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The most famous people of Russia

The history of a great country is inconceivable without many people. Throughout the world, Russia is famous not only for its vast territories, deposits of minerals and the cleanest lake, but also for the abundance of scientists, artists, actors and musicians. In every generation, like the rare golden grains washed from the sand, there remain famous people of Russia. But the interest is that over time, the criteria by which these unique personalities are chosen are changing. And if previously a famous person was a Nobel laureate, a director who received the first film award, a doctor with public recognition, now this list includes so-called "secular lionesses", gangsta rappers and representatives of the "golden youth". So, who can be referred to the most famous people in Russia?

What are the parameters of the rating?

To get on the list of the most popular personalities is not so difficult as it is considered in society. Of course, it all depends on what kind of personal PR is required. Anyone who does not respect himself at all can be known from the negative point of view. It is enough to become a serial killer, shoot out defenseless animals or defend your views even in the absence of oppression. If the first two options may still seem blasphemous, then the latter is often used in practice. The group "Tatu" became popular precisely on this principle. In the essence of PR lay the supposed non-traditional orientation of adolescent girls, whom society does not accept. Mass hysteria of fans allowed to observe the world phenomenon - people like rebels. Thus, the first criterion for getting on the "Famous People of Russia" list is the difference from the gray mass. A popular person has a role and a bright image, which is understandable to the audience. In the sphere of politics, this is undoubtedly Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who, despite his higher education, extraordinary skills of eloquence and rhetoric, as well as discretion, continues to delight the public to exploit the image of a cynic, rebel and clown.

Not necessarily well-known people of Russia are brave and violate laws; It can be complete opposites, for example, the singer Valeria, glorifying the institution of family and marriage, forgiving the former husband beatings and humiliation. Although, we must admit that she managed to turn the hard period of her life into her own favor and make of this a competent PR move.

First place ranking

There are always disputes, in the center of which are the names of famous people of Russia. Given that now in all media the president of the country is constantly mentioned, it is not surprising that he is in the lead in this rating. His achievements are regularly celebrated by millions of people around the country. In its place it is impossible to imagine another person who would cope with the volume of tasks and problems. Putin's popularity is understandable, albeit unusual. For example, he achieved respect for the people and a certain weight in the society, despite the classical style, the shadow past, divorce with his wife, which is nonsense for the modern society. In addition, there are rumors about Vladimir Putin related to his personal preferences. Many media hunt for his pictures with women and regularly give evidence of his connection with former gymnast Alina Kabaeva. But the truth of these suspicions can not be proved, because the president's reputation is clean, there are no discrepancies. At the same time, the people respect the president for being a simple man and a real man. He goes in for sports, maintaining an excellent physical shape. He is a noble man and even divorce managed to pass with honor and dignity. He is a good father, who raised his daughters away from the media. He loves his dog and is prone to simple weaknesses like fishing. Finally, he is quite an attractive man, which even soloists of the "Strelka" group praised, which made his name a household name for a real male. Do not forget that on his behalf build a full-fledged brand producers of vodka "Putinka", and the root of his name is the word "travel". It's no wonder that the name of the president is rumbling around the world. And it is even more logical that there are talks about awarding him the Nobel Peace Prize.

Unusual contenders for the title of leader

Recently, famous people of Russia are not necessarily Russian. For example, recognized and beloved actor of French cinema Gerard Depardieu, suddenly received Russian citizenship. Almost 20% of Russians noted his act and voted for him when drawing up the lists "famous people of modern Russia." What about Depardieu? He is incredibly charismatic and simple. Behind his shoulders is an impressive luggage of works in the cinema, and included in the gold fund of films. His image is understandable and close to the Russian people. Depardieu is a healthy man, loving life, women and all kinds of pleasures. It is organic in any role and attracts the viewer's eyes. There are also those who do not understand the popularity of the actor: after all, he is not handsome and, apparently, can not play the most ranking roles of heroes-lovers. But is it only this? Gerard will always be in business, which clearly demonstrated the last season of the series "Zaytsev + 1", where the actor played the role of the alter-ego of the father of the protagonist.

By the list

But it is necessary to return to the undisputed leaders of the rating. For example, more than 50% of respondents considered the most popular Dmitry Medvedev. Let him not be noted by strong expressions and serious achievements, being the president of Russia, but the people appreciated his policy, commitment to the chosen case and coordinated work in the team with Putin. Let basically the list of known politicians does not change from year to year, but respondents are not in a hurry to consider them popular. And the oligarchs, which are too many in Russia, also prefer to conceal their sources of income, therefore, they are not very popular among them. After the politicians, the most famous people of Russia are, of course, representatives of show business. Suddenly and unexpectedly, the performer of the chanson Stas Mikhailov flew to the top of the ratings. Never in the country there was a severe need for such music, but, apparently, such a time has come. The main audience of the singer are women, divorced and romantic, suffering from a lack of caress and love. In the simple and uncomplicated lines of Mikhailov's songs, they see the coveted man and therefore earnestly demand new hits. According to Forbes, Stas Mikhailov is the most popular person in Russia.


If the topic is known people of Russia, the list will be incomplete without the prima donna Alla Pugacheva. It is necessary to admit fairly: the woman who sings, has not taken the people deep sense of the songs, but has subdued sincerity and a clear image. She is a real woman, loving, beloved, at times unhappy, but incredibly strong and therefore attractive. A devoted audience forgave her everything: love, marriage, divorce. Her daughter in absentia has already become popular, although, to the credit of Christina Orbakaite, it must be admitted that her acting and performing talent appeared too early. Compared with last year, Pugachev's rating has seriously dropped, but the army of fans has not thinned out. Maybe now she is also attracted by the change in her personal life - a young man next door, two young children, a quiet life and a desire to pass on her knowledge to the younger generation.

The second ten

How else are famous people of Russia determined? Photos of the most popular are the first pages of the media. Over the past year, the rating of Andrei Arshavin has declined, which has proved to be a self-serving person and a two-faced man. Let his ex-wife and not watering the player with dirt, but the divorce became loud and demonstrated the attitude of Arshavin to children and his wife. The dark horse remains Vladimir Pozner, but the TV presenter Andrei Malakhov does not give up positions. His popularity this year is comparable to that of Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov. Philip Kirkorov did not reach the leader. In this he was not helped either by the children born, or by appearances in the media with a violent repentance in their skirmishes with the ladies. Valentina Matvienko, the governor of St. Petersburg, closes the second ten.

Personalities with floating popularity

From year to year the names of popular personalities change. But for a long time now, Timur Yunusov has remained on the lips under the pseudonym Timati. From a young and audacious rapper, Timati has grown to be a full-fledged family man with his wife and child. The boy grew up and zamatorel, so slightly changed his musical style. Admittedly, Timothy was never an overly scandalous individual. His romantic romance with singer Alexa was at the epicenter of the attention of the audience of the project "Star Factory-4". After there was a swift but unconvincing romance with Ksenia Sobchak, in memory of which there was only one video. Timati showed himself as a good friend, a quality performer and a visionary businessman. Of course, he had a good rear in the face of a wealthy father, but the boy did not rest on his laurels, but decided to develop separately from his parent. Popular among their faithful fans are such performers as Grigory Leps, who also performs in the genre of chanson, and Elena Vaenga.

At the peak

For the past year Sergey Bezrukov has remained the undisputed leader in the field of the film industry, who finally revealed himself as a flower. Previously, he was called a sunny boy, and although the charming smile was preserved, she added talent and actor's baggage behind her. Bezrukov is able to any role, and the staff of his fans will provide the film with a rating. The names of famous people in Russia are gradually changing, and the old generation is replaced by a new generation. Maybe that's why there are no Joseph Kobzon, Arkady Raikin, Gennady Khazanov or Sergei Bondarchuk on the lists. They remain loved, but do not reflect the realities of the modern country. At the height of the popularity of young people, with an indefinite age. After all, you can not call the young men Ivan Urgant, Dmitry Nagiyev, Alexander Tsekalo or Sergei Svetlakov? By the way, here it is, the main layer of famous people - humorists. Many of them were given a ticket to life by the KVN and Alexander Maslyakov, whom they never tire of thanking. KVN opened a new sense of humor, far from claims, pathos and worn-out topics. Graduates of KVN do not remain with anything, but are sent to conquer new peaks. For example, the way of many lies in the "Comedy Club", the girls prefer the "Comedy Woom", and the independent people rush to open their own programs and make films.

The life of remarkable people

The fate of media personalities is heavy and unsightly, so they do not advise them to envy, but to dream about the vale of a star. Who would like to have a "tail" in the form of constantly sobbing paparazzi? But you have to keep yourself in shape, knowing that every extra kilogram will be seen and mercilessly criticized. The life of famous people in Russia presupposes close contact with beauty salons, the media, charitable organizations and at times unceremonious photographers who are happy to profit by a successful snapshot. Today's Russia can be cynical and tough. Therefore, today's "stars" are quickly extinguished, and in the eternal memory there are only really well-known people. Such as Sergei Korolev, who launched satellites into orbit, Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin and lysozyme, Nikita Mikhalkov and Vladimir Menchov, famous for their film work. Good chances to gain a foothold in the history of Evgeny Plushenko, which does not leave a chance for opponents, going out on the ice. From the first chord, the pianist Denis Matsuev conquers the public. And who will forget Sergei Yesenin - the master of the rural landscape, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - an outstanding composer and conductor, Yuri Gagarin - the first cosmonaut and many other outstanding people who will be loved and remembered by modern Russia.

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