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What is paprika and how to use it

Surely many people know what paprika is. This is a spice made from dried fruits of Bulgarian pepper or chili, as well as their mixtures. It is often associated with Hungary, as it is one of the main ingredients of the national dishes of this country. Seasoning is also used in many cuisines around the world to add flavor and aroma to various products or their combinations.

The color of the paprika varies from bright orange to dark red. To enhance the taste of some manufacturers add a little cayenne pepper. Paprika gives its color and aroma when heated. Thus, adding seasoning to a cold dish will not change the taste very much. For this reason, it is recommended to mix the spice with a small amount of hot oil before adding it to the dish.

What is paprika? A bit of history

The plant from which the Hungarian spice version is made was grown from 1529 by the Turks in Buda (nowadays it is the district of Budapest). The first record of the use of the word "paprika" in English dates back to 1896. It came from the Serbian-Croatian word papar (which means "pepper"). Nowadays the word "paprika" has entered into a large number of languages.

Today, this spice is produced industrially in a number of countries, including Hungary, Serbia, Spain and some regions of the United States. It is used as an ingredient for cooking a huge number of dishes all over the world. Paprika is mainly used with fresh vegetables, rice, stews and soups, and as an ingredient for sausages mixed with other spices.

Speaking of what paprika is, it is worth noting that three main varieties are distinguished: mild, moderately acute and very acute. In addition, there is a Spanish paprika, which has a pronounced smell of smoke. This is due to the fact that during cooking, the pepper is dried with the use of burning oak wood.

How is it useful?

Regardless of the type of paprika, it is rich in vitamin C, most of which is preserved when cooking. This spice also has a high iron content and is a source of beta-carotene, which in the body turns into vitamin A. It contains a number of other vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and antioxidants, as well as a little protein.

What is paprika? Application in different countries

In modern European cuisines it is used for cooking various meat dishes and seasonings. National Hungarian product - goulash - is a thick and spicy soup with beef, vegetables and sauce flavored with this spice. Also paprika (seasoning based on it) is often used in Italian seafood dishes and served with mussels, crabs and shrimps. It is added to the risotto and as a spice to cheeses, such as mozzarella and goat cheese.

Paprika is very popular in Turkish cuisine. Here it is used in combination with olive oil and is added to meat dishes made from beef or lamb. In Morocco, red paprika is a popular seasoning and the main ingredient in many spicy mixtures used to make meat with fruit.

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