Food and drinkWines and spirits

Tincture of plum on vodka. Recipes and tips

Tincture of plum on vodka is called rakia. Usually the strength of this drink is equal to the strength of vodka, but at home it sometimes turns out more. The female half of the population prefers a weak plum pouring, which is more like liquor or wine. But this is a personal matter for everyone, to your own taste. There are several recipes for how to make such a drink.

With bones

From the name it is clear that in order to get a tincture of plums on vodka for this method, you do not have to remove the bones from the berries. The volume of the finished product will depend on how many ingredients you have taken. Keep in mind that the process takes a long time - about half a year (+ / - a couple of months). So, tincture of plum on vodka requires:

  • Ripe and whole berries (so that it is enough for a full three-liter jar);
  • Vodka (on the assumption that it will fill the berries to the brim);
  • Sugar (to taste).

Wash berries and dry. Lay in the jar so that they lie freely, not strongly pressing each other up to the very neck. Pour the vodka to the brim. Cover everything with a lid and put in a warm place for one and a half to two months. Every day the color will be brighter. As a result, vodka from the plums will become a rich red color.

At the end of time, remove the berries from the jar (do not empty the liquid), fill them with sugar and shake the container thoroughly. Within two weeks, the berries will give off the juice, which, mixed with sugar, will give a unique sweet and fragrant syrup. Then just pour the plums into a colander, first putting the pan down, where the sweet juice will merge. It is viscous, you can leave it for the night, so that all syrup is guaranteed to drop by drop. Mix together the two parts of the tincture: sweet juice and infused vodka. Close everything in the bank, put it in a warm place and insist another couple of months. Plum on vodka has a unique aroma. Do not be alarmed if the alcohol meter does not show degrees. The main composition of the filling - fructose and sucrose from the plum, and not vodka, which was added.


Tincture of plum on vodka without pits is prepared similarly to the first method. But there is another option:

  • Pour the berries without pits into a jar and pour vodka;
  • Insist a few days;
  • Then introduce sugar and insist under the glove for a couple of weeks;
  • The prospected berries are extracted;
  • Dry them in the oven for several hours at a temperature of 120-230 degrees;
  • Tincture to cork and put in a dark place - to reach;
  • Put the berries in a box, each layer by laying parchment paper.

So at you it turns out at once two products: tincture from plum on vodka and sweet-dried berries for snack or additive in desserts. That is, all the ingredients pay off. To tincture turned out not too strong, sugar can not be added to it, but diluted with sugar syrup without an alcoholic component. The longer the beverage is infused, the more flavor and flavor. You can store it for three to four years without compromising the quality of the tincture! The recipe with the use of bones has its own distinctive feature - the drink acquires their taste, which perfectly shades the palette of taste.

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