EducationSecondary education and schools

The supplementary education program at the GEF School. Programs of additional education in elementary school for physical education, music, Russian language, ecology

Today's school is designed not only to solve issues aimed at teaching schoolchildren, but also seriously prepare them for the real life that is waiting outside the school. Implementation of such a task is possible only with a comprehensive approach to the education of students. It is the integration of educational and educational components that will ensure the preparation of a self-sufficient personality capable of self-education and successful implementation in the future.

Are additional education programs needed?

A component that allows to take into account the individual development needs of each child is the additional education that is carried out in educational institutions during after-hours. It is designed to help consolidate and deepen the material studied in general education, expand the boundaries of the child known in school, the self-identification of the child in society, the realization of the abilities of children, the differentiation of training needs, and the practical use of knowledge obtained in school.

Characteristics of additional education

The supplementary education program at the GEF School provides for a person-centered approach to students, which provides the conditions for the realization of their inclinations and abilities.

Additional education is an integral part of general education, which contributes to the realization of the needs of each student, reveals gifted children, allows filling the leisure time of schoolchildren, develops their physical form. In addition, it serves to prevent negative phenomena in the children's environment. The supplementary education program at the GEF school is also designed to solve the problem of an individual approach to the selection of a meaningful component of the employment of schoolchildren, taking into account their state of health, the diversity of forms of education.

Speaking about the classes, it should be understood that after-hour activities in the school can be conducted by the teachers of the institution itself, which involves the interaction of a class teacher, psychologist, speech therapist, social teacher, and also teachers of additional education institutions. Taking into account overloads of students and their parents, attraction to additional education on the basis of the school will allow to optimize the educational process, to make it more effective.

General features of additional education

The difference between the additional education and the general is the voluntariness of the choice of the subject of study, the variability of the forms and content of the chosen discipline. Such an approach makes it possible to intensify the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, to focus on self-training, to raise the level of socialization. It is important that additional education allows to deepen knowledge, to introduce them into practice.

The main school program is only a set of theoretical knowledge, the use of which for many children is difficult in practice. Additional education is designed specifically to ensure that the knowledge acquired in the framework of general education contributes to the child's personal growth, encouraged to a deeper investigation and eventually became an assistant in the choice of profession.

In addition to all the above, the feature of additional education is the unification of children of different ages on the principle of their interest in any subject. This approach expands the circle of communication between children, increases their communicative abilities, and the level of socialization.

Specificity of supplementary education in junior school

The educational program of additional education of children in primary school is an important tool that allows early in the formation of a child's personality to determine his inclinations, abilities and, developing them, to promote the development of a harmonious personality. Considering that elementary school pupils still weakly position themselves in society, additional education for this age category is a kind of identifier of the inner self, a source of increasing self-esteem and a springboard for further self-realization.

Supplementary education programs in the primary school should disclose the entire creative potential of the child, "wake up" his internal reserves, which, if successful, will contribute to his early career guidance. In addition, additional education should facilitate the physical activity of children of primary school age, which is possible with the use of extra-hour activities.

Directions for the implementation of additional schooling in the school

The supplementary education program at the GEF School is formed taking into account the wishes of the students and their parents, the availability of the appropriate material and technical base. Assistant in the preparation of such a program will be a questionnaire that will determine the components of the program within the generally accepted recommended structure.

Thus, the sports-recreational, artistic-aesthetic, scientific-cognitive and spiritual-moral directions are envisaged. Each of them can be implemented in specific activities of students: cognitive, entertaining, sports and recreational, artistic creativity, social creativity, tourist-local lore, problem-value communication.

Forms of additional education

The most effective forms of organizing extracurricular activities of students are recognized circles, sections, school scientific societies, etc. Speaking about the forms of additional education in school, it should be recalled that the most effective are the creative ones, demonstrating a non-rapporteur attitude to the delivery of material. In-demand children are excursions, hikes, concerts, performances.

Separately standing forms (olympiads, competitions, exhibitions, competitions) cover gifted children, whose talents and abilities find their realization during extracurricular activities, which is due to greater opportunities for individual work with students.

Physical Education in Supplementary Education

Inclusion of the sports and health component in preschool education is due to general trends towards a significant deterioration in the health of students. The main causes that lead to a decrease in the level of children's health are lack of exercise, pollution of the environment, and a wrong way of life.

The negative factors we named that contribute to the high incidence of children are surmountable. The supplementary education program at the physical education school will be an incentive for students to overcome the propensity to lack of exercise, attachment to electronic means of communication and entertainment. The most frequently used modules of additional education in physical education include the employment of children in checkers, checkers, chess, martial arts (karate, aikido, taekwondo), football, volleyball, basketball.

Art as a form of knowledge of the surrounding reality

The supplementary education program at the GEF school should stimulate the development of talents in the field of artistic and aesthetic direction. The most represented subject in the basic general education, which studies the history, theory and practice of the arts, is literature. Unfortunately, a big gap in the education of today's schoolchildren are such areas as music, visual and stage art. In this sense, the components of additional education render invaluable help in filling this lacuna in knowledge. Circle work, aimed at the formation of a spiritual personality, is carried out taking into account the abilities of students and implies the inclusion of modules of music, choreography, ballet, theater, etc. in it.

The supplementary education program at the music school requires special attention. In addition to educational function, this program should carry out health and psychological. This implies that singing exercises allow the development of a respiratory system, an articulatory apparatus, and also contribute to the removal of psychological barriers.

The place of the Russian language in additional education

The scientific-cognitive direction is intended to expand the horizons of students' knowledge, stimulate their cognitive activity, the desire for project activity, and teach self-training principles.

The supplementary education program at the school in the Russian language assumes a more in-depth examination of the studied material, improvement of speech skills, practical realization of the studied in the project activity. Extra-curricular study of the Russian language is most interesting in the form of a theater studio, which will carry out interdisciplinary links of literature and language, teach acting skills, and raise the level of communicative activity of students.

Ecology - the most important component of additional education

The most important direction of additional education in the school is the ecological one. The need to include this direction in the program is due to the need to nurture love for nature, the Motherland. The supplementary education program in the school on ecology occupies a separate place. This state of affairs is due to the fact that the problems of ecology concern absolutely everyone living on the planet.

Involving a significant number of students in extracurricular activities aimed at protecting the environment, will educate responsible citizens, caring for the gifts of nature. The most promising forms of environmental education will be naturalistic circles, environmental landings for the cleaning of territories, its landscaping.

Objectives of additional education

Summing up, it should be noted that the supplementary education programs at the GEF school are designed to enrich the school, allow children to realize themselves, to engage in socially significant activities. It is this approach that will increase the motivation of schoolchildren for learning, exploratory scientific activity, the development of their talents and, ultimately, will contribute to their future professional training.

A particularly important issue in the preparation of the supplementary education program in primary school is to identify the sphere of interests of younger children, the development of their abilities, which will ensure their successful self-realization in the future. The key point of additional education is its orientation towards success and practical activity.

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