HealthWomen Health

White discharge in a girl: normal and sick

Health is the most important and valuable. It should be protected from the very youth. Women's health is necessary for the continuation of the family. Therefore, when it fails and fails, it is necessary to go to the doctor. Not paying enough attention to ourselves, we run the risk of feeling all the delights of undermined health from the very beginning. It is good when it itself signals about its deplorable state.

White signals

Today, most people face such an intimate problem as white discharge from the female genital tract. If you have such symptoms, do not rush to panic. In many cases, white discharge in a girl is quite normal if:

  • Their number is about one to four milliliters per day;
  • They are of medium consistency;
  • Their color is transparent or whitish;
  • Structure is homogeneous (as not very thick sour cream) or small lumps;
  • The smell is either completely absent or weakly expressed;
  • There is no itching and irritation.

In some cases, the amount of secretion may vary. This is because your body can prepare for menstruation or ovulation, or it responds to taking hormonal medications. Another so-called leucorrhoea may appear during pregnancy. Doctors explain this phenomenon by the fact that during an interesting situation on the cervix appears a cork of mucus, which has a protective function for the fetus, making the allocation become even more abundant. But they should not be cause for concern.

Immediately to the doctor!

If the vaginal discharge is different by some criteria, then you certainly need to visit a good gynecologist. Inspection and analysis will help To reveal the reasons of occurrence of such discomfort. The most common are vaginal discharge with odor. Such leucorrhoea may have a curdled consistency with a yeast or acidic odor. They appear with thrush, which is caused by Candida fungus. With this disease, itching, burning and edema of the labia may appear. Still white allocation at the girl can be at gardnerelleza (bacterial vaginosis). But many patients, hearing about the thrush, relax and cease to actively influence the focus of excretions. Not everyone knows that in most cases thrush (white discharge from a girl) is accompanied by sexually transmitted infections. If you do not eliminate the infection, then treatment of thrush will lead to nothing. In case of any ailments and disturbances in the intimate area, immediately contact a highly qualified specialist who will identify the cause of the disease, put an accurate diagnosis, and prescribe the right treatment. Usually, doctors prescribe antibiotics or vaginal suppositories. Do not self-medicate! White discharge in the girl is a signal of the body about violation of female health, and decoctions and lotions will not destroy bacteria and viruses. And do not forget about your sexual partner, because he is also prone to infection with sexually transmitted infections. He also needs a check, so as not to infect you again after recovery. Treat your health with proper care and do not neglect vaginal discharge.

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