
What constitutes incompatibility at conception

For sure, everyone agrees that planning for the upcoming pregnancy is a fairly conscious step for future parents. Daddies and mothers not only want to raise a healthy child, but also give a number of tests in advance, so that they are not affected by such a question as incompatibility at conception. In fact, at the moment, this problem is very relevant. The essence of the analysis is that a couple makes blood sampling for direct determination of the Rh factor. Then the specialist checks and evaluates the results. The worst outcome of the events is the verdict "incompatibility at conception". Let's look at this in more detail.

What Rh factors are appropriate?

Positive Rh factor indicates that there is a special protein in the blood, otherwise it will be a negative analysis. When planning a child, this indicator plays a special role, and not the compatibility of blood groups for conception, as married couples sometimes mistakenly believe. The most favorable option is the case when both men and women simultaneously have either a positive Rh factor or a negative one. In this case, it is not necessary to talk about such a problem as incompatibility in conception. In this situation, you can barely worry about bearing a fetus in the womb.

What happens when the events unfavorable?

Experts argue that when there is a conflict between these blood counts and in the absence of proper treatment for a future childbirth, the probability of spontaneous miscarriage is very high . The thing is that the antibodies of the mother will accept the fruit for the alien body, and afterwards and at all will strive to destroy it.

How to increase the likelihood of conception?

Experts argue that the positive Rh factor is observed in most of the population of our planet, while negative is present only in 10-15%. Conflict of indicators can be observed in the case when the future childbirth has negative, and the man - positive rhesus. However, even here one can not say with a 100% guarantee that it will not be possible to endure the baby. What to do in this situation? Doctors strongly recommend planning the conception in the first place to pass the above analysis. In case of incompatibility, the mother will receive a special treatment, due to which the probability of bearing a fetus increases substantially. If you do not panic before the time, clearly follow all the prescriptions of the attending physician, then such a question as incompatibility at conception will bypass your couple.

What happens in the female body in the event of a rhesus conflict?

Antibodies of the future childbirth seek to completely destroy the red blood cells of the fetus, and the baby's body, in turn, tries to isolate them in a strengthened mode. Most often after a certain time, women cells literally win this battle, and there is a so-called "spontaneous" miscarriage.

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