HealthDiseases and Conditions

Trismus of the jaw: causes, symptoms and treatment

Trism of the jaw is a special spasm of the chewing musculature, which is accompanied by a restriction of the movement of the lower jaw. The reason for this condition is persistent irritation of the trigeminal nerve, which arises from the development of certain diseases of the oral cavity, fracture of the lower jaw, improper conduct of operative treatment of teeth. Trismus of the jaw is considered the earliest sign of rabies, tetanus, epilepsy, meningitis (a certain type of it), and can also be observed at a time of intense emotional arousal - for example, in hysteria. In some cases, this condition occurs as a result of cerebral hemorrhage, when the patient needs immediate medical attention.

The main symptom of trismus of the jaw is a strong tension in the temporal and chewing muscles. Teeth at this moment, as a rule, are squeezed, because of what it is impossible to open your mouth, fully speak and eat. In some cases, after the appearance of trismus, a slight opening of the mouth is possible.

Trism of the jaw requires compulsory medical intervention, in rare cases - surgical. Diagnosis of this condition is very simple. A specialist has only one glance at the patient's face in order to make an accurate diagnosis. If the cause of such a spasm is not known, the doctor tries to establish it as soon as possible, since his further actions depend on this. For example, the epileptic seizure, accompanied by trisus of the jaw, requires the introduction of an antiepileptic drug into the patient's body. If suspected of rabies, the patient is urgently hospitalized. The main symptoms of rabies appear several days after the infection (after a bite of the sick animal). These include: insomnia, nightmares, increased anxiety, anxiety, dry mouth, pain in the muscles. At the last stage of its development, the disease manifests itself by raising the temperature to +42 degrees, paralysis of the limbs, the appearance of convulsions and trism of the jaws. Treatment of rabies is impossible, the outcome of it is always flying.

In the event that trismus of the jaw arose due to the development of inflammation in the oral cavity, physiotherapy and antibiotic treatment are prescribed. If the patient has hysteria, severe stress, depression, the basis of treatment is sedative (sedatives).

Long-term trisus requires mandatory hospitalization of the patient. In the walls of the medical institution, the necessary measures are taken to maintain the normal state of his body: artificial feeding, subcutaneous administration of the necessary amount of fluid to maintain the water balance. In some cases, the patient is given an injection of Botox into the jaw, which allows him to eat normally. Specialists at the same time have the opportunity to examine his condition and take steps to eliminate trism.

Often the spasm of the masticatory muscle accompanies the dislocation of the jaw, the treatment of which consists in restoring the joint to the habitual place of its location. This procedure should be carried out by a specialist. If a dislocation is detected, you should call an "ambulance" and before fixing the doctor fix the dislocated place, tie it with a neck scarf. After the jaw is fixed, a special immobilizing bandage is applied on it, which restricts all movements of the site of the dislocation. If it hurts the jaw joint, anesthetizing injections may be prescribed. Further, for two weeks, the victim eats exclusively dried soups and porridges. The procedure of correction is carried out under local or general anesthesia. The outcome of treatment is favorable in most cases.

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