
What kind of blood will the child have?

Even before birth, parents think about what type of blood the child will have. If there is a mismatch, the man has doubts about the woman's faithfulness, and she has a slight bewilderment.

In fact, the baby's blood type is the result of the interaction of two parents, and it is composed of what is inherited from one and the other person.
Before arguing, it is worthwhile to understand how the blood group is generally determined.

Composition of blood

Plasma (the liquid part of the blood) contains substances called agglutinins (they are designated as a and b ), and the red blood cells have agglutinogens on their surfaces (denoted as A and B ). In view of the fact that A and a can not exist together, as well as B and C , there are 4 types of blood that can be schematically represented as follows:

I group - 00 (does not have agglutinogens) av (there are both agglutinins)
II group - 0A (has A agglutinogen) in (there is 1 agglutinin)
Group III - 0B (has B agglutinogen) a (there is 1 agglutinin)
Group IV - AB (has both agglutinogen) 00 (does not have agglutinins)

Therefore, it is impossible to transfuse incompatible blood, A and a or B and B may occur, leading to gluing and destruction of red blood cells.

What kind of blood will the child have?

If to speak conditionally, then one half of the genetic material the kid inherits from the mother, and the other half from the father. This applies to blood.

For example: provided that mother I has group (00), and father IV (AB), the child can get II (0A) or III (0B) blood group.

I and I will give only I group, I and II only II and I, with I and III only III and I, and parents with groups II and II can give birth to a child with I and II gr. Cr., III and III groups can give I and III, and II and III - can give all 4 types of blood, whereas IV and IV give II, III and IV.

It is clear that it is impossible to say unambiguously which blood type a child will have, but it is still possible to assume.

Hence the conclusion that in the presence of one parent with group I the child can not be born with the IV blood group, and, conversely, in the presence of the IV group in one of the parents, a child with I gr can not be born. Cr.

Rhesus factor

Also, the blood contains a substance called the Rh factor. It is in 85% of the total number of people (they are called Rh-positive), while the remaining 15% do not have it (Rh-negative). Positive blood can not be transfused to those with negative Rhesus blood.

This factor the child can inherit from both the father and the mother. Two Rh-positive parents can have a Rh-negative child, and this is normal too.

Blood Group Value

Do not worry, because the blood type of the child and its rhesus should be determined soon after birth in the hospital. This procedure requires the availability of reagents and very little time.

Knowledge of this issue has two sides: the moral and ethical and medical.
Know what type of blood the child needs, this can come in handy for injuries requiring transfusion. Of course, before the procedure it is necessary to check the compatibility of the donor and the recipient (who is the recipient), but in emergency situations, when the bill goes for minutes, the precious time will be saved.

It is important to know and your Rh factor, especially for girls. Pregnant women with negative blood in the Rh factor should be under the strict supervision of doctors, since a rhesus-conflict between the mother and the fetus is possible in case of inheritance of Rh-positive blood from the father.

A mismatch in the blood group can alert the child himself when he grows up. And if he knows exactly what blood type a child will have when he mixes the other two, he may have such versions as having a non-native father or both parents. This is becoming a difficult test, especially in the adolescent period. Maximalism inherent in most adolescents makes it difficult to accept the situation and say "thank you" to parents for giving them the opportunity to grow up in the family.

But it is possible that a mutation has occurred, and although it happens very rarely, it should not be ruled out. To date, an indicator such as a blood group can not be a proof of kinship, a DNA test is needed in court.

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