HealthWomen Health

Why the labia scratches

Gynecologists, due to the specifics of their specialization during their lifetime, face rather intimate problems of the fair sex. One of them is a disease in which the labia scratches. As usual, they often have some kind of venereal disease. However, a similar symptom is characteristic of many other gynecological diseases. What are the reasons that a woman has large labia scratches?

To begin with it is worth noting that the itching in an intimate place causes quite a lot of trouble. This is, first of all, discomfort, irritation of the mucosa and, finally, just quite unpleasant pain. Similar signs can be caused by the fact that a woman simply wears unsuitable underwear. It can be too tight and uncomfortable, made of synthetic materials. In addition, the itching in the perineum is often caused by the simplest allergy to the funds that a woman uses as a hygienic. Most often, they contain various additives that cause serious violations of the acid-base balance and, as a result, lead to irritation of the genital organs.

One of the reasons, because of which the labia scratches in the fair sex, can be the depilation method chosen. After all, there are a lot of ways to remove hair from the intimate zone. This and the laser method, creams and gels for depilation, plucking and shaving. On some of these hair removal technologies, the body can respond with itching in the labia.

A fairly large proportion of women who turned to a specialist with a complaint that the labia are being healed, as a result of medical examination, are suffering from diabetes mellitus.

There are many diseases of the genital tract, which are accompanied by itching in the genital area. For example, any sexual infection affects the organs of a woman. As a result of the inflammatory process, irritation appears on the genitals, and the woman in turn begins to experience unpleasant sensations. For example, itching and burning in the perineum.

The first thing that every girl should do, if the labia scratches, it's to try to find out the cause of this phenomenon. It is necessary to remember that over the past day she used to eat what symptoms, in addition, she is still observed. Discharges of unpleasant odor, uncharacteristic color most often symbolize infection with sexual infection. In addition, ordinary food allergies can also cause burning and itching in the perineum.

What to do if you have itching labia? First of all, it is necessary to change the underwear made of natural fabrics.

If the itch does not stop after the change of the laundry and the cause can not be determined on its own, one should consult a doctor. It is worth noting that the specialist at the reception first of all will ask the patient whose scalp is scratched, whether there are eruptions, ulcers and the like on the genitals. This is extremely important, so try to identify them before taking the doctor. Most often, these symptoms are accompanied by herpes. In the presence of this virus in infected women it is the large labia that itches. The same happens if the patient is sick with candidiasis or, as the people commonly call this disease, a milkmaid. It is manifested as usual against a background of reduced and weak immunity.

If the labia scratches, try to contact your doctor as soon as possible. The fact is that almost all diseases are much easier to cure at an early stage of development. In addition, you will not be able to get rid of irritation, unpleasant odor and itching in the perineum until the cause of it is eliminated.

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