Food and drinkCooking tips

Useful tips on how to cook a cold

The chill is a rich broth made of meat and bones, which is brought to a jelly-like state. This consistency is, in many respects, due to collagen, a substance that is contained in pork legs, ears, cartilage, bones or chicken legs and wings. Thanks to these ingredients, this dish is very useful for human joints, and with the help of mustard or horseradish it is easy to add a piquant taste.

Before you prepare a cold, you need to choose the right ingredients. Initially, he prepared only from the beef, brains and legs. However, now the dish has undergone significant changes, with the main component of many prefer to make pork. In order for the broth to freeze without the use of gelatin, you need to stop your choice on the head and legs of a piglet. It is necessary to know that unlike beef such a cold will be more cloudy and greasy. It is very important to pay attention to the freshness of meat. Before cooking, the legs should be soaked in cold water for about an hour, and then lightly scraped.

If we talk about how to cook a pork chill, these ingredients will be enough. But many housewives prefer to add other types of meat here. In this case, you can take the pork legs for the jelly effect, and for the meat part - beef tenderloin or chicken fillet. It should be noted that it should not contain a lot of fat, since the pig's head and legs already contain it in sufficient quantity.

Before you prepare a cold, you need to choose the appropriate container for cooking and for the subsequent dish. In the first case it should be a large saucepan, with a volume of at least 5 liters. For ready broth more often use small bowls, not too deep and wide (so it will be better to freeze).

In order to cook a cold, take the following vegetables: onions, carrots, celery, greens. Here the cooking technology can differ, because of what there is a difference in the taste of the prepared dish. Some housewives lay all at once with meat ingredients after boiling water, and take out after an hour and a half. Others - 1.5 hours before the end. Vegetables are laid clean, in a general form. Here it is necessary to carefully monitor that they do not fall apart and turn into porridge, but in time to remove them from the broth after they have given the desired taste.

Spices in this dish can be used according to your preferences. However, in most cases, use bay leaves, peppercorns, fennel seeds, cloves. It is better to lay them at the beginning of cooking, at the same time as meat.

The salt is added an hour before the final preparation of the jelly. This moment is very important, since the under-salted dish will be insipid, and it is impossible to eat salted after hardening.

Preparing this dish for a long time, so you need to be patient. The average cooking time is from 6 to 12 hours. After the end, meat is extracted separately and the broth is filtered. Meat ingredients are better to be disassembled into fibers by hands, so there will be more confidence that splinters of bones will not get here. However, if you want, you can use a meat grinder or a food processor. The resulting pieces are decomposed portion by portion into prepared bowls.

In order to determine whether the broth will solidify or not without the use of gelatin, you can drop a little on your fingers. If they stick together after that, you can not add anything else. The broth is poured into the dishes, where the meat is already spread and placed in a cold place until it freezes.

Recommendations on how to cook a cold is a lot. So, some mistresses before cooling a dish put there circles of boiled carrots and the cut egg. To add piquancy, you can add garlic, passed through the press. In most cases, a cold is served with mustard or horseradish.

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