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Why does the baby spit up? Frequent causes of "splashing out" of milk

The appearance of a child in the family is certainly an exciting event, but it is still ordinary. Almost every family has children, they were all babies and went through this period safely.

Do not treat the child that has just appeared, as something terribly fragile and unviable. The child is given a lot of nature to adapt to the environment and survival, and you, dear mother, if you listen to your feelings and look at the child, you can hardly do something very bad for him. We must believe in ourselves, always have a positive attitude. Forget about your higher education for a while, stop feverishly implementing all the advice of grandmothers, aunts, rely on nature to put in your instincts, intuition, watch the reaction of the child (if you do something wrong, he will tell you, at once) , Are next to him and do not be nervous.

A common cause for panic in mothers of infants is regurgitation of an infant. The kind of milk flowing from the baby's mouth leads the "new mother" into terror. She embraces anxiety, she begins to search everywhere for the reason, worried by one question - why the baby belches. Meanwhile, the baby is cheerful and continues to behave as if nothing had happened until the mother's anxiety passes to him. Even worse, when the excited Mamul, having listened to all well-wishers, begins to take action until the refusal of breastfeeding.

Dear mothers need to worry, of course, but not to lose sober thinking. And so, let's believe the smiling baby (after all, he does not know how to cheat), that everything is fine with him and understand the reasons for this reaction of the child's body.

So why does the baby belch? To fully consider this issue, one should begin with the physiological structure of the digestive system of the baby, or even better with the processes that started before the birth of a small man.

Why does a child often belch

That the fruit within the woman grows and develops, it is required to receive from food more nutrients. The fetus already in the early stages of its development begins to produce an enzyme (gastrin), which contributes to the allocation of more gastric juice in a woman for better assimilation of food. Hence the heartburn of pregnant women. Gastrin, after the birth of crumbs, begins to work on his digestive system, stimulating the production of gastric juice. In some children this enzyme is too active, its large doses increase the tone of smooth muscles, provoking frequent regurgitation.

A large amount of enzyme is necessary for a child to increase body weight as soon as possible. When he gains enough weight, the concentration of the enzyme will decrease.

Why does the baby regurgitate after feeding?

The fact is that the digestive system of the baby has not yet been fully formed, the sphincter, whose task is to cover the exit from the stomach into the esophagus, is not expressed, but the esophagus is relatively short. Therefore, if the baby's stomach is full of milk (also mixed with gases), the valve can not always hold its contents while moving the body. It "splashes out" like an open bottle.

By the age of 6 months, regurgitation usually goes away.

For safety reasons, turn the person who sleeps after eating to the side.

Why does the baby belch

Two elementary causes of regurgitation are known to everyone - it is overfeeding and sucking in air with food.

Feed the baby more often, immediately on demand, then the portions of milk drunk will be small. Make sure that the sucker completely grasps the nipple of the breast along with the nipple, or if you feed it from the bottle, so that the milk completely fills the nipple.

You should seek advice (why the baby spits) to the doctor if the baby does not weigh well, urinates less than 12 times a day, sluggish and shows signs of anxiety during and after feeding.

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