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Who is a quilted jacket. Wreaths and Colorado - this is who?

A very short time has passed, in the historical sense, from the day of the collapse of the USSR. Fifteen union republics, related peoples, ceased to be a single entity and began to build their statehood separately from each other. To date, it is already possible to see and give estimates, as it turned out in the governments of independent units.

Until 2014 it was impossible to imagine that between the countries that were part of the CIS and the former Soviet Union may appear some feud. But the brotherly people of Russia, Ukrainians, not by their own will, but under the strict guidance of the Western "well-wishers", collided foreheads inside the state. And the citizens of Ukraine began with offensive names in the direction of each other - quilted jacket and dill, and in the process everything turned into chaos, war and thousands of meaningless deaths. What Ukraine has brought its leadership to, can not be described in several paragraphs. You can only figure out - quilted jackets and colorado, who is this?

What binds Russia and quilted jackets

Since Russia occupies the largest territory on the globe, it has a very diverse climate, but in most of its territories it is cold. Quilted jacket - a warm outerwear, which was worn for work. His popularity, he received because of the long time of socks and unpretentious handling. In this regard, quilted jackets of Russia have become an important element of folk culture, like felt boots, ear flaps and mittens.

Who is called a quilted jacket in Russia

Who is a quilted jacket in Russia? This is a certain category of citizens of the Russian Federation. Enemies of quilted jackets insist on his aggressiveness and thoughtless patriotism. The quilted jacks themselves consider themselves the backbone of today's Russia, which is trying to defend independence during the Troubles.

Who is considered a queen in Ukraine

The word quilted jacket has many meanings. So they call a low-active, sluggish person, someone who does not fulfill promises. Who is a quilted jacket is a person with a huge baseless self-conceit, rarely performing effective actions. However, now in Ukraine came up with a new meaning of this word. It became a scornful name of a man living in the Donbass, who supports Russia and considers the policy of her government to be correct, but it is in the cultural sense of the word.

Ur-patriots of Ukraine in its present deplorable state describe the quilted jacket, like a drunken cattle dressed in a cotton sweatshirt, mistakenly considering Russia a great power and watching television believing that the "Russian spring" will come, as well as mythical Bandera and fascists. On forums where they communicate with the same, strange as it may sound, pro-American patriots of Ukraine, who are religiously believers in the legitimacy of government actions. You can also read about the fact that the standard of life of a quilted jacket is sadly low, as well as its mental abilities, because quilted jackets are Russian unhappy people, zombified by Russia.

Who is called Colorado in Ukraine

It is already clear who is a quilted jacket, in the opinion of some category of citizens of Ukraine, but why colorado? Where in the head of an adequate person could this strange word appear? Again, with vivid clashes in the forums, you can find a thread of events and understand what the meaning of the word colorado. It turns out that the values of two - one more logical, the second minimum is strange.

During the time when the Crimea determined its future destiny, and the inhabitants of the peninsula began to walk with the state flag of Russia, they received the name Colorado. The tricolor flag is a tricolor, and the one who walks with it is a colorado. The second significance was applied to the Donbas, namely to the inhabitants, who believe that Russia is closer to them than Europe, both in tradition and in spirit. Colorado - Colorado beetle. The most terrible thing is that the color of the beetle is equated with the coloring of the symbol of the great victory of the St. George ribbon.

As a result, quilted jackets and colorades - is this for Ukrainian nationalists? These are people who live by the past and consider the collapse of the USSR a mistake, like totalitarian power, equalizing people under one comb, without class and racial differences, and consider May 9 a holy holiday. Most importantly, such a deciphering of a small group of nationalists, who climbed the top of the government, sincerely try to offend the people in whom the Russian spirit lives.

Patterns in online comments

Internet meme in the form of an image of a drunken man-square, unshaven, with a bruise under his eye and a reddened nose is an image of a quilted jacket. He is dressed in a cotton sweatshirt, boots, darn pants. This image appeared for the first time in the social network Vkontakte. The usual background of the drawing is the flag of the Russian Federation.

Some Internet cultures in the form of a quilted jacket represent a blind faith in the mouth of Russian spirituality, dullness, slavish mentality, and alcoholism.

How do residents of Donbass refer to such nicknames?

In addition to real combat operations and senseless deaths, there is also an information war of the "couched troops" in Ukraine, which consists in everyday verbal clashes. A resident of Donbass is called a Russian quilted jacket, and Ukrainian citizens, who support the current government policy, dill. But the average separatists-quilted for a long time do not take offense at this nickname, because in the People's Republic of Germany and the People's Republic of Germany, besides verbal insults, there are enough problems - there is war.

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Description of the characteristic features of colorado quilted jacket:

  1. They consider the queen to be absolutely uneducated, and even the fact of having a scientific degree in such a person is not a confirmation of the reverse. And in the verbal skirmishes, the quilted jacket does not descend to insults not because of its tact, but because of its lack of education.
  2. A quilted jacket is a man-beggar. Successful achievements in business do not matter.
  3. A person with a diagnosis of "quilted jacket" does not understand same-sex love, and rejects even the slightest possibility that his children will go to school, where they will be told that it is not necessary to have a mom and dad, can live happily in the family of a parent number 1 and number 2 . As a consequence, in the family of quilted jackets, they grow the same quilted jackets.
  4. Colorado prefer not to eat overseas fast food, semi-finished products and McDonald's. They like the cuisine of the Vatnitsa - borscht, soups, vareniki and pancakes.
  5. The main thing in political views quilted jacket is a dislike for America. In its quaternary circles it is called Pendosia. But Russia will never be called Rashka, but Russian rashkovani.
  6. Sentimental attitude to Soviet films, as well as films about the Second World War - a distinctive feature of quilted jackets.
  7. Colorado misunderstands all the charms of democracy and nostalgia for the times of the USSR.
  8. Victory Day is considered a holy holiday, it hates the fascist symbolism and everyone who has some understanding of Hitler or Bender.

Patriotism and Information War

Pay attention to the empty thrashing and insults on the Internet, aimed at the patriots of today's Russia - a waste of time. Most people from the post-Soviet space have patriotism, they honor history and call the Second World War the Great Patriotic War. Even if they do not know who the quilted jacket is, they are called that name. Nobody could even imagine that the peaceful protests of the Maidan in Ukraine, from which everything began, would wind up such a snowball of aggression, hatred, mutual reproaches, forced relocations and military actions.

Studying the information on the Internet, watching media clips, even having visited the Donbass, you do not need to lose your head and unconditionally believe in everything that is written and shown. Even seeing with my own eyes, it is not clear what is happening. Your opinion should be present, but it is not worth spending time in defending the subjective point of view on the forums. This is a big policy and we are given information in a favorable light, only pounding each other with each other.

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