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Vacuum abortion as a relatively safe method of abortion

In cases where pregnancy is not desirable, women resort to its artificial interruption. This operation, in spite of its prevalence, is quite dangerous for complications, but at a small time, their probability is minimized. For this, there are techniques such as drug abortion and vacuum abortion. Vacuum abortion differs from the usual one in that it uses a fundamentally different technology: the contents of the uterus are not scraped by metal devices, but are sucked off using a vacuum pump. In this case, the traumatism of the operation is much less, so much so that such an operation is performed on an outpatient basis for several minutes under local anesthesia, and after 1.5-2 hours a woman can return to a normal daily life. No additional treatment is necessary after the abortion , but after a couple of weeks it is necessary to appear to a specialist in order to confirm the termination of pregnancy and the absence of consequences of the operation. A vacuum abortion is carried out for a delay of up to 20 days - by this time it is necessary to make sure of the pregnancy, to take all the prescribed tests and to register for the procedure, so the sooner this happens, the better. The best option is to do everything in the first week of delay, because the deadline may be somewhat greater than the expected.

Despite the fact that the probability of complications after this operation is minimal - in comparison with usual medical abortion it is 5-6 times lower, sometimes they do happen, because vacuum abortion is still a sparing but prompt intervention. The main symptoms of complications are post-abortion temperature, usually 3-4 days, and persistent discharge. I must say that normal for a full-term abortion, prolonged discharges for mini-abortion are uncharacteristic, but sometimes, quite often on 3-4 days, there are spotting similar to menstrual blood. They last a week or more and are a variant of the norm: thus, hormonal changes in the body are manifested. If they become more abundant, there is pain and temperature - a visit to the doctor in this case is necessary. The temperature after an abortion testifies to some kind of inflammatory process and is the reason for an immediate call to a doctor.

Apparently, 3-4 days after the vacuum abortion was made is the most difficult period, and at this time it is necessary to be as attentive to your organism as possible, so as not to miss the alarming symptoms. Also during this period, you should avoid physical exertion and ensure yourself as gentle as possible.

Immediately after a mini-abortion, you can take care of further contraceptive measures. In some cases, it is possible to establish intrauterine contraceptives immediately after surgery, but more often the doctor prescribes oral contraceptives, which can be taken a few days after the operation. This will not only reduce the risk of a possible recurrence of the situation, but also help the body restore the hormonal balance, which is inevitably disturbed by the interruption of pregnancy, however it occurs. Here there is a very important point: in no case can you choose these drugs yourself - they should be prescribed by a doctor and only on the basis of hormone tests, otherwise you can not help but harm.

Vacuum abortion is a fairly simple and safe operation, but it also has a number of contraindications. In particular, any infectious disease, including mild forms of cold, is an absolute contraindication against the operation. Also, in some cases, the doctor can determine whether the patient can resort to this method of abortion or not.

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