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The series "Vikings": reviews, actors

"Vikings" - a historical series, narrating about the Scandinavian tribes. It came out in 2013 and immediately became popular. A fascinating plot, a variety of characters make the show interesting. In many lists and ratings, the "Vikings" series takes pride of place. Reviews about it are contradictory, but you can definitely say one thing: this picture is worth watching.

Project work

The new series pleased the audience with its colorfulness and reliably recreated by the cold Scandinavian atmosphere. And it is no accident, because the shooting took place in Ireland and in the north of Europe.

Work on the project was conducted under the guidance of a group of directors: Ciaran Donnelly, Ken Girotti and Johan Rank.

Screenwriter of the series Vikings - the famous Michael Hurst. Previously, this man worked on such films as "Xena", "Borgia" and "Tudors" - historical films that were very successful. Music for the series was written by composer Trevor Morris, and the main operators were PJ Dillon and John Bartley.

Significant contribution to the development of the series brought the artists. They made a lot of storyboards for the scenes of sieges and battles. Specially for the filming of the "Vikings" several buildings were built. It took a lot of scenery, working with computer graphics.

The film crew created a wonderful picture - the TV series "Vikings". Actors and the roles they perform harmoniously fit into the general atmosphere of the narrative.

Travis Fimmel - Ragnar Lodbrock, a cunning and powerful viking

This warrior was considered the descendant of Odin, sent to earth in the human body. Ragnar is a cunning, resourceful and intelligent person who is ready to sacrifice everything on the way to fame and recognition. Once he was a farmer, but chose the path of a warrior. For him, even his wife, Lagerta, has no value. Throughout the story, Ragnar has several intrigues with women who play minor roles in his life.

In the second season, the spectators are waiting for a surprise - Ragnar finally achieves his goal and will conquer the throne. The opposition of the tribes, the war and the siege of Paris - all this fell to the lot of a young warrior. His arrogance, conviction of his own exclusivity and divine origin make Ragnar the leader, therefore he leads the vikings' travels. Together with his associates, he opens up new lands and joins them to his kingdom. Ragnar is ready for any blows of fate: he will not be stopped either by bloody sacrifices in honor of the gods, nor by signs that serve the heavens. The cruel, calculating mind of the Viking is something that will help him overcome the trials.

Catherine Winnick - the strong spirit of Lagert

In the role of the wife of the chief Viking Ragnar, Lagerta, the film was made by Kathryn Winnick. This hypostasis is very unusual for the actress. Her previous work - shooting in romantic comedies and action films. Nevertheless, she showed herself well as a warrior.

The fate of the blonde Valkyrie Lagerty is not easy, but her life is full of dangers. The heroine's husband is often not at home, but she is able to protect the children and herself. People even called Lagerta fearless. She knows how to fight and owns a sword no worse than any male warrior. In addition, Lagerta copes well in the battles with the shield, which is also considered a complex and rare skill.

The plot line between Ragnar and Lagerta is complex. Their bonds were fixed by the gods, the fate of the heroes forever connected with each other. The woman has a lot to do: battles, betrayal of her beloved husband, death of close people. However, the strength of her spirit can be envied, because the heroine will cope with all the difficulties. The history of her fate can rightfully be considered one of the most exciting.

Gustaf Skarsgard - Flock, another key character

Flocks are one of the brightest heroes in such a brave band as the TV series "Vikings". Reviews of viewers rarely do without a description of the nature and fate of this person. Flokki is the best friend of the protagonist Ragnar. This Viking is as clever and agile as his companion. Together they overcome many difficulties. On the example of Ragnar and Flokka, one can understand what a real male friendship is.

This hero is an excellent shipbuilder. His ideas more than once save Ragnar and help him in campaigns. Together with the Flock at the very beginning of the series Ragnar goes on a journey that promises him a lot of gold. It should bring Vikings and eternal glory.

It may seem that Flokki is in the shadow of the brilliant leader Ragnar. However, this is not so, because this hero is original and interesting to viewers in a completely different way than the descendant of Odin, and although appears in the plot inextricably with the protagonist, it can also exist separately from him. He even has a special nickname - Raven. Friends are waiting ahead of hard trials and conflicts. The friendly relations of such different personalities make the TV series really exciting.

Clive Stenden - brave Rollo

The example of Rollo shows the most expressive image of the viking in the series. Unlike Flock, he really is in the shadow of his brother, the powerful and insane Ragnar. Rollo always feels second. He is even in love with Lagerta, the wife of his brother. Rollo is a romantic, courageous and honest man who is ready to lay down his head for an expensive man.

Despite the fact that Rollo is older than his brother, he often turns out to be imprudent, and Ragnar has to help him out. The brothers 'relationship is one of the central lines in the series, which gradually develops and reveals the characters' characters before the audience. Despite the envy of Rollo, Ragnar treats him like a brother, the closest and dearest person. However, their invisible feud must one day end, and no one knows what this story will turn into under the name of the series "Vikings". Actors and roles make you think about a lot: life and death, love, friendship and betrayal. However, with the example of Rollo, one can be sure that family ties are often stronger than all others and never disappear.

The Secret of the Viking Fearlessness

Many European nations have always been amazed at the courage and courage of the Vikings in battle. The secret of their many victories is that they were not afraid of death. A lot of attention to this fact was given by the creators of the series "Vikings". The scenes of battles abound in details of how the heroes die. Every Viking is ready to die, standing firmly on his feet and with a sword in his hand.

In Scandinavian culture, this phenomenon is called "death of a real warrior". If a person dies with courage, he goes to heaven, to an eternal feast in the kingdom of Asgard. He is accompanied by beautiful warriors, Valkyries. Such a departure from life was considered ideal for every viking. Many heroes often mention this in dialogues, and some even dream to meet Valkyries as soon as possible, so the battles in the series are shown to be especially cruel and colorful in order to convey the morale and fervor of the heroes. Cold shine of weapons, burning eyes and scarlet blood - all this characterizes the series most vividly. Endless sieges, battles and skirmishes await the audience in this movie. The series "Vikings" is the most exciting picture of the year.

Viking hiking

An important role in the series is devoted to the travels of Scandinavian tribes. Different events make the characters take off from their native place the whole series "Vikings", season 1. The reviews, which give a positive evaluation to the new series, in which the characters overcome a huge distance on the rooks, are always the most numerous. There is a sense of team spirit and a willingness to help the brothers.

Ragnar is the leader in the conquest campaigns of the tribe, and together with him the Vikings open new lands. They travel on a special ship, the Drakkar, which has a specific structure, thanks to which the ship is extremely fast. Viking boats were built only of solid wood. Elasticity of the sail is another advantage of their vessels.

In travel, the heroes moved close to the shore, so as not to lose visible landmarks. Also, the tribes determined the location of the stars and the sun. The fog has always been disastrous for Viking ships. However, the show shows another way of successful navigation - solar stones, which are only in the descendant of the gods, and hence in Ragnar. The ability to determine the position makes it the main in all campaigns, and the veil of secrecy creates a mythical environment around Ragnar.

Religion in the plot of the series

The life of the Scandinavian tribes is inextricably linked with their gods. Religion for these peoples is the basis of their culture and social life. Heroes of the series "Vikings" often turn to the gods of Asgard in their prayers. These gods are sung in one of the oldest Scandinavian works, the Elder Edda. Ragnar often quotes Edda's songs and remembers Odin, his forefather. This is one of the central gods in the religion of the Vikings, who, according to legend, gave his eye for the knowledge of everything in the world. His wife Freya is also considered an important character. She is an example for Lagerta. Strong Freyja, like Lagerta, fights for herself and her honor, and also experiences betrayals of her husband.

Quite differently the Vikings refer to Christianity. Scandinavians scornfully speak about European beliefs, but King Ragnar uses it to achieve his goals. Several times Vikings pass a baptismal ceremony in order to receive valuable gifts from Christians. This historical event is very vividly shown in the TV series "Vikings".

Serie "Vikings": reviews and reviews in the world

The budget of the first season of the series was 40 million dollars, that is, four million was spent for each series. Such a scope could not but interest film critics. Spectators around the world have positively adopted the adaptation of the story of the Scandinavian warriors, and in our country the "Viking" TV series is still coming out. Russia after this premiere released several rental discs with professional sound.

Costumes and scenery involved in the series, were appreciated by the audience quite high. The size of the cathedral, which was built specifically for the shooting of the defense of Paris, has surpassed all the scenery of European films over the past 5 years. The film crew used extras from hundreds of people, and then - from thousands. The process of creating the film was difficult, but the result justified the expectations of the audience. Historical certainty is the main feature of such a film as the series "Vikings". Reviews about the film were much better than expected by its creators.

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