
What is the bad breath in the child?

Very often parents start to notice any smell from the mouth of the child. As a rule, it is described as offensive, sour, sometimes with a touch of acetone. This is by no means a difficult problem to solve, the main thing is to correctly establish the cause and eliminate it.

There are many reasons for the smell from the mouth . Often they have some additional symptoms, which allows the doctor to determine the most likely type of pathology that can develop in a baby.

As a rule, the main cause of halitosis in the child is oral cavity of various modifications: improper hygiene of the oral cavity, tooth decay, sealing defects, as well as diseases of the mucosa - stomatitis, dry mouth, fungal infection, gingival inflammation and bone Tissue, as well as tartar, plaque and teething wisdom. As a rule, stomatitis becomes a factor that causes bad breath in a child at an earlier age. When the baby grows up, there are problems with the teeth and the diseases that have arisen as a result of this.

Another important factor that contributes to the emergence of the problem under consideration is diseases of the digestive system. As a rule, this reason is found most often in children who are or were on artificial feeding, rather than on the breast. Often in this situation, there are dysbacteriosis and pancreatitis. As accompanying signs of the disease in children, changes in the stool begin, with different shapes, bloating, flatulence, regurgitation, belching and constipation.

Sometimes the smell from the mouth in a child, the reasons of which can be that the baby did not emptied the intestines for several days, can be accompanied by changes in the smell of all the secretions (for example, sweat gets the smell of rot). This occurs when children have chronic constipation. If the stool is delayed once, there will be no major changes of this kind.

There are situations when the presence of an unpleasant "fragrance" from the mouth can be a sign of an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, which is accompanied by puffiness under the eyes, a clear outline of nasolabial folds, as well as breathing through the mouth and snoring. As a rule, rhinitis is the main disease that causes such changes. This especially arises when the chronic form of the disease develops. At the older age, the child smells from the mouth also with chronic tonsillitis and adenoiditis.

Parents should remember that after finding a child such a symptom is best to first visit the dentist, so that he examined the teeth for the presence of caries and diagnosed the microflora of the oral cavity. Then you need to pay a visit to the otolaryngologist who will examine the posterior sections of the nose and the entire nasopharynx. If you feel the need to visit a gastroenterologist, then he should direct you to take an analysis of feces for dysbiosis, as well as an ultrasound examination of the liver and pancreas to identify their pathology.

As a rule, the fetid smell from the mouth of a child is a very serious symptom, which pediatricians constantly pay attention to. However, if all the examinations and visits to doctors did not reveal any pathology, sometimes the cause may be an individual feature of the body. This is very rare, because, as a rule, the explanation still exists. It simply needs to be diagnosed.

It is important to remember the thorough oral hygiene and rinsing with special solutions and herbs. Of course, they will not eliminate the cause, but they will help you feel more confident and in the future will get rid of many dental problems.

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