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Varieties of fungi and their useful properties.

Everyone at least once in his life went to the forest for mushrooms. And, accordingly, everyone knows that in nature there are various varieties of fungi. Among them there are both useful and poisonous, so before consuming mushrooms, you need to make sure that they are edible.

The fungus usually consists of a cap and stalk, but there are exceptions - for example, a truffle that grows in the ground. On the inside of the cap there are plates or tubes, through which mushrooms multiply. Spores are ripening in these ducts or plates. Many edible varieties of fungi synthesize nutrients by processing the remains of dead organisms in the soil. According to the method of nutrition mushrooms are divided into:

- saprotrophs, which feed on organic substances, processed by their body from plant residues;

- parasites that live at the expense of other living organisms - for example, on a tree. In some cases, such cooperation is useful for both organisms

In this article we list some varieties of fungi. First of all, an open-hearth. It grows on rotten wood and, therefore, feeds at its expense, it develops its mycelium directly under the bark itself. This kind of fungus is a parasite and leads to the death of a tree. On a less popular mushroom - podberezovik, this name was given to him because his development occurs only on birch roots. In this case, this variety does not belong to parasites, because due to the ability to synthesize nutrients, the podberezovik partially transfers them to the tree.

In mushroom pickers, a mushroom such as a boletus is also valued. He has a bright red hat, which even a non-professional mushroom picker will see from afar. Among all kinds of fungi this one is special. Its difference lies in the fact that it is very unpretentious to the weather and even in the dry year it grows abundantly in shady aspen forests. Podosinovik has several varieties. Depending on the place where he grows, his hat can acquire a shade from white and yellow to orange and brown.

Particular attention should be paid to a variety of fungi, such as white fungus. During cooking, it emits a pleasant aroma that can conquer any gourmet. Basically, this mushroom is dried or fried fresh, in mushroom soup it is also irreplaceable. Many species of white mushrooms are known , but skillful mushroom pickers can always find the best of their representatives in the forest.

Useful properties of this product do not end only on taste. In folk medicine, a white fungus, dried and powdered, is recommended for prevention and treatment of cancer.

It is worth noting how great the nutritional value of mushrooms. Together with them in our body get such nutrients as vitamins B, C, D, minerals such as phosphorus and potassium. The composition of the fungi includes chitin and cellulose, which contributes to better digestion, but they, unfortunately, also interfere with the complete digestion of the nutrients contained in them.

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