
What kind of doctor should I consult with papillomas: treatment features and diagnosis

The human papilloma virus is a common, very unpleasant, dangerous disease. Finding out his symptoms, many immediately ask themselves, and to which doctor to contact the papillomas, what further action to take? We will understand more in detail.

What is HPV?

Human papilloma virus belongs to one of the family of viruses, which can cause changes in the cells on the skin, forming warts and condylomas on its surface. Currently, more than 100 types of this virus have been discovered, 80 of them are pathogenic.

According to WHO, HPV suffers from 70% of the world's population. Most often this disease affects women, for some reason it is less common in men. The virus is cunning - even if its manifestations have not yet been detected, it is likely that it has already lain in the body. The possibility of getting sick is almost everyone, so if there are papillomas on the body, what kind of doctor to turn to, you need to know in advance.

Where do papillomas come from?

Infection can occur already in childhood. Children during the game often get various injuries, bruises, cuts, a variety of microcracks on the skin, and through them into the body easily penetrate various viruses, including one of the varieties of HPV. In children this is often manifested in the form of warts.

Peaked condylomas develop under the influence of a certain type of this virus in an adult . Most often the mechanism of transmission here is the sexual way. The virus penetrates into the mucosa from one partner to another through microcracks. In a strong, healthy body, the immune system can easily cope with the virus, but in some cases, when immunity fails, the disease manifests as a rash on the skin in the form of warts or condylomas. The virus, built into the chromosome of the cell, changes its correct work, and the epithelium begins to grow intensively. So there is an excessive build-up on the skin.

It is very easy to catch a virus at any contact with the carrier. Normal contact with mucous or skin is sufficient. But there are a number of factors in which the disease develops much faster, this is:

  • Weakened immunity.
  • Various problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Alcohol abuse and smoking.

Than the virus is dangerous

The virus is cunning and dangerous. Being in the body, it may not yet manifest itself, but fatal changes in the cells already occur. Often, it can cause cervical cancer in women, and in men - cancer of the penis. Knowing which doctor to consult with papillomas, be sure to go to the reception. First of all, go to the dermatovenerologist. Upon examination, the doctor will definitely find out whether there is an increase in inguinal lymph nodes, and also whether there is a feeling of discomfort, burning sensation in the genital area.

Professional diagnostics

The cutaneous neoplasm develops in the form of a built-up edge. The activity of epithelial cells leads to a rapid increase in papilloma. In some cases, within 5-9 days, they can increase at times. Much depends on the health of the patient - immunity plays a big role.

At the first stages, tumors do not bring any discomfort. But, despite this, do not hesitate to go to the doctor. There were cases when the transformation took place very quickly, and the dermatologist sent the patient to the oncologist.

Papilloma can develop even in those who have never observed any skin diseases. Since the moment when the virus has penetrated the body, up to some manifestations can go not only months, but also years. The question of which doctor to consult with papillomas, by the way, can never arise. For all that, the person remains the carrier of the virus.

Need for advice

Medical statistics say that HPV occurs in women , although not much, but more often. As for age, people older than fifty years are more likely to be affected by this problem. As the dermal neoplasm develops, it brings discomfort to its host, sometimes even significant.

In which areas does the virus most often manifest itself? More often:

  • In the armpit.
  • In the groin area.
  • Under the knee folds.
  • On the hands.
  • Under the breast, in the skin folds.
  • On the neck.

Such specific places often lead to friction, injury to the papillomas, so patients experience pain. So, immediately need to contact a dermatologist and find out what treatment is acceptable for you. The doctor, using modern diagnostic methods, will accurately diagnose and determine further actions. Forget about independent ways to remove outgrowths. You can open the papilloma and open the gate to the body for the most dangerous pathogenic organisms.

What kind of doctor should I consult with papillomas? If you have found out growths on some parts of the body, do not delay the visit to the dermatologist. Women, when identifying papillomas on the genitals, should visit a gynecologist, a man - a urologist. If the condylomas are in the perineum, the anus - it is worth turning to the proctologist.

Papillomas in the language: to which doctor to apply

Papillomas on the tongue cause a certain type of virus, they are formed from the integumentary epithelium of the mucosa. Appear not only in the language, but also in other areas in the oral cavity. Often, such outgrowths are painful and bleed. The process is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Looks outgrowth as a small nipple of pink or red color, there is also a white outgrowth. The concentration of warts is mainly seen in such places:

  • Sublingual area;
  • solid sky;
  • Tip or lateral part of the tongue;
  • Back of the tongue.

Especially dangerous here are the following strains: 1, 2, 3, 16, 18. In close contact with the carrier of HPV, there is a high probability of getting infected not only through mucous membranes, but also through household items. One of the reasons for the occurrence of such a virus is non-observance of personal hygiene, as well as:

  • Malnutrition;
  • Microtrauma;
  • Stress;
  • Oral sex.

Everyone who is faced with a similar problem, thinks about which doctor should be treated with the papilloma. Competent, qualified dermatovenereologists will help in this matter. It is very important to put an accurate diagnosis on time and conduct the correct treatment. Do not resort to independent removal of growths, this should be done by specialists.

Which doctor should I use to remove papillomas

To cure the described disease or at least drive the virus into a corner, it is necessary to treat the treatment in a complex way. After the examination and diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe certain antiviral drugs (Panavir, Indinol, Isorinosil, etc.), preparations for raising the immunity (Cycloferon, ginseng root, eleutherococcus, dogrose), well, if It is necessary to remove the build-up.This is necessary to prevent the papillomas from spreading through the body, because if accidentally damaged, the risk of infection is not ruled out.

After you have learned, to what doctor to address in occasion of papillomas, find out, to what methods of removal of a build-up it is necessary to resort. Medical centers offer:

  • Method of radio waves;
  • Interferon blockades;
  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Resort to high temperatures;
  • Cryodestruction;
  • a liquid nitrogen;
  • laser.

Any of the listed methods is effective enough, but it can be prescribed only by a doctor, assessing the patient's condition.

Prevention of HPV

So, we found out what a human papilloma is, what kind of doctor to turn to when it is detected. Well, now about the prevention of the virus.

As for the sexual sphere, then, as it can not, by the way, the statement "warned - means armed" will be true. Ideally, there should be one sexual partner. Use protective equipment during sexual intercourse.

Nature has given man a powerful weapon - immunity. Strengthen, support it. Observe the rules of personal hygiene, especially in public places. Lead a healthy lifestyle.

Observe the mode of work and rest. Take vitamins. Eat vegetables and fruits.

Increasingly popular is the vaccination against HPV of certain strains. Ask your doctor if you should do it.

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