
Activated carbon

Activated carbon is an absorbent that has a large surface activity. It prevents the absorption of toxic substances, alkaloids, salts in the digestive tract and promotes their excretion.

As a medicine, it is used for salmonellosis, dyspepsia, intoxication, flatulence, allergic diseases, poisoning, increased gas production.


The number of tablets and the frequency of their use is regulated by the attending physician. It can depend on the severity of the disease, the weight of a person and age. As a rule, activated carbon is drunk 3-4 times a day for 250-750 mg.

Properties of activated carbon

Using it simultaneously with other drugs, you can greatly reduce their useful properties and as a result - the effectiveness. This is due to the ability of coal to reduce the absorption of substances from the digestive tract. It is worth considering when taking vitamins. Long-term reception of activated charcoal can lead to vitamin deficiency.

Most often activated charcoal is used for poisoning. Relief usually comes on the first day, and after three or four days the body is completely cleared. This effect is achieved due to the unique ability of the drug to quickly remove harmful substances through the gastrointestinal tract.

For many, activated charcoal is only a remedy that helps with stomach problems. However, this is an erroneous opinion. It can be used for various diseases, for example, flu or cold.

During the period of illness, numerous viruses and products of their vital activity clog up our body. The use of coal known to us speeds up the process of their excretion, and therefore allows the immune system to function normally. By the same principle, coal acts on patients with various allergies. Especially it is effective at the very beginning of the disease.

Most of the adult population is familiar with an unpleasant condition called a hangover. And in this situation, activated charcoal will come to the rescue. His dose in this case can be increased. As a rule, after a few receptions, the general condition improves noticeably.

Despite all the visible advantages, this drug can not be called ideal. Together with harmful substances, he displays and useful, depriving the body of the necessary vitamins and minerals. In this regard, you need to know the basic rules of its use:

  1. Coal is taken at least 1.5 hours before meals. This will not allow him to "grab" useful substances.
  2. You can not take it for a long time. Many incompetent experts advise taking it as a supplement to a diet or residents of large cities, which are especially exposed to negative environmental factors. However, this is undesirable. Activated charcoal is intended for urgent care and is not suitable for permanent use. You can consume it 1-2 times a month.
  3. Some disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are possible. It can be constipation or diarrhea. To anticipate the reaction of a particular organism is rather difficult, because we are all very different. Doctors recommend that persons suffering from constipation should consume simultaneously with activated charcoal a laxative or appropriate food.
  4. In order to determine the dose of the drug, you need to contact a specialist. He will choose the right regimen in accordance with your parameters and body features. Tablets are always drunk on an empty stomach, two hours before meals. Typically, the body cleansing occurs within three days.

The production of activated carbon is excellent. It is always available in all pharmacies. When buying the drug, pay attention to the expiration date and the integrity of the package.

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