Sports and FitnessFishing

White Cupid: what to catch and how

For lovers of fishing, the white cupid is always a welcome prey. His meat is unusually tasty and delicate. And as these fish grow fast, one can find specimens weighing up to 30 kilograms. However, it is not easy to catch a cupid because of fearfulness and special preferences in eating. If you know that he likes a white cupid, what to catch him - it's much easier to solve.

White amur

This fish belongs to the Karp family. It has an elongated body that is covered with dense scales. The cupid grows to 120 cm in length. Sexual maturity and the ability to reproduce is reached by 10 years. This fish comes from East Asia. There, cupids inhabited freshwater reservoirs from the Amur to southern China. When the decision was made in the Soviet Union about the stocking of fresh water bodies, along with fast-growing and unpretentious fish carp into lakes, rivers and ponds began to run a white cupid. This was due to the fact that these fishes have a different food base, the cupid feeds exclusively on vegetation. Now owners and tenants of reservoirs run it in order to clear the lakes of excess greenery, algae. In those ponds where these fish are too many, the water becomes absolutely transparent, as all traces of vegetation are thoroughly eaten by a white cupid. What to catch this fish in such conditions, it can be solved quite simply. But under normal conditions of life this fish is timid and cautious, it can easily fall off the hook and go away.

How to catch

Why catch a white cupid? Of course, he prefers only vegetable baits. Suitable boiled corn without additional flavors. Attracts this fish also juicy greens: small ovary cucumbers, young shoots of corn, pea leaves, just bunches of fresh bright grass. Sometimes this fish can also peck at an earthworm. It is also necessary to know how to properly catch a white cupid. The bait is attached near the hook with a nylon thread of green color. Coastal thickets of reeds, thickets of algae, coastal warm places with an abundance of vegetation are all places where you can meet a white amur fish . On what to catch it on a particular body of water, it is often necessary to determine experimentally by changing bait and casting places. Clamps suddenly and strongly, the fishing line should be used thicker than carp. It is necessary to pull sharply, to cut the fish, and then to dare, not letting go into the thickets. The very survival can be long, because this fish is strong and enduring. For top dressing, use cooked corn. Amur also likes vegetable scents. For example, it is caught, tied to a hook a bunch of dill. This fish is the best to swear in autumn and spring, in quiet sunny weather. It is necessary to avoid sharp sounds that can scare off such a cautious fish, like a white cupid. On which to catch it, you can find even in the place of catching. Cave is possible from early morning dawn until sunset.

The meat of a white cupid is very tasty. There are practically no contraindications to its use, it is considered dietary. It can be subjected to all types of cooking: frying, cooking, baking. During cooking, the meat becomes light and becomes white. And the housewives claim that when fried, the smell of it is similar to the smell of a chicken. In addition, catching cupid can turn into a real exciting duel, and a large specimen caught can be proud of by right. Therefore, if there is a white cupid on the pond, you should try to catch it.

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