HealthDiseases and Conditions

Throat diseases: causes, treatment, possible complications

Recently, many people have stopped paying serious attention to throat diseases, and under treatment they understand the banal reception of candies. Such a frivolous attitude toward one's health is dangerously serious.

Diseases of the throat with weakened immunity can give complications to the heart, kidneys and joints or cause problems with the vocal cords. Therefore, any disease of the throat needs to be properly treated, on time and correctly diagnosed and determined the cause of the disease.

Causes of Throat Disease

There are many causes that cause inflammation of the throat. The disease is acute or chronic, external or internal. The causative agents of the disease most often is infection and microbes that affect either the tonsils and cervical glands, or the surface of the mucous membranes.

Throat disease can be caused by swelling, trauma, sore throat, thyroid disease. The load on the vocal cords, irritation with mucous alcohol, effervescent beverages and tobacco also provoke a sore throat.

Types of throat diseases

The most common diseases of the throat include pharyngitis, laryngitis and angina. With pharyngitis, the back wall of the pharynx inflames as a consequence of getting into the body of a virus or infection. Pharyngitis is accompanied by a dry cough, runny nose, slightly fever, hoarseness.

Laryngitis is characterized by loss of voice, increased hoarseness and shortness of breath. With acute laryngitis, the temperature rises slightly, the disease is sometimes accompanied by a headache.

Angina usually begins suddenly. The patient complains of heaviness in the throat, swollen and reddened tonsils, sometimes becoming covered with a purulent coating. The pain in the throat is worse when swallowing and chewing, the temperature rises significantly. Angina is treated within 1.5 weeks, but with inadequate and untimely treatment it gives serious complications to the kidneys, heart and joints.

Candidiasis of the mucous membranes or fungal diseases of the throat are a disease, the causative agent of which are Candida yeasts. Despite the fact that candida live in the body of almost all people, but the fungus in the throat is not always called. Fungal diseases of the throat in a person arise when immunity is reduced or a session of unmotivated reception of antibiotics and other drugs was conducted.

The main symptoms of candidiasis is the appearance of inflammation in the throat with bubbles, erosions and cracks. The mucous coat is covered with white curdled discharge. The affected surfaces itch unpleasantly.

Treatment of throat diseases

Any throat diseases need timely treatment.

In the treatment of pharyngitis, you can confine yourself to local effects using a spray or tablets for absorption. Effectively conduct all kinds of rinses, apply alcohol compresses, stop smoking and taking alcohol.

With laryngitis it is important to eliminate the causes of the disease. The inhalation is well assisted by steam and warm air. Do not interfere with a plentiful drink, foot baths with mustard.

Treatment of angina is prescribed only by a doctor. As a rule, it is accompanied by the reception of antibiotics and regular rinses. It is important to observe the schedule, so as not to cause even greater harm to health.

Treatment of fungal diseases of the throat is based on the use of antifungal agents (creams, ointments), as well as on the treatment of tablets of systemic action. To the treatment of the fungus proceed only after laboratory testing and confirmation of the presence of yeast-like fungi.


To prevent throat diseases, preventive measures should be taken. To do this, it is sufficient to ventilate the room in a timely manner, avoiding drafts. It is advisable several times a day to wash the nasal cavity, and gargle with saline. At the first symptoms of the disease you need:

  • Do not smoke;
  • As little as possible to talk;
  • relax;
  • Consume a lot of water and warm drinks;
  • Consult a doctor.

Such preventive measures will help prevent the disease and stop the development of complications.

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