HealthAlternative Medicine

Tincture on kalgan on moonshine: properties, benefits and harm

Increasingly, they began to use herbs to treat various diseases. People resort to phytotherapy, especially when official medicine does not bring any results. Great popular is a folk remedy like tincture on the kalgan at moonshine. It helps to effectively resist a variety of pathologies.

Tincture on kalgan on moonshine: properties

The use of the root of this plant is explained by the presence of tannins and flavonoids in the composition, which reduce capillary and membrane permeability. It contains ascorbic acid and gum, which removes toxins, reduces appetite, cholesterol and the negative effects of certain medications. Resins are also found in the erect tabular.

All these components make the infusion from the root of the Kalgan an excellent immunomodulating, antibacterial and disinfectant. In addition to tannins, organic acids and essential oils also enter the plant. In addition, the saplings contain selenium, manganese, zinc, wax and copper.

Tincture on kalgan on moonshine, whose health benefits are invaluable, has bactericidal, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent, analgesic and hemostatic effect.

What treats the epilepticus erect?

At various pathologies the tincture on kalgan on moonshine perfectly helps. What is the use of it, we will consider in more detail. This plant is often used in the fight against the following ailments:

  • Impotence and prostatitis;
  • Malignant tumors of the pancreas and stomach;
  • Cirrhosis and jaundice.

Often, the spine is used upright to stop internal bleeding or to ease the condition in painful periods. Tincture on kalgan on moonshine is still used for gargling with angina, and compresses from it treat frostbite and burns. Moreover, this remedy is sometimes given in dysentery, since kalgan has a similar antimicrobial activity to penicillin. For these medicinal qualities the plant is still called among the people "the mighty".

Tincture on the Kalgan on moonshine, the use of which has been known since ancient times, performs other functions. For example, it is used to accelerate the process of healing of abrasions. To do this, it is necessary to apply a little medicinal liquid on a cotton swab and apply to the wound.

Tincture based on the root of Kalgan to increase potency

This plant helps to get rid of sexual impotence. Quite often, when such problems arise, men try to eliminate impotence with medicines. However, drugs that increase potency, can only give a temporary result, while the disease itself remains unchanged.

When a man encounters sexual disorders, his body needs rejuvenation, so he should first turn to medicinal plants. Tincture on the celband on moonshine is beneficial for the work of the heart muscles, thereby stimulating the flow of blood to the organs of the small pelvis. This healing broth helps restore reduced potency.

Decoction based on moonshine and kalgan root acts as a natural soothing and antidepressant, besides it improves the metabolism in the body. Such a remedy has an effect on the nervous system, eliminating psychogenic disorders: the effects of stress, overstrain and insomnia.

It is often used to treat emerging sexual problems in women and men. Medicines made from erect crawfish are used to eliminate prostatitis, which often causes impotence.

Preparation of "calgary" for improving potency

To get rid of sexual impotence, preparing tincture on the calgary on the moonshine. First you need to pour 100 grams of the plant 500 ml of alcohol. Then you should remove the mixture in a dark place for 3 weeks. Every day you need to shake the bottle with the medicine for stirring once a day. After the expiry of the term, the remedy will only drain.

Tincture on the calgary on the moonshine for potency is used every day for 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day. Of course, it is desirable to drink it in the evening. The duration of therapy to increase potency should be at least a month. Then a break is done for 10 days, after which the treatment is repeated. To get rid of impotence, usually 2-3 courses are enough. This means on the basis of the Kalgan perfectly helps with sexual impotence in men.

Broth with coffee beans and the root of the Kalgan

To prepare this tincture you need a strong brew of about 1 liter, a few grains of coffee and 5 grams of dried plants. Insist this healing drink will have at least 2 weeks. Coffee beans in it serve as a fragrance, and with their help you can give the tincture a reddish-brown tint and a pleasant taste.

After 14 days the drug will be ready for use, it must be passed through gauze or a filter. Then the broth is cleaned in a cool place for about 2-3 days. Then you can drink the resulting drink with a pronounced aroma of coffee.

When you insist on moonshine longer than the specified time, it turns out even tastier and stronger. True, there may be sharpness, which can easily be removed with glucose, dextrose or sugar.

Tincture for better health

To get a high-quality drink, you need the following ingredients:

  • 5 grams of a root of a cinquefoil erect;
  • 1 liter strong mug at least 40 degrees;
  • 15 pieces of raisins;
  • 5 partitions of walnut;
  • 6 hips of dog rose;
  • Pinch of cinnamon;
  • 1 pea of black pepper.

All these components should be added to the glass container and mixed thoroughly with a wooden spatula or spoon. The resulting mixture is filled with moonshine. To improve the taste and remove bitterness, you can put in a drink 10 grams of sugar or glucose.

After 3 weeks, the drink is filtered and poured into a pre-prepared bottle. Keep this medicine is best in the refrigerator. After 14 days the product will be completely ready for use. It can be used not only for treatment, but also as an additive to meat dishes.

If moonshine has too bitter or sharp taste, it can pour the root of licorice to soften and eliminate the unpleasant taste of the drink. But when adding natural honey to the "kalganovka", the liquid will become cloudy, which must be taken into account. Correctly prepared tincture has a beautiful shade and has a rose aroma.

The use of the Kalgan-based remedy for the treatment of other pathologies

Tincture of moonshine and root of cinquefoil erectile is used externally with skin diseases in the form of lotions and compresses. If she wipes her face every day, she will be able to get rid of and prevent the appearance of acne, rash and acne. It also rubs the diseased areas with arthrosis, radiculitis, polyarthritis and rheumatism.

With the remedy for cold, it is recommended to gargle with the throat and mouth cavity. For the treatment of cardiac diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, it should be taken in the morning, afternoon and evening for 30 drops 35 minutes before meals. Tincture based on this plant helps in some cases to prevent heart attack and stroke.

Tincture on the kalgan at moonshine: benefit or harm

If you misuse this drug for medicinal purposes, you can damage the body. It is forbidden to take it if there is a tendency to alcoholism or constipation. Also, one should not be treated with tincture from kalgan and moonshine to patients with hypertension and a high tendency to thrombosis. You can not use it when:

  • Increased coagulability of blood;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Reduced acidity of gastric juice.

The drug on the basis of Kalgan should not be taken during the bearing of the child and children. When an overdose of a curative drink there are sharp pains in the abdominal area and vomiting.

Procurement of raw materials

To make this medicinal tincture from the root of the tentacle erect, you must first properly harvest the plant. For therapeutic purposes only the roots of the Kalgan are used. They must be dug in the spring or early autumn, because it is in this period that they contain the most useful substances.

The roots should be cleaned well from the ground and washed, then they should be slightly dried. Lay out the raw materials in a place where the rays of the sun do not fall. At the same time, the roots are cut first, because after drying they become too hard. Store the plant in dry form can be no more than 4 years, since then it loses its healing qualities. Tincture of moonshine and kalgan should be washed down with water, otherwise you can burn your stomach.

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