Spiritual developmentMystic

Wards from evil eye and spoilage. Wards from the evil eye and spoilage for their own homes, for children

All kinds of amulets and amulets have been used for protection from the methods of the influence of black magic from time immemorial. Modern examples of such items are not much different from those that were made by our ancestors. Of course, amulets from evil eye and spoilage, made by their own hands, are considered to be the strongest.

Safety pin

There are many varieties of protection from the effects of dark forces. And the most simple and common subject is an English pin. It is grasped on the underside of the garment in the solar plexus area, with the head pointing downwards. This amulet should be checked and inspected daily. If suddenly the metal changes color or darkens, then the pin absorbed some of the negative impact. In this case, it should be replaced immediately.

"God's eye"

What can you do to protect yourself from evil eye and spoilage yourself? From the traditions of the Slavic peoples to modern society came an interesting amulet, which is made independently. The basis is taken by the cross. For manufacturing, you need to take two short sticks or twigs and add them as a cross. The yarn of natural wool of various colors is wound on it. Such an amulet is called a "divine eye". Its sides are directed to the four directions of the world, thus protecting it from the impact of the dark force, from where it came from. Also, such a construction of the amulet is a symbol of the reunion of energy.


Created amulets from evil eye and spoilage for children often hung over the cradle. Together with this, the house was often filled with other elements for protection. To ward off the evil eye from the child, when he is studying or elsewhere, you can make a small self-defense. After all, the material itself is important, and the charge of energy that the object is endowed with. Wards should be made on the 6th or 16th of the month. For example, you can take two pieces of cloth and a small piece of thin tape. From the material should be rolled first oval, then you need to wrap it in a second piece on the principle of swaddling the child. On top of the pupa it is necessary to tie it with tape.

Next, put the amulet in your right hand. The left one needs to be christened an object, having read over it the prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos. Then it should be given to the child and ask not to show it to anyone. Also, the amulet must always be with him. The energy of the mother, who will make such a charm, is able to take away from the child any negative impact.

How to make amulets from evil eye and spoilage yourself: photo and description

Very strong are considered amulets, which are made of bone, fangs or claws of wild animals. In ancient times, it was not difficult to do them, because men went hunting, and women cut the prey. Since other applications, for example, canines were not invented, they began to use them as a protection against evil spirits. Those who believe in the power of amulets and now, boldly use these items. Of course, today they are easier to buy. However, those who engage in hunting, it will not be difficult to make an amulet by hand. The fang or claw is framed with metal or leather and hung on a tourniquet or chain. Wear is usually on the neck, but you can also apply it in the form of a key ring on your belt. Thus, protection will always be with a person.

Herbs and acorns

What can you do to protect yourself from evil eye and damage to yourself at home? For example, from grasses. Traditionally, in Europe, housing was often protected from negative energy using plants such as hawthorn, thistle, oak leaves, and acorns. Enough even one twig, its power will scare away the evil spirit. Therefore, such amulets are usually hung over the entrance doors, as well as on the windows.

A bouquet of mixed herbs, connected by a red thread, can be put in a vase on a window sill or near the threshold of the entrance door. If a person with an evil intention comes into the house, then this charm will serve as an obstacle for performing rituals of dark magic. Acorns will be conveniently threaded and hung over the front door. This will not only frighten off the dark force, but also make the eye happy.

Garlic and ashberry

Slavs are also taken in the house to keep the Mayan color of mountain ash. To strengthen the power of the amulet, the branch is dried and wrapped with a red thread. After which it can be hung near the window or again above the entrance. Also, the berry branch of mountain ash is well added to a bouquet of thistles and wheat, it needs to be bandaged with a thread of red color and put in a pot.

On the bottom should put cloves of garlic. According to fairy tales, almost everyone knows this powerful amulet, often used in huts. Garlic, as a rule, decorated the shutters of the house and the apron of the mistress. Such amulets from evil eye and spoilage, made by their own hands, were hung not only around the house, but also carried with them. The garlic heads were woven into a bunch and hung on both sides of the window. Also, a necklace was the strongest method of protection. Garlic was tied with a thread and put on a neck, or tied around a belt. The Slavs believed that trouble could be taken away by touching it at the moment of danger. In modern society, such a guardian is unlikely to find its application. However, it is quite possible to hang his houses.

Red thread

What other wards have been made from the evil eye and spoilage on their hands? For example, in the form of a red thread. It's not just a piece. The red thread must be made of natural wool. This color is a powerful protection against the dangers of different kinds. Wear the thread on the left wrist, since this side is the host for the physical and spiritual body. To fasten the amulet follows seven knots, this must be done with the help of a close person, the trustworthy connection with which is unshakable. Putting on a red thread, you need to give yourself a vow from now on, not only not to commit bad deeds, but also to purify your own thoughts from all bad things. Conventional yarn does not have a special power, only if it is charged with its own energy. The best option is a thread brought from Jerusalem. Ideally, if it is made by the hands of Kabbalists. Having put on a red thread, a person undertakes to live by God according to his laws.

From beads

You can make amulets from the evil eye and spoil your own hands from beads. When you start making, you need to tune in to a positive mood, and also drive away all bad thoughts. After all, the energy potential of the amulet depends on the charge orientation. Also note the color of the beads. For example, red, yellow and orange are considered to be the strongest to protect from a bad eye. From these shades, you can make any pattern. The proposed figure has the form of two palms, inside of which is a pearl. To make it, you need a cloth flap, 2 or 3 colors beads, a thread and a special thin needle.

The outline of the palms is embroidered more yellow, and the main canvas - in red. You can reverse it. In the middle, at the point of joining the palms, you should embroider a circle. Its middle should be done in contrast color. Then, having deviated from the edge of the picture, it is necessary to cut it out. Fold in half with the back side and fasten in this position. For the center of the circle, you can hook the tourniquet and hang it around your neck.


Made amulets from the evil eye and damage by their own hands are unusually strong in their energy. Which item is used in this capacity is of secondary importance. To give a charm by force, you should make it, in good spirits and reading a prayer.

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