
Ventilation in a frame house with their own hands

Frame houses have recently become very popular. Such buildings are very inexpensive, it is quite convenient to live in them. The drawback of this type of structure is only one. When they are erected, materials that are very poorly flowing air are usually used. Therefore, in order to improve the microclimate in such houses, it is necessary to arrange a ventilation system. And although the assembly of such a design - it is quite difficult, many owners of frame houses perform this operation with their own hands. Of course, the installation of the ventilation system must be carried out with the obligatory observance of all put technologies.


Ventilation in a frame house is a system whose main purpose is to ensure a normal air exchange. Before proceeding with the assembly of such a design, of course, it is necessary to draw up its detailed drawings. It is desirable to do this at the design stage of the house, because the backbone of similar systems in frame buildings is carried out inside the walls, before they are plated with plywood or plasterboard from the inside.

At us in the country the certain specifications regulating the minimum admissible parameters of air exchange, based on the area of premises, operate. However, calculations with their account usually have to be very complex. Therefore, in most cases, the ventilation system in the frame house is designed, simply based on the fact that one resident should have about 30 m 3 / h of fresh air. In most cases, this is quite enough.

Selecting the type of system

Ventilation in the frame house can have a different design. Of course, when drafting a project, you first need to determine which type of system will be installed in the building. Since the frame house is similar in design to a tightly sealed thermos, a simple exhaust system is not suitable for it. The most effective in this building will be a supply and exhaust system.

Basic recommendations for drafting

Proper ventilation in the frame house is arranged taking into account several important factors. When drafting the project, the owners of the house need to determine the following:

  • Where will be located supply and exhaust installations. Usually they are placed in the attic.

  • How will the air ducts be laid. It is desirable to hold them in each room. And in this way, so that the exhaust pipe goes into the room at the top, and the supply air at the bottom. For a bathroom and kitchen it is necessary to arrange a separate exhaust riser. If there is no possibility to connect the mains to each room of the house, special openings for air circulation should be provided in the walls and doors.

  • What additional equipment will be used. Modern ventilation systems can be supplemented with recuperators, air heaters, air conditioners, etc.

Installation of intake and exhaust systems

So, let's see how the ventilation in the frame house is arranged by oneself. Schemes of such systems are presented on this page. If you want to make a project you can, focusing, including on them. As for the equipment, it is best to buy a prefabricated supply and exhaust system for the frame house. Since modern designs of this type are fairly compact, the installation can simply be placed somewhere in an unused loft space. Sometimes they even hang out just on the wall. If there is no place in the attic for the supply and exhaust system, it can be located in the boiler room, basement or any premises of economic purpose.

Experts advise to purchase systems for residential suburban frame houses, already supplemented by recuperators. Such designs are convenient in that they allow you to save on heating. A recuperator is a device designed to collect heat from the exhaust air that is thrown out into the street and to transfer it to the room that enters the building. The efficiency of modern models of this type can reach 90%. In ready-made factory ventilation systems, the recuperator, supply and exhaust units usually represent a single unit.

Installation of air ducts

There is going to be ventilation in the frame house with their own hands most often using plastic ordinary or corrugated pipes. The latter option is considered more convenient in the installation. The pipes are attached to the construction of the house with special clamps. In the walls in the projected places, make holes for air intake. The exhaust air ducts are led out to the roof. Holes of the entrance of highways in the premises are closed with special decorative bars.


In the openings of air intake from the street, special nozzles are installed, to which the lines are later attached. Inside these elements are additionally mounted valves. They are necessary in order to prevent the entry of air from the outside with the fans turned off. Also in these nozzles are installed special filters, designed to clean the air flow.


When deciding how to do ventilation in a frame house, you should consider installing this structural element. It often happens that in winter the recuperators stop functioning because of the freezing of condensate inside them. The installation of the air heater will avoid this problem. Such devices are designed to heat incoming air from the street. There are only two main types of air heaters: water and electric. The first type of devices is connected to the system of autonomous water supply at home. Electric air heaters work from the network and are used in residential buildings more often. Water heaters are mainly used in large cottages with an area of more than 150 m 2 . Install devices of this type usually in close proximity to the air intake opening.

Air conditioning

So, now you know how the ventilation in the frame house is arranged by oneself. Schemes of such systems, therefore, include supply and exhaust installations, air ducts, recuperator, and often a heater. But in order to make living in such a building even more comfortable, it is also necessary to supplement the system with air conditioning. After all, the air inside the frame house during the summer period of time can be heated very much.

Supply and exhaust ventilation in a frame house, the device of which differs in complexity, is supplemented by air conditioners of a special design - channel. There are such devices from two blocks - internal and external. The first is mounted indoors in the air duct system. In this case, channels for several rooms can be fed to one unit. Place the indoor unit either in the utility room, or behind the lining, inside walls or ceilings. The outdoor unit is installed on the street.

Ventilation in the kitchen and in the bathroom

For these premises, as already mentioned, it is worth trebling a separate exhaust duct. In this case, ventilation in the frame house will be most effective. If you connect the hood from the bathroom and the kitchen to a common one, under certain weather conditions, the smells from these rooms will start to penetrate into the living rooms. The length of the riser should be such that it rises above the ridge of the roof by at least 50 cm. The exceptions are those cases when the pipe is located more than 1.5 meters from the ridge bar. With this arrangement, its upper edge should be at the level of the last.

It is essential to install a special fan in the exhaust duct of the bathroom. There are several types of such devices:

  • Fans included with lighting;

  • Switching on from a separate switch;

  • With a timer;

  • With a motion sensor and a hydrostatic.

The latter option is considered the most convenient to use, but also costs more than other models of varieties.

Mounting recommendations

There is a ventilation in the frame house with the obligatory observance of the following rules:

  1. Electrical wires should only be laid in special metal channels. You can also use cable channels made of refractory plastic.

  2. Air ducts are attached to the structures of the house in a rigid way. Otherwise they will start to vibrate and make too much noise. All nodal connections of the pipes themselves should be done as carefully and carefully as possible. The leaky ventilation system will not work effectively.

  3. Grids of fresh air should be located away from the place of permanent residence of family members.

As you can see, the scheme of ventilation in the frame house can include quite a large number of different kinds of elements. Therefore, the main difficulty in assembling such a design is to compile the project. In the event that during its development any mistakes will be made, later the owners of the house may have different kinds of problems. The air in the rooms will start to overheat or cool too much, foreign smells will begin to penetrate the rooms, etc. Therefore, it may still be necessary to entrust the design of the ventilation system to specialists. And the actual assembly of the system can be done independently.

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