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A component of soy products. What is soy, health benefits and harm?

What is soya and how is it useful? This question interests practically everyone. What is the reason for this? The fact is that recently more and more of the mentioned ingredient began to be added to the foodstuffs that were habitual for us. Thus, he gradually began to replace meat, as well as other components.

So what is soybeans and how is it useful? Photos of this product and its features will be presented below.

General information

Soy - what is it? This is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the Bobov family. Cultural soybean is actively cultivated in southern Europe, Australia and Asia, as well as in South and North America, South and Central Africa, the islands of the Indian and Pacific.

Product Features

Soy - what is it? Seeds of this plant are a fairly common food product. According to experts, such fruits have the following characteristics:

  • High protein content (up to 50%);
  • High productivity;
  • The possibility of preventing cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis;
  • Presence of a large number of vitamins of group B, calcium, iron, polyunsaturated fatty acids and potassium.

How to use it?

Soybean - what is it, and what are the properties of the fruits in question? Their unique properties make it possible to produce a wide range of different products.

Before you tell us about what is harmful soy, you should tell that it is often used as an inexpensive substitute for meat and dairy products. Also these legumes are included in the composition of feed for farm animals.

Product Benefits

What are the properties of soy? The benefits and harm (for health) of this product are the subject of frequent disputes by many specialists. At the same time, most of them consider such fruits unique for a number of indicators.

Scientists have found that the product in question contains a huge amount of genestein, phytic acid and isoflavonoids. They have an effect that is similar to the action of a female sex hormone, like estrogen. This feature of soy makes it some healing properties, namely the ability to reduce the risk of oncological diseases.

It should also be noted that phytic acid suppresses the development of benign and malignant tumors, and genestein is a unique substance that slows the growth of cancerous tumors.

Basic properties

Soy - what is it, and what are its properties? Soy products, which were obtained by fermentation, very often include in the daily diet of both adults and adolescents. Such dishes are used not only as a preventive agent, but also for the treatment of diathesis, diabetes mellitus, various kinds of allergic reactions, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Moreover, soy is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver.

Recently, experts have found that the product in question includes lecithin, acetylcholine and phosphatidylcholine. These substances effectively restore and reconstruct cells of the brain and nervous tissue, and also have a beneficial effect on learning, thinking ability and memory.

One can not help saying that all the above-mentioned elements play an important role in supporting the sexual function and the human reproductive system. In addition, they restore their strength after mental and moral stress, and also support the motor activity of the patient.

What else is useful about this product? Lecithin, which is part of its composition, is able to control the level of cholesterol in the blood, increase the metabolism of adipose tissue and participate in other metabolic processes of the body. Also this component inhibits tissue degradation and aging processes, reduces the signs of arteriosclerosis, treats amnesia, muscle dystrophy and glaucoma.

Why is soy in food harmful?

In addition to an impressive list of useful properties of the product in question, it also has a large number of harmful qualities. By the way, the latter can easily bring to naught all the benefits of its use in the daily diet.

Most of the soy products on the local market are hazardous to health. The only exception is the food that was obtained through fermentation.

The most dangerous thing is genetically modified soy. Experts argue that such an ingredient is contaminated with herbicide residues and does not help maintain normal health.

How do you get GM soy?

Why is genetically modified soybean so dangerous? The fact is that in the process of its cultivation, farmers produce plantations with a huge amount of such a potent poisonous herbicide as Roundup. The latter is intended not only to control weeds, but also to significantly increase yields.

How does it affect human health?

In the course of numerous studies, specialists found that regular use of soy products causes the development of diseases of the digestive tract, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, diseases of the immune system, disorders in reproductive function and cognitive abilities, as well as infertility, heart problems and even cancer.

Let us list some of the consequences that were associated with the frequent use of soy and soy products:

  • mammary cancer;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • Damage to the brain;
  • Food allergy (serious forms);
  • Disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • Diseases of the immune system;
  • Violations in the genital area in women.

It should also be noted that American scientists found that those of the stronger sex who used soy products 3 times a week for a long time, the risk of Alzheimer's disease increased almost 2 times. Also, the abuse of this food often led to a weakening of memory, a decrease in the mass of the brain and a violation of thought processes.

Negative influence on the person

As stated above, soy contains phytic acid. Its excessive intake into the body helps to block the full absorption of zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium. In addition, with the help of soy products, scientists have learned to control the birth rate of laboratory animals. The fact is that in large quantities phytoestrogen can suppress the reproductive function of the body and significantly reduce its ability to conceive.

It should also be noted that many producers add soya to infant formula. Often this leads to early sexual maturation of girls and disabilities in development (physical) in boys. In this regard, the introduction of soy products in baby food is completely unacceptable.

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