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A blister appeared from the burn. What to do?

Burns can appear under the influence of different substances. For example, in contact with fire, etc. In life, everything happens, so if you have a blister from the burn, what to do with it, you should know. First of all, it is worthwhile to understand, in what situations you can help yourself, and in which you need a competent specialist.

When do I need help from a doctor?

Help is needed if you:

  1. Burns of the eyes, mucous respiratory tract, neck, face.
  2. The site is damaged more than 5 cm.
  3. Burns of external genital organs.
  4. Necrosis of burned tissues (usually characterized by a black color of the skin).
  5. Burns from chemicals with the appearance of bubbles.
  6. There was a burn, and you have endocrine pathology, for example, diabetes mellitus.

At the first degree of lesion, only the reddening of the injured area is observed. Bubbles appear at the 2 nd degree of a burn. Its cavity is filled with liquid, and it is forbidden to open it in the initial stages due to the fact that it is possible inadvertently to infect the damaged area. Then on the place of defeat will remain an unsightly scar.

A bladder was formed after the burn. What to do?

  1. Once you are burned, immediately substitute a damaged area for running water or apply a cold bandage. Apply ice is not recommended, because you can get necrosis or frostbite. You can bandage the burn with a dry cloth. All this will help you get rid of the burn faster.
  2. In order to prevent tissue inflammation at the burn site, it is possible to treat the wound with an antiseptic, for example "Furacilin" or "Chlorhexidine". You can also take the drug Miramistin. The burn must be treated with a cream, for example, "Dexpanthenol" or "Rescuer". You can use a child. If there is nothing of this, go to the pharmacy and get an ointment from burns there. The pharmacist will tell you what to take, if you yourself do not know the names.


If you have fever, take any antipyretic, for example "Paracetamol", it will help to cope with the temperature and will take away the pain. After burns, the sensitivity to many medicines is increased. Therefore, take no more than half the tablet.

Drink plenty of liquid, preferably acidified, take protein food - this menu will allow you to regenerate damaged tissue faster.

Usually a simple burn occurs within 14 days.

After the burn, the bladder swelled, what if the burn cavity was filled with purulent fluid? In such a situation, you need to immediately see a doctor. Only he will appoint the right treatment, perhaps, the burn will have to be opened surgically.

If minor surgery can not be avoided, you'll have to go to dressings, or maybe lie down in the hospital for a while under the supervision of doctors.

How long will it take before the burn heals?

He heals usually in 3 stages. What to do with a blister from a burn on each of them?

1. Purulent-necrotic

The contents of the bladder grow turbid with time, sometimes pus appears in it. The tissues of the lesion site suffer and can blush. The bubble can greatly increase in volume. And if the blister burst from a burn, what to do in this situation?

It should be washed with a solution of antiseptic - this is necessary to avoid further infection.

Next, dry the place of treatment with a sterile cloth.

After that, the wound is treated with oily ointment.

In conclusion, you need a sterile bandage, which should not be too tight.

But it's better than the situation in which the bubble accumulates pus, but does not burst. At such a confluence of circumstances, the bladder must be opened surgically, otherwise one can obtain tissue necrosis, with further amputation of a part of the limb.

2. Granulation

At this stage, the wound is healed and new cells are formed. You, in turn, should not allow a return to the first stage.

To do this, you just need to get rid of the bandage, since the skin should breathe in order to recover faster. You can continue to use the cream. But instead of bandage enough patch, if you go to the street, use only cream at home.

3. Epithelialization

The tissues are finally restored, a small scar remains on the burn site, using 1% hydrocortisone ointment will help smooth it.

If, for a long time, the bladder does not pass from the burn, what to do, only the doctor will be able to tell in this situation. As a rule, such phenomena are treated only in the hospital, with the help of antibiotics and other means that enhance regeneration.

Important points in the fight against a burn that can not be overlooked

If a blister appeared from the burn, what should I do?

  1. It is very important not to waste time after the burn. It's about 2 minutes. If during this time, no help is given, then a blister may appear instead of a burn, and this is much more serious.
  2. It is necessary to have an idea of the means used to provide first aid for a burn. You will be helped by such preparations: "Dexpanthenol", "Rescuer", "Wound healing ointment" (this is the name), "Panthenol", baby cream (with chamomile, string or sea-buckthorn). Have these medications in the medicine cabinet, they can come in handy.
  3. Do not forget about the processing of the bursting bubble. First you need to make a wash with an antiseptic solution. Then apply a sterile bandage on the pre-treated cream surface of the wound. Also it is necessary to drink half a tablet of the drug "Paracetamol".


Now you probably imagine how to cure a blister from a burn, what to do in the first minutes after it. We hope that our advice has been useful to you.

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