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What is cardboard? The meaning of the word "cardon"

Have you ever encountered the word "cardon" in your life? Many will say what the word "border" or "military outpost" means. Such a response would be incorrect. Words that are similar in sounding differ only by one letter, but have completely different meanings.

The meaning of the word "cardon"

In fact, this strange word has a completely different meaning and is associated with plants. What is "cardboard"? Determining the value can cause some difficulties. This word comes from the Latin language. Its name is Cynara cardunculus in Latin, Cynara scolymus from Greek. Cardon, or Spanish artichoke, is a plant of the Astro family.

In translation from Greek, Cynara scolymus means "canine teeth." It was called cardon because its fruits and leaves are sharp in shape, similar to the fangs of these animals.

Scientists believe that the birthplace of artichoke is the Mediterranean countries. Even in the days of Ancient Greece, a lot of scientific works related to this plant were written. It roamed through the centuries through the Roman Empire to the countries of Europe, where it settled and became part of the daily life of more than one generation.

And from there cardboard settled around the globe. Spanish artichoke can be found in Asia, Africa, India. It is used for food, used for medical purposes, and grown as an ornamental plant.

A bit of history

There is a myth in which it is said that the artichoke was born because of the love of the god-thundering Zeus. A mortal girl named Tsinara lived on an island in the Aegean Sea. Noticing her, having learned love from her, Zeus wanted to make her immortal.

Tsinara was not frightened and went up to Olympus, hiding from the zealous eyes of Hera. But one day the young goddess decided to visit the world of people and did not ask permission from the supreme god. For such impudence and disobedience, Zeus turned it into a prickly inconspicuous bush. Since then, he bears her name.

In Mauritania, Neapolitania and Sicily, artichoke took root in monasteries, becoming one of the main sources of nutrition. Thanks to the centuries-old breeding conducted by monks, mankind is familiar with varieties that were bred specifically for obtaining large yields.

So what is a cardboard for people who lived many thousands of years ago? First of all, this is one of the power sources. Secondly - a medicinal product, the medicinal properties of which described in his works Theophrastus.


What did cardon mean for doctors and healers of antiquity? The plant has many useful properties and is widely used in medicine and cosmetology not one thousand years. His miraculous properties were known even in Ancient China, Greece and Rome.

The Romans treated them for edema, scurvy, jaundice. Due to its choleretic, diuretic properties, the artichoke was quite popular in the Middle Ages. The main disease of that time - gout - was treated with the use of this particular product.

At the royal courts of Europe, the Spanish artichoke was used as an aphrodisiac. They did not disdain representatives of both sexes. It was believed that by eating a helping of cardoons, you can increase your libido for a long time.

Catherine de 'Medici, who became the wife of the French king at the age of fourteen, forbade the use of this product by her maid of honor, for fear of betraying her crowned wife.

Nowadays, the pharmaceutical industry can offer a variety of drugs based on cardone. Due to choleretic properties it is recommended to people suffering from stagnation of bile, impaired liver function, and also having chronic inflammation of the kidneys, kidney failure.


Perhaps it is worth recalling that the cardon is a plant that has been a favorite for lovers of gastronomic delights for more than one thousand years. In food use immature inflorescences and fleshy stems of the root part.

To the flesh did not give bitterness, it is pre-boiled and peeled. Each hostess has her own recipe for processing unbleached cardboard. Someone adds lemon juice, some milk. But the easiest way is to cook in slightly salted water. The fleshy part becomes unusually soft and sweet (when processed with milk).

In Italy and Portugal, cheese makers have learned to use cardboard as a rennet extract for making cheese from goat and cow's milk. Culinary prefer to use today its immature inflorescences for cooking various dishes. For gourmets, it is not only interesting as a special dietary product, but also attractive with its specific spicy taste.

So what is a cardon for the inhabitants of southern Europe? This is a long story, dating back to ancient times. It is a dietary product with an incredible amount of useful properties. This is an incredible plant that has a lot of varieties. One can say with certainty that cardone is a plant that has become an integral part of the daily life of many people.

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