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Who is the boatswain? Duties of Boatswain

On any ship there is a position responsible not only for maintaining the good condition of the ship, but also "eyeing" the team. These two important tasks always lay on the shoulders of the boatswain. But who is the boatswain on the ship? Let's look at the specifics of this profession in more detail.

Who is Boatswain?

Until 1798 there were no boatswain on boats, their work was performed by a sergeant. Certificates and codes of naval laws, dated 1886, already tell in detail who the boatswain is. Officially, this is a senior non-commissioned officer, informally an official who is responsible for the state of the ship, checks sails and boats, anchors, cables. In general, it does everything to make the ship "run" smoothly and without problems.

Not everyone knows who the boatswain is. The meaning of the word is deciphered as follows: it is the person to whom the whole team is subordinate. He is the elder over the lower ranks of sailors. He directs all the work done by the crew on the ship, gives orders, controls, helps the team to perform its duties qualitatively, beginners and junior staff teach sea craft.

In the conduct of the boatswain, there was always order on the ship. Behavior, arguments, disagreements, debauchs and fights, which at that time occurred on ships, were also under the control of the boatswain. They prevented them or muffled them if they already flared up. The better the team behaved, the more cohesive it was, the more appreciated the work of the boatswain.

Boatswain can be different, but interchangeable

On any ship there should always be order. Boatswain, which means in the humorous language of the sailors "dragon" - is a prestigious and highly respected rank. If the boatswain on the ship were several, then one could only answer for the command, the other for the condition of the ropes and the anchorage, the third was in charge of the state of gear and sails.

If the ship is big, then the boatswain is divided into the first, second, third, etc. It is very convenient. There is also a senior boatswain. This means that he controls not only the team, but also all the other boatswain. In addition, he is responsible for the execution of orders and notifies the seafarers of the orders "from above". In turn, the boatswain carry a watch, replacing each other. Their work takes place on a specific schedule.

Boatswain - what does this word mean? According to sailors, this is the name of a person who knows everything and has time to control others. Even if the duty is only to monitor the condition of the sail or anchor, then if necessary, one boatswain always knows the work of the other. He can do it no less than qualitatively.

How the need for boatswain changed over the years

Many believe that this is a controversial and controversial profession. It is to her that the boatswain belongs. The first mention of such people on the ship appeared in 1667. Then a document was written about the "affairs and structure of the ship". It was then called this rank Butman, or botemann. Later, as we said above, this post was renamed sergeants. The English and Dutch navies also had a similar post. In translations there is something in common. So, who is the boatswain? This boatman (boot - flotilla or boat, man - man, man).

In 1720, in the naval statute, the boatswain appears again. It is noted that he manages cables and ropes, anchors and tali, mooring equipment and towing. This man had to know the name of every sailor who served on the ship. The documents indicate that the boatswain was obliged to pass on his knowledge to the student, or rather several. Served then in the fleet for a long time, so after descending to the shore, death or injury should be brought up a worthy replacement.


Abolished the rank of boatswain in 1918. However, even now there is such a profession on ships. The sailors say that the boatswain is a man on the ship who is very respected, but often very busy with work. On his shoulders lies everything. He is an assistant captain, a friend for the whole team and a coordinator of her actions.

It should be noted that the vacancy bases often offer seamen to go to work as boatswain, and the salary of these team members is always an order of magnitude higher than that of an ordinary sailor. The only negative - holidays are rarely available for boatswain. Especially if he's on the ship alone, and there's no substitute. Despite the hard and long work schedule (from 6 to 12 months), the popularity of this profession does not fall, but only grows.

Boatswain's Pipe

Boatswain Pipe is a tool used not only to communicate with the team, but also to control it. The pipe produces a special tone of a whistle, which "transmits" the orders of the boatswain to the other sailors. On some ships in the old days it was even forbidden to whistle, so as not to drown or confuse the order given by the boatswain's pipe.

At present, on large ships, the boatswain's pipes are no longer there. It is used only for solemn ceremonies. But on small merchant ships, this tool is still in full swing. With his help, the boatswain gives orders and makes orders. The younger members of the team were not allowed to use the pipe, which once again confirms the high position of the boatswain on the ships.

On a pirate ship

Pirate ships were no different from peaceful ships. They had the same hierarchy and military ranks. The boatswain was also present on the ship of the pirates. Obligations on it lay almost the same as on boatswains of peaceful ships. However, the boatswain-pirate was responsible for the disruption of the enemy flag or its destruction on the seized vessel.

In addition, all the disputes of the team were also resolved not without the participation of the boatswain. And if one member of the pirate team failed in an important matter, betrayed or disgraced the captain, the burden of punishment was also imposed on the boatswain. He also answered for execution, accomplishing it, as a rule, with his own hand. The boatswain-hangman on a pirate ship is not uncommon, but rather a habitual pattern for those times.

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