources (competition in personal and professional spheres);
  • Hereditary property, obtained together with the type of nervous system (unbalanced);
  • Consequence of hormonal disorders (excess testosterone or adrenaline);
  • Consequence of the use of psychotropic substances (alcohol, nicotine, drugs).

According to the sociobiological approach, people with similar genes contribute to the survival of each other, even through self-sacrifice. At the same time, they show aggression towards individuals who are very different from them and have few common genes. This explains the conflict outbreaks between representatives of social, national, religious and professional groups.

Psychosocial theory associates increased aggressiveness with the quality of life of a person. The worse his condition (not enough sleep, hungry, not satisfied with life), so he is more hostile.

Factors affecting the level of aggression

According to the social theory, aggression is a property of a person acquired over a lifetime. And it develops against the background of the following factors:

  • Dysfunctional families (frequent quarrels between parents, the use of physical influence on children, lack of parental attention);
  • Daily demonstration and propaganda of violence on television and other media.

Psychologists also closely connect the factors of human aggression with such personal qualities:

  • Dominant style of behavior;
  • Increased anxiety;
  • The tendency to identify hostility to the actions of other individuals;
  • Increased or, conversely, understated self-control;
  • Low self-esteem and frequent infringement of one's own dignity;
  • Complete lack of capacity, including creative.

How to behave with the aggressor?

Aggression is an action that is usually aimed at destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to remember some basic rules of behavior with a negative-minded individual:

  1. If a person is in a strong psychological arousal, and the problem is insignificant, try to translate the conversation into another topic, postpone the discussion time, that is, get away from the stimulus conversation.
  2. Positively affect the mutual understanding, if the parties to the conflict look at the problem from the outside, an unbiased view.
  3. It is necessary to try to understand the aggressor. If the cause depends on you, take the possible measures to eliminate it.
  4. It is sometimes useful to demonstrate sympathy and understanding to the aggressor.
  5. It also helps to agree with him at those points where he is really right.

Determine to which type the aggressor belongs

Specific methods of counteracting hostility depend directly on the type of personality of the aggressor:

  1. Type "Tank". Very rude and straightforward people who, in a conflict situation, roam through. If the issue is not very important, it is better to give in or adapt, let the aggressor let go of the steam. You can not question his rightness, his own opinion should be expressed without emotion, because calm usually suppresses the rage of such a person.
  2. Type "Bomb". These subjects are not evil by nature, but they can flare up like children. With a flare-up of hostility, it is necessary to let out such a person's emotions, calm him and communicate normally further, since this does not happen from evil and often against the will of the aggressor himself.
  3. Type "Sniper". In the absence of actual power creates conflicts through intrigue. It is important to show the culprit evidence of his behind-the-scenes games and then seek a solution to this issue.
  4. Type of "shout". These people criticize everything in the world, from real problems to imaginary ones. They want to be heard. When contacting the aggressor with such a plan, it is necessary to let him pour out his soul, agree with his opinion and try to change the conversation. When returning to this topic, you should switch his attention from the problem to the solution.
  5. Type «Perochinny knife». Such people are often ready to go to the aid, concede in many questions. However, this happens only in words, but in practice everything is the other way round. When dealing with them, you need to insist on the importance for you of exactly the truth on their part.

How to get rid of discomfort after communication?

In today's world, people have a fairly high level of aggression. This implies the need for a proper response to someone else's attacks, as well as the control of one's own psycho-emotional state.

At the time of the hostile reaction, you need to take a deep breath-out, count to ten, which will allow you to abstract from the momentary outburst of emotions and take a rational look at the situation. Also useful to tell the opponent about their negative feelings. If all this has not helped, you can throw out an excess of anger with the help of one of the classes:

  • Sport, yoga or active games in the open air;
  • Picnic in nature;
  • Rest in a karaoke bar or in a disco;
  • General cleaning (it is possible even with rearrangement) in the house;
  • Writing all the negative on paper with the subsequent destruction (you need to tear it or burn it);
  • You can beat dishes or just a pillow (this option is much cheaper);
  • Conversation with the closest and most importantly understanding people;
  • Crying also gives a tangible emotional detente;
  • In the end, you can just do your favorite thing, it will undoubtedly raise your spirits.

In more severe cases, a person can not independently cope with negative emotions. Then you need to contact a psychotherapist or a psychologist. The specialist will help to identify the causes of such a state, give a definition of aggression in each specific case, and also find individual methods of solving this issue.

Causes of child aggression

A very important aspect that can not be overlooked is teenage aggression. Parents are very important to understand what caused this behavior, because it will provide an opportunity to further adjust the child's reactions. Children's hostility has similar causes to the adult, but it also has some peculiarities. To the main belong:

  • The desire to receive something;
  • The desire to dominate;
  • Attracting the attention of other children;
  • Self-assertion;
  • defensive reaction;
  • Gaining a sense of superiority through the humiliation of others;
  • revenge.

Aggressive behavior of adolescents in half the cases is the result of miscalculation in upbringing, insufficient or excessive influence, unwillingness to understand the child or a banal lack of time. Such a character is formed with an authoritarian type of parental influence, as well as in disadvantaged families.

Aggression in adolescents also occurs when there are a number of psychological factors:

  • Low level of intelligence and communication skills;
  • Primitivism of game activity;
  • Weak self-control skills;
  • Problems with peers;
  • Low self-esteem.

Left on self-aggression by the child in the future can develop into open conflicts and even antisocial behavior in adulthood. Child psychology identifies almost the same kinds of hostility as the adult. Therefore, we will discuss in more detail the issues of combating it, which has some differences from cases with adults.

How to deal with aggression in a child?

The most important rule in education is the observance of a personal example. The child will never react to the demands of parents who disagree with their own actions.

The reaction to aggression should not be immediate and cruel. The child will break anger at others, hiding his real emotions from his parents. But there should be no connivance, because children very well feel insecure from their parents.

Aggressive behavior of adolescents requires timely prevention, namely systematic and controlled formation of trusting and benevolent relationships. Strength and weakness on the part of the parent will only exacerbate the situation, only sincerity and trust will really help.

To concrete steps of struggle against aggression the child can include the following:

  1. To teach him self-control.
  2. To develop skills of behavior in conflict situations.
  3. Teach the child to express negative emotions in an adequate form.
  4. Encourage him to understand and empathize with other people.

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