
Why do gray hair and how to live with it

Gray hair is associated with old age. And many people start to panic and to search for the answer to a question, why the hair grows gray, as if with the graying one can stop the inexorable run of time. Let's try not to get discouraged, but to approach the issue philosophically, because hair grows gray not only in adults, but also in fairly young people. Let's look at the reasons why gray hair in general and separately touch the topic, why hair turns gray early.

The hair of people is painted in different shades due to the content of melanin in them. Only two kinds of this substance are known to science: eumelanin is inherent in brunettes and faces with chestnut-colored hair, and pheomelanin is the cause of the color of red-haired and blonde. The more intense the hair color, the more melanocytes are contained in their composition. With age, the body ceases to produce this substance and by a certain date the hair begins to lose its color. Although in dark-haired people the graying is visually expressed more strongly, nevertheless it is noticed that the blondes are graying before.

And why do gray hair in young people? Studies and observations indicate that the Caucasoid race is graying earlier. She has a lot of representatives who are worried at the age of 20 about why her hair turns gray early. But representatives of the Negroid population of the world begin to turn gray when they reach the age of 30. This problem is caused both by the hereditary predisposition to graying, and the acquired indicators. And if genetic questions do not require special answers, then the second reason is actively studied by scientists. But, unfortunately, an unequivocal answer to the question why the hair grows young, until science can not give.

There are several theories. Some researchers are trying to explain the phenomenon of early graying disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland, chronic anemia, congenital diseases. Another group of scientists is trying to blame responsibility on the environment, adverse environmental factors and harmful foods that contribute to a metabolic disorder in the body. The deficiency or overabundance of some trace elements, they believe, leads to a decrease in the production of melanin in cells. The third group of scientists, answering the question, why do gray hair at an early age, indicate as the main cause of nervous breakdowns, while appealing to known historical facts, when people have been sitting, literally, for several hours. They believe that stress disrupts the chemical bond between melanin and protein, which causes intense washing out of the pigment from the hair structure.

It would be wrong if we touched on the subject of why the hair is graying, we would not discuss ways to combat this phenomenon, the most effective of which are cosmetic paints, whose composition every day becomes more and more perfect. Using them, both men and women overcome the inferiority complex that they develop in connection with the experiences for their appearance. And it's not just that the gray hair makes a man more mature in appearance. Gray-haired man and in society, unfortunately, is not quoted. Take, for example, the case when employers are most often refused vacancies only because they consider the gray-haired candidate less promising and not energetic enough. And how much charm and nobility attaches to the gray appearance of some people, we do not want to notice.

In the same case, gray hair is a consequence of some ailment, you can expect a miracle of restoring the pigmentation of the hair. Such cases of science are known, although very rare.

They say, warned - it means armed. The information given in this article can serve as an excuse for at least to lead a healthy lifestyle and prevent early hair loss due to debilitating diets and malnutrition.

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