BeautySkin care

A few simple recommendations how to get rid of black dots on the nose at home

Considering photos of beauties in glossy magazines, you want to immediately find out from them how they manage to have such a delightful, even skin without the slightest flaws. And it does not matter that every photo before it is seen by the masses goes through the most careful processing in the graphic editor for the removal of all skin defects, correction of the face shape, alignment of its color, etc. In such a simple way, even from the most outwardly unremarkable girl, you can make a real beauty queen. Try to wash any photomodel and remove from it the accrued hair and nails, false eyelashes, contact lenses - and before your eyes clear, a completely different person appears, who, it turns out, does not have such beautiful eyes, not luxurious hair and absolutely imperfect skin . Models - also people, so their body is just as susceptible to disease, and the skin - to various eruptions, blackheads and black dots.

Most models, in order to get rid of black spots, resort to the services of expensive cosmeticians, but there are many ways to combat this defect in the home. In addition, many of them absolutely do not require huge financial costs, and in their effectiveness often exceed expensive cosmetics. Here are some simple recommendations, how to get rid of black dots folk remedies.

Let's start with cleansing the skin. After all, what are black dots? Speaking in the language of medical terms, they are called "comedones", and they are formed, due to improper nutrition, bad ecology and a whole set of chemical elements, of which even the most "natural" cosmetic products are composed. Street dust in combination with sebum, tonal creams and powder clogs the pores of the skin and gives them a not very attractive look. The owners of oily skin are especially prone to this problem: the T-zone (nose, cheeks, forehead, chin) requires special care every day. So how to get rid of black dots on the nose at home? For example, you can try to clean problem areas lotion, which is very easy to prepare from fresh aloe leaves. It is necessary to wash and grind the leaf well. The proportions are as follows: for 2 tablespoons of aloe you need 1 glass of cold water. Fill the leaves and leave to settle for one hour. Then the mixture should be put on fire and brought to the boiling point, after which boil for another 3-5 minutes. Next, you need to remove the mixture from the hot plate and allow it to cool completely by covering it with a lid. After complete cooling, drain the liquid into a separate container and wipe the problem areas twice a day.

Here is another simple way how to get rid of black dots on the nose at home. This mask-scrub praises girls in many forums, so we will not pass it by our attention. To prepare it you will need ordinary oatmeal, boric acid or soda, and a little kefir. In a coffee grinder lightly grind 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, pour it into a small dish and add to it either 3-4 drops of acid, or a pinch of soda. Kefir add so much that the result is a thick enough gruel. It should be put on problem areas, withstand 10-15 minutes, and then with wet fingers roll it off your face and wash it with cool water.

Also very popular, and, therefore, another method is effective, how to get rid of black dots on the nose at home. Of the ingredients you will need one egg raw protein and a tablespoon of sugar. They need to be stirred well, so that the sugar dissolves. Next, proceed as follows: half of the mixture is applied to the T-zone or to the place where there is a cluster of black dots, and leave to dry completely. After this, apply the remaining mixture to the same places with patting movements and continue patting with your fingers until they begin to stick strongly. These manipulations literally "stretch" the black dots from the skin. However, this procedure can not be carried out more often than once a week, and it will be better if before the application of the mask you steam a little steam over hot steam.

If you like more "radical" methods, try this simple way how to get rid of black spots on the nose at home: during washing, wash your face well, apply a little salt and fine, but gently rub the skin in problem areas. Rinse with water. This cleaning is best done at night, and not part: washing in this way is enough to do once a week.

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