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Third trimester of pregnancy: what happens during this period?

The middle of pregnancy is already behind, there is the third trimester of pregnancy - the most difficult segment on the way to the birth of a baby. At this time in the body of a woman there are psychological changes, the weight and size of the uterus increases . The future mother is increasingly tormented by doubts: "How will delivery take place, and if I can become a good mother?"

In the third trimester of pregnancy, all the organs of the child are already formed, and now they are increasing and improving. Dental germ begins to develop, of which later the baby teeth will form. Changes occur in the broncho-pulmonary system. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the bronchial tree branches to the smallest bronchi - the alveoli.

Subcutaneous fat tissue is still very poorly developed, all the skin of the baby is covered with a cheese-like lubricant, which protects the child from the negative effects of amniotic fluid.

Sex organs are at the stage of development. In boys, the testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum, the girls have large labia lips that do not cover the clitoris and the vestibule of the vagina. With each week the fruit is gaining weight, increasing in size and improving. By the end of the thirty-sixth week the child is able to breathe and suck on his own, so if he is born at this time, his chances of survival and normal development will be great enough.

The third trimester of pregnancy presents surprises and a future mother. The weight and size of the abdomen increases. As a consequence, the pregnant woman often shows weakness, fatigue, back pain, insomnia, heartburn.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother adds about 500 grams of weight per week and by the time of delivery the weight gain is about 12-14 kg. This is quite normal and indicates that the child in the womb receives all the necessary substances. Excess weight, like insufficient, negatively affects the health of the mother and child and can lead to complications during childbirth.

As the uterus grows, such unpleasant symptoms of the last trimester of pregnancy appear as eructations and heartburn. This is due to the pressure of the uterus on the stomach, so that its position changes to a higher and horizontal, which slows its release.

To minimize unpleasant symptoms, you should follow some rules. Nutrition in the third trimester of pregnancy should be frequent and divided. After eating, you need to take a vertical position, that is, like 30-40 minutes to help the stomach get rid of its contents. The last meal should preferably be done at least two hours before bedtime.

Another problem for a pregnant woman can be frequent urination, especially disturbing a woman at night. This enlarged uterus presses on the bladder and provokes the urge to urinate. It is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid consumed at night, and also to choose a pose for sleeping, in which the uterus does not press on the bladder.

The third trimester of pregnancy can "please" and the appearance of shortness of breath. You sadly remember the time when you could calmly go up to the sixth floor without an elevator, and now the slightest load causes shortness of breath. The culprit of this phenomenon is the raised diaphragm, because of which breathing becomes more frequent and superficial.

You will have to visit a woman's consultation more frequently to monitor the baby's condition. Ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy is also a mandatory procedure that you will need to undergo at the 33-35 week. The doctor will assess the condition of the fetus and its position in the uterus, measure its weight. The results of this study you will need to take with you to the hospital.

The third trimester of pregnancy is the time of active preparation for childbirth. You are more and more in love with your baby, you feel his jolts and stirring. Despite not all the little troubles of this period, remember that the third trimester of pregnancy brings you closer to the perfect moment of meeting with your child. Easy pregnancy and successful birth!

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