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Uterine ruptures: consequences. Cervical rupture during childbirth: consequences

In the body of a woman there is an important organ that is necessary for the conception and bearing of a child. It's the womb. It consists of the body, cervical canal and cervix. All these parts are directly involved in the generic process. On the other side of the uterus there are two tubes and ovaries. It is here that the cells mature, which are subsequently fertilized and transformed into babies. There are situations when a woman is faced with various problems that are associated with the above-described body. One of the most serious risks is rupture of the uterus. It is about the consequences of this pathology that will be discussed later. Also you will learn what is the cervical rupture. Let us describe the degree and form of this phenomenon, and also about the consequences.

Cervical rupture

In childbirth this pathology occurs most often. However, there are cases when dissection of mucous membranes occurs outside this process. The main causes of such a situation are inflammatory processes, tissue diseases, as well as the age of the woman. The rupture of the cervix during the birth of a child is most often the result of a woman's misconduct. It can also happen because of the large body weight and height of the baby.

Types of cervical canal ruptures

There are three degrees of cervical rupture. All of them differ in the area of the affected shell. Only a physician is able to sensibly assess the complexity of the pathology and the type of rupture.

  • First degree. In this case, the dissection length of the mucosal surface is no more than two centimeters.
  • The second degree. The cervix is ruptured more severely. In this case the dissection has a length of more than two centimeters, but its base does not reach the arch.
  • The degree is the last (third). The gaps in this case are very extensive. The cervix is completely damaged, the dissection passes to the upper vault of the vagina.

Is there a consequence in pathology?

The rupture of the cervix during labor is very unpleasant. Undoubtedly, most women manage to avoid such a phenomenon. To do this, you need to obey the doctor during the process. However, a representative of the weaker sex, who is preparing to become a mother, should know what the cervical rupture can lead to in childbirth. The consequences will be described below.

Severe bleeding

If the mucous membranes of the cervix are damaged, the pathology can be detected only after the appearance of the child and the expulsion of the afterbirth. At this time, the doctor using a mirror examines the vaults of the vagina and notes the presence of bruises or pieces of tissue.

All this time there is an intensive allocation of blood. With massive injuries, a woman may lose consciousness. Also, if assistance is not provided on time, then there is a possibility of a fatal outcome due to loss of blood.

Treatment includes tissue suturing. The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia. In some cases, it may be necessary to transfuse blood or plasma to a newly mummy.

Inflammatory processes

The rupture of the cervix can have consequences in the form of infectious lesions. Since there was a stitching of the tissues, there are open wounds. Postpartum discharge helps cleanse the vagina. Hence the remnants of mucus and blood. All this can get into a fresh wound and cause an inflammatory process. In this case, the woman begins to note pain in the small pelvis, purulent discharge, having an unpleasant smell. Also in some cases, the temperature rises.

Treatment in this case is usually medicated and is performed on an outpatient basis. However, you need to inform the doctor as soon as possible about your symptoms. Otherwise, the infection can pass to neighboring organs and affect the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Eversion of the cervix

If the gap has not been corrected properly, the consequences of the pathology may be the most unpredictable. So, in the absence of stitches on the base of the cervical canal, the cervix turns out. In this case, that part of the mucosa, which normally lies inside, goes into the vaults of the vagina. This leads to a chronic inflammatory process.

Treatment in this case is more often surgical. Some women at all prefer to leave everything as is. At the same time, miscarriages, premature births or cervical insufficiency in subsequent pregnancies may be a consequence of improper placement of the cervix.

Can I give birth after treatment of pathology?

Childbirth after cervical rupture is possible. If the treatment was carried out correctly and on time, then the consequences will most likely not arise. However, in the absence of correction, the next pregnancy can occur with complications.

  • Often when the child is born after the rupture, there is a possibility of ischemic-cervical insufficiency. In this case, it is necessary to apply seams to the neck to avoid premature birth.
  • During cramping, the cervical canal may not open completely. This leads to a repeated dissection of the mucous membranes.

Oncological pathologies

After rupture of the cervix in childbirth and lack of treatment, the risk of malignant lesions increases. Most often, the beginning of such a pathology is erosion. This is due to the fact that the inner epithelium extends outward and is attached to the vaults of the vagina.

Uterine ruptures

In addition to dissecting the mucous membranes of the cervical canal, a woman may encounter such a phenomenon as perforation of the genital organ. It is worth noting that this pathology is more serious. It can rarely be overlooked. Most often, uterine ruptures are accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. Such sensations are caused by a reduction in the walls of the organ and extensive internal bleeding. Also, a woman's pulse and blood pressure may drop, dizziness and weakness appear . All this is a consequence of blood loss.

In medicine, there are three types of discrepancies in the walls of the uterus: a threatening rupture, which began and has occurred. It should be noted that at the outset, the symptoms are not as significant as when the membranes of the genital organ are completely separated.

When there is a pathology and how to eliminate it?

Rupture of the uterus can occur with some manipulation. This includes hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, scraping of the cavity of the genital organ, setting up a spiral and so on. Rupture of the uterus during pregnancy is most often due to the presence of a scar on one of the walls of the organ. Treatment in this case should be carried out immediately. It is conducted under general anesthesia, when the patient is immersed in a state of deepest sleep.

Correction always depends on what area the uterus has ruptures. Undoubtedly, doctors are doing their best to preserve the genital organ. However, in some cases this can not be done. If this happens, the surgeon removes the uterus along with the cervical canal and neck. Rupture of the uterus can cause the most deplorable consequences. Let us consider them in more detail.

Massive hemorrhage

Rupture of the uterus is always accompanied by blood loss. At a threatening divergence of the walls, there is damage to the vessels of the inner membranes. In this case, blood does not normally enter the abdominal cavity. However, the patient can note the presence of a pink admixture in the urine and discharge from the vagina. Rupture of the uterus during labor is always accompanied by contractions. This fact can give a blurred clinical picture.

With the beginning or the completed divergence of the membranes, there is increased intra-abdominal bleeding, which is exacerbated by the onset of contractions. A woman observes severe continuous pain in the abdomen. In some cases, the area around the navel can become blue.

This condition is very dangerous. The consequence of pathology is often fatal. That is why it is worth as soon as possible to provide medical care to a woman. With the break, the child is almost never saved. Only the lucky ones survive after such oxygen starvation. In this case, the pathology can affect the further life of the baby and cause developmental delays or other consequences.


Rupture of the uterus during childbirth consequences can be quite complicated. If the pathology is not found on time, then the physicians are forced to remove the genital organ. This will help save the woman's life. After such an operation, the representative of the weaker sex is considered barren. She will never be able to bear and give birth to a child.

It is worth noting that this effect is often accompanied by depression and stress. Especially women suffer, who do not have children or babies died as a result of oxygen starvation.

Adhesive process in the pelvic region

If there is a rupture of the uterus along the scar or outside this area, bleeding often leads to the formation of adhesions. All is explained quite simply. The fluid that has entered the abdominal cavity can not be completely removed. As a result, it thickens, the thinnest film appears. They glue the organs together. In medicine, such formations are called spikes.

The appearance of such parts causes permanent pain in the lower abdomen, disruption of the organs. Often they lead to infertility and a risk of ectopic pregnancy.


If there is a perforation of the uterus, the consequence may be inflammation or infection. The hole must always be sutured. After such manipulation there is separation of the syphilis. In the wound can get pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. All this leads to an infection.

Treatment of such consequences is most often based on the use of medications. This includes antimicrobial, antibacterial and immunomodulating therapy.

Aesthetic and psychological side

The consequence of rupture of the uterus is always the imposition of sutures on the lower part of the abdominal cavity. In this case, the cut may have a horizontal or vertical position. Such wounds remain for the rest of their lives and constantly remind the woman of what happened to her. Many representatives of the weaker sex begin to feel shy about their body because of the presence of a large scar.

It is also worth mentioning about the psychological side. Most women experience stress after such manipulation. Used anesthesia can affect the condition of the skin, hair, nails and worsen memory.

Can I give birth after treatment of pathology?

Labor after a rupture of the uterus is possible only if the woman has a reproductive organ. At the same time, most doctors insist on conducting cesarean section, as they fear the recurrence of complications.

It should be noted that in the presence of stitches on the cavity of the childbearing organ, it is necessary to carefully monitor the course of another pregnancy. Such women are more often prescribed ultrasound and additional manipulation.

If there is a seam on the uterus, then there is a risk of ingrown into it the placenta. This can be learned only in the process of birth. In this case, doctors often delete the pathological child's place together with the organ. This also happens through caesarean section.

Can complications be avoided?

Ruptures of the uterus and its cervix can be prevented. To do this, you need to listen to the advice of specialists and follow all the recommendations during childbirth. Most women find it difficult to control themselves in this process. That is why there are various complications.

Even before pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo examinations and, if necessary, to carry out treatment. It is worth noting that the presence of sexual infections and inflammatory processes causes the emergence of risks. Such groups of women have loose mucous membranes, infected with microbes.

Summing up and a small conclusion of the article

If you already had breaks and you are planning another pregnancy, you should visit a gynecologist before that. The doctor will conduct an examination and give you the necessary recommendations.

In some cases, a preliminary correction may be necessary, which will help to eliminate complications in the future. Be healthy and do not be ill!

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